using System; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Numerics; using Enu = System.Linq.Enumerable; class Program { public void Solve() { int N = Reader.Int(), Q = Reader.Int(); var Qs = Reader.IntTable(Q); long[] A = new long[N / BitW + 1]; long[] B = new long[N / BitW + 1]; long scoreA = 0, scoreB = 0; foreach (var q in Qs) { if (q[0] == 0) { long countA = Count(A, q[1], q[2]); long countB = Count(B, q[1], q[2]); if (countA > countB) scoreA += countA; if (countB > countA) scoreB += countB; } else if (q[0] == 1) { RangeOr(A, q[1], q[2]); RangeClear(B, q[1], q[2]); //Console.WriteLine("A:" + Count(A, 0, N - 1) + " B:" + Count(B, 0, N - 1)); } else { RangeOr(B, q[1], q[2]); RangeClear(A, q[1], q[2]); //Console.WriteLine("A:" + Count(A, 0, N - 1) + " B:" + Count(B, 0, N - 1)); } } scoreA += Count(A, 0, N - 1); scoreB += Count(B, 0, N - 1); Console.WriteLine(scoreA + " " + scoreB); Console.ReadLine(); } static readonly int BitW = 64; void RangeOr(long[] A, int from, int to) { int fromI = from / BitW; int toI = to / BitW; for (int i = 0; i < BitW; i++) if (fromI * BitW + i >= from && fromI * BitW + i <= to) A[fromI] |= 1L << i; for (int i = fromI + 1; i < toI; i++) A[i] |= -1L; for (int i = 0; i < BitW; i++) if (toI * BitW + i >= from && toI * BitW + i <= to) A[toI] |= 1L << i; } void RangeClear(long[] A, int from, int to) { int fromI = from / BitW; int toI = to / BitW; for (int i = 0; i < BitW; i++) if (fromI * BitW + i >= from && fromI * BitW + i <= to) A[fromI] &= ~(1L << i); for (int i = fromI + 1; i < toI; i++) A[i] = 0; for (int i = 0; i < BitW; i++) if (toI * BitW + i >= from && toI * BitW + i <= to) A[toI] &= ~(1L << i); } long Count(long[] A, int from, int to) { int fromI = from / BitW; int toI = to / BitW; long count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < BitW; i++) if (fromI * BitW + i >= from && fromI * BitW + i <= to) count += A[fromI] >> i & 1; for (int i = fromI + 1; i < toI; i++) count += BitCount64(A[i]); if (toI != fromI) for (int i = 0; i < BitW; i++) if (toI * BitW + i >= from && toI * BitW + i <= to) count += A[toI] >> i & 1; return count; } static int BitCount64(long x) { x -= x >> 1 & 0x5555555555555555; x = (x & 0x3333333333333333) + (x >> 2 & 0x3333333333333333); return (int)((x + (x >> 4) & 0x0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f) * 0x0101010101010101 >> 56); } } class Entry { static void Main() { new Program().Solve(); } } class Reader { private static TextReader reader = Console.In; private static readonly char[] separator = { ' ' }; private static readonly StringSplitOptions op = StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries; private static string[] A = new string[0]; private static int i; private static void Init() { A = new string[0]; } public static void Set(TextReader r) { reader = r; Init(); } public static void Set(string file) { reader = new StreamReader(file); Init(); } public static bool HasNext() { return CheckNext(); } public static string String() { return Next(); } public static int Int() { return int.Parse(Next()); } public static long Long() { return long.Parse(Next()); } public static double Double() { return double.Parse(Next()); } public static int[] IntLine() { return Array.ConvertAll(Split(Line()), int.Parse); } public static int[] IntArray(int N) { return Enu.Range(0, N).Select(i => Int()).ToArray(); } public static int[][] IntTable(int H) { return Enu.Range(0, H).Select(i => IntLine()).ToArray(); } public static string[] StringArray(int N) { return Enu.Range(0, N).Select(i => Line()).ToArray(); } public static string Line() { return reader.ReadLine().Trim(); } private static string[] Split(string s) { return s.Split(separator, op); } private static string Next() { CheckNext(); return A[i++]; } private static bool CheckNext() { if (i < A.Length) return true; string line = reader.ReadLine(); if (line == null) return false; if (line == "") return CheckNext(); A = Split(line); i = 0; return true; } }