#include using namespace std; #define rep(i,n) for(int i=0;i<(int)(n);i++) #define repi(i,a,b) for(int i=(int)(a);i<(int)(b);i++) #define all(x) (x).begin(),(x).end() #define foreach(u,v) for(auto (u) : (v)) #define pb push_back #define mp make_pair #define mt make_tuple typedef long long ll; typedef pair pii; typedef vector vi; typedef vector vvi; typedef pair pll; typedef vector vl; const int inf = 1e9; const ll linf = 1LL<<60; const ll mod = 1e9 + 7; const double eps = 1e-9; /* */ int main() { int n; cin >> n; vi c(n); rep(i, n) cin >> c[i]; int one = 0, two = 0, cnt = 0; rep(i, n){ if(c[i] == 1) one++; if(c[i] == 2) two++; if(c[i] > 0) cnt++; } bool ans = false; if(one == cnt and one%2) ans = true; if(two == 1 and one == cnt-1 and one%2) ans = true; cout << (ans ? "A" : "B") << endl; return 0; }