pub trait Zero { fn zero() -> Self; } impl Zero for usize { fn zero() -> Self { 0 } } impl Zero for u64 { fn zero() -> Self { 0 } } impl Zero for u32 { fn zero() -> Self { 0 } } impl Zero for u16 { fn zero() -> Self { 0 } } impl Zero for u8 { fn zero() -> Self { 0 } } impl Zero for isize { fn zero() -> Self { 0 } } impl Zero for i64 { fn zero() -> Self { 0 } } impl Zero for i32 { fn zero() -> Self { 0 } } impl Zero for i16 { fn zero() -> Self { 0 } } impl Zero for i8 { fn zero() -> Self { 0 } } pub trait IsNN {} impl IsNN for usize {} impl IsNN for u64 {} impl IsNN for u32 {} impl IsNN for u16 {} impl IsNN for u8 {} pub trait IsNum: ToNNeg + ToArb { } impl IsNum for N { } pub trait ToNNeg { type Output: Zero + IsNum + IsNN + std::ops::Add + std::ops::Sub + std::cmp::Ord + Copy; fn to_nneg(&self) -> Self::Output; } impl ToNNeg for usize { type Output = usize; fn to_nneg(&self) -> Self::Output { self.clone() } } impl ToNNeg for u64 { type Output = u64; fn to_nneg(&self) -> Self::Output { self.clone() } } impl ToNNeg for u32 { type Output = u32; fn to_nneg(&self) -> Self::Output { self.clone() } } impl ToNNeg for u16 { type Output = u16; fn to_nneg(&self) -> Self::Output { self.clone() } } impl ToNNeg for u8 { type Output = u8; fn to_nneg(&self) -> Self::Output { self.clone() } } impl ToNNeg for isize { type Output = usize; fn to_nneg(&self) -> Self::Output { match self.clone() { num if num >= 0 => num as Self::Output, _ => unreachable!() } } } impl ToNNeg for i64 { type Output = u64; fn to_nneg(&self) -> Self::Output { match self.clone() { num if num >= 0 => num as Self::Output, _ => unreachable!() } } } impl ToNNeg for i32 { type Output = u32; fn to_nneg(&self) -> Self::Output { match self.clone() { num if num >= 0 => num as Self::Output, _ => unreachable!() } } } impl ToNNeg for i16 { type Output = u16; fn to_nneg(&self) -> Self::Output { match self.clone() { num if num >= 0 => num as Self::Output, _ => unreachable!() } } } impl ToNNeg for i8 { type Output = u8; fn to_nneg(&self) -> Self::Output { match self.clone() { num if num >= 0 => num as Self::Output, _ => unreachable!() } } } pub trait ToArb { type Output: Zero + IsNum + std::ops::Add + std::ops::Sub + std::cmp::Ord + Copy; fn to_arb(&self) -> Self::Output; } impl ToArb for isize { type Output = isize; fn to_arb(&self) -> Self::Output { self.clone() } } impl ToArb for i64 { type Output = i64; fn to_arb(&self) -> Self::Output { self.clone() } } impl ToArb for i32 { type Output = i32; fn to_arb(&self) -> Self::Output { self.clone() } } impl ToArb for i16 { type Output = i16; fn to_arb(&self) -> Self::Output { self.clone() } } impl ToArb for i8 { type Output = i8; fn to_arb(&self) -> Self::Output { self.clone() } } impl ToArb for usize { type Output = isize; fn to_arb(&self) -> Self::Output { self.clone() as isize } } impl ToArb for u64 { type Output = i64; fn to_arb(&self) -> Self::Output { self.clone() as i64 } } impl ToArb for u32 { type Output = i32; fn to_arb(&self) -> Self::Output { self.clone() as i32 } } impl ToArb for u16 { type Output = i16; fn to_arb(&self) -> Self::Output { self.clone() as i16 } } impl ToArb for u8 { type Output = i8; fn to_arb(&self) -> Self::Output { self.clone() as i8 } } pub trait Integer: Sized + std::ops::Shl + std::ops::Shr {} impl Integer for usize {} impl Integer for u64 {} impl Integer for u32 {} impl Integer for u16 {} impl Integer for u8 {} impl Integer for isize {} impl Integer for i64 {} impl Integer for i32 {} impl Integer for i16 {} impl Integer for i8 {} /// Trait for properties. pub trait Property: Copy {} impl

Property for P where P: Copy {} /// Types implementing `ToNNegWeight` are able to convert to non-negative weights. /// This trait use the algorithms with potentials (`dijkstra_with_potential`, etc...). pub trait ToNNegWeight { /// converting type. type Output: NNegWeight; /// convert to non-negative weights. fn to_nnegw(&self) -> Self::Output; } /// Types implementing `ToARbWeight` are able to convert to arbitrary weights. /// This trait use to reverse from non-negative weight after converting weight. pub trait ToArbWeight { /// converting type. type Output: ArbWeight; /// convert to non-negative weights. fn to_arbw(&self) -> Self::Output; } /// Trait of arbitrary weights. /// the arbirary weight has infinity, zero and negative infinity. pub trait ArbWeight where Self: ToNNegWeight + ToArbWeight + Property + std::ops::Add + std::cmp::Ord { fn inf() -> Self; fn zero() -> Self; fn neg_inf() -> Self { unreachable!() } } /// Trait of non-negative weights. pub trait NNegWeight where Self: ArbWeight {} /// Trait of weights of integer. /// types implementing this use the scaling algorithms. pub trait IntegerWeight: ArbWeight + std::ops::Shl + std::ops::Shr {} impl IntegerWeight for W where W: ArbWeight + std::ops::Shl + std::ops::Shr {} pub trait SubtractableWeight: ArbWeight + std::ops::Sub {} impl SubtractableWeight for W where W: ArbWeight + std::ops::Sub {} /// Trait of capacity for maxflow, mcf, and so on. pub trait Capacity: ArbWeight + IntegerWeight + SubtractableWeight {} impl Capacity for W where W: ArbWeight + IntegerWeight + SubtractableWeight {} pub trait Cost: ArbWeight + SubtractableWeight + std::ops::Mul {} impl Cost for Co where Cap: Capacity, Co: ArbWeight + SubtractableWeight + SubtractableWeight + std::ops::Mul {} /// Trait for elements of graph (Vertex, Edge, ...) that have ID (usize). /// the elements implementing ID are able to use [`graph::kernel::Properties`]. pub trait ID { /// return id of the element. fn id(&self) -> usize; } /// Implementing ID for usize. impl ID for usize { /// return the own value fn id(&self) -> usize { *self } } /// Trait for vertices of graphs. pub trait Vertex: ID + Eq + Copy { } impl Vertex for V { } /// Trait for edges of graphs. pub trait Edge { /// Vertex type at both ends of edge type VType: Vertex; /// Start point of edge fn from(&self) -> &Self::VType; /// End point of edge fn to(&self) -> &Self::VType; } /// Implementing Edge for the simple tuple. impl Edge for (V, V) where V: Vertex { type VType = V; fn from(&self) -> &Self::VType { &self.0 } fn to(&self) -> &Self::VType { &self.1 } } /// Implementing Edge for the simple tuple. impl Edge for (V, V, P) where V: Vertex, P: Property { type VType = V; fn from(&self) -> &Self::VType { &self.0 } fn to(&self) -> &Self::VType { &self.1 } } /// Trait for adjacency edges of graph. /// Why do we use [`Edge`] as is? There are 2 reasons. /// - To give values to the edges to use Properties (AdjEdge has ID). /// - When using a undirected graph as a directed graph, must swap two ends of edge. pub trait AdjEdge: ID + Edge { /// Edge type of raw edge. type EType: Edge; /// return raw edge. fn edge(&self) -> &Self::EType; } /// Trait for adjcency edges on ResidualNetwork. /// It has reverse edge. pub trait ResidualEdge: AdjEdge { fn rev(&self) -> Self; } /// Trait of graph. pub trait Graph<'a> { /// Type of vertices. type VType: Vertex + 'a; /// Type of edges. type EType: Edge; /// Type of adjacency edges. type AEType: AdjEdge; /// Type of iterator for adjacency list. type AdjIter: std::iter::Iterator; /// Type of iterator for edges list. type EIter: std::iter::Iterator; /// Type of iterator for vertices list. type VIter: std::iter::Iterator; /// return adjacency list from the vertex v. fn delta(&'a self, v: &Self::VType) -> Self::AdjIter; /// return edges list. fn edges(&'a self) -> Self::EIter; /// return vertices list. fn vertices(&'a self) -> Self::VIter; /// return the number of vertices. fn v_size(&self) -> usize; /// return the number of edges. fn e_size(&self) -> usize; } /// Trait of directed graph. pub trait Directed<'a>: Graph<'a> {} /// Trait of undirected graph. /// graphs implementing this hold that the edge `(v, u)` exists for the edge `(u, v)` when the graph /// use as directed graph pub trait Undirected<'a>: Graph<'a> {} /// Trait of bipartite graph. pub trait Bipartite<'a>: Undirected<'a> { /// Type of iterator for vertices in one side. type BVIter: std::iter::Iterator; /// return vertices list in left side. fn left_vertices(&'a self) -> Self::BVIter; /// return vertices list in right side. fn right_vertices(&'a self) -> Self::BVIter; } /// Trait of residual network /// `AEType` must be `ResidualEdge`. pub trait Residual<'a>: Directed<'a> where >::AEType: ResidualEdge {} pub fn generate_func(f: F) -> impl Fn(&AE) -> P where AE: AdjEdge, P: Property, F: Fn(&AE::EType) -> P { move |ae| f(ae.edge()) } use std::ops::{ Index, IndexMut }; #[derive(Clone)] pub struct Properties { vec: Vec } impl<'a, I: ID, W: Clone> Index<&'a I> for Properties { type Output = W; fn index(&self, idx: &'a I) -> & Self::Output { &self.vec[] } } impl<'a, I: ID, W: Clone> IndexMut<&'a I> for Properties { fn index_mut(&mut self, idx: &'a I) -> &mut Self::Output { &mut self.vec[] } } impl<'a, W: Clone> Properties { pub fn new(n: usize, init: &W) -> Self { Properties { vec: vec![init.clone(); n], } } pub fn iter(&'a self) -> std::slice::Iter<'a, W> { self.vec.iter() } } #[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)] pub enum ArbW where W: Zero + IsNum + std::ops::Add + std::cmp::Ord + Copy { Inf, Some(W), NegInf, } impl std::ops::Add for ArbW where W: Zero + IsNum + std::ops::Add + std::cmp::Ord + Copy { type Output = Self; fn add(self, rhs: Self) -> Self { match self { ArbW::Inf => { match rhs { ArbW::NegInf => unreachable!(), _ => ArbW::Inf, } } ArbW::Some(d) => { match rhs { ArbW::Inf => ArbW::Inf, ArbW::Some(d2) => ArbW::Some(d + d2), ArbW::NegInf => ArbW::NegInf, } } ArbW::NegInf => { match rhs { ArbW::Inf => unreachable!(), _ => ArbW::NegInf, } } } } } impl std::ops::Sub for ArbW where W: Zero + IsNum + std::ops::Add + std::ops::Sub + std::cmp::Ord + Copy { type Output = Self; fn sub(self, rhs: Self) -> Self { match self { ArbW::Inf => { match rhs { ArbW::Inf => unreachable!(), _ => ArbW::Inf, } } ArbW::Some(d) => { match rhs { ArbW::Inf => ArbW::NegInf, ArbW::Some(d2) => ArbW::Some(d - d2), ArbW::NegInf => ArbW::Inf, } } ArbW::NegInf => { match rhs { ArbW::NegInf => unreachable!(), _ => ArbW::NegInf, } } } } } impl std::ops::Mul> for ArbW where W: Zero + IsNum + std::ops::Add + std::cmp::Ord + Copy + std::ops::Mul, X: Zero + IsNum + std::ops::Add + std::cmp::Ord + Copy + Into { type Output = Self; fn mul(self, rhs: ArbW) -> Self { match self { ArbW::Inf => { match rhs { ArbW::NegInf => ArbW::NegInf, _ => ArbW::Inf, } } ArbW::Some(d) => { match rhs { ArbW::Inf => ArbW::Inf, ArbW::Some(d2) => ArbW::Some(d.mul(d2.into())), ArbW::NegInf => ArbW::NegInf, } } ArbW::NegInf => { match rhs { ArbW::NegInf => ArbW::Inf, _ => ArbW::NegInf, } } } } } impl std::ops::Mul> for ArbW where W: Zero + IsNum + std::ops::Add + std::cmp::Ord + Copy + std::ops::Mul, X: Zero + IsNum + IsNN + std::ops::Add + std::cmp::Ord + Copy + Into { type Output = Self; fn mul(self, rhs: NNegW) -> Self { match self { ArbW::Inf => { ArbW::Inf } ArbW::Some(d) => { match rhs { NNegW::Inf => ArbW::Inf, NNegW::Some(d2) => ArbW::Some(d.mul(d2.into())), } } ArbW::NegInf => { ArbW::NegInf } } } } impl std::cmp::PartialOrd for ArbW where W: Zero + IsNum + std::ops::Add + std::cmp::Ord + Copy { fn partial_cmp(&self, rhs: &Self) -> Option { Some(self.cmp(rhs)) } } impl std::cmp::Ord for ArbW where W: Zero + IsNum + std::ops::Add + std::cmp::Ord + Copy { fn cmp(&self, rhs: &Self) -> std::cmp::Ordering { match self { ArbW::Inf => { match rhs { ArbW::Inf => std::cmp::Ordering::Equal, _ => std::cmp::Ordering::Greater, } } ArbW::Some(d) => { match rhs { ArbW::Inf => std::cmp::Ordering::Less, ArbW::Some(d2) => d.cmp(d2), ArbW::NegInf => std::cmp::Ordering::Greater, } } ArbW::NegInf => { match rhs { ArbW::NegInf => std::cmp::Ordering::Equal, _ => std::cmp::Ordering::Less, } } } } } impl ToNNegWeight for ArbW where W: Zero + IsNum + std::ops::Add + std::cmp::Ord + Copy { type Output = NNegW<::Output>; fn to_nnegw(&self) -> Self::Output { match self { ArbW::Inf => NNegW::Inf, ArbW::Some(ref num) => NNegW::Some(num.to_nneg()), ArbW::NegInf => unreachable!(), } } } impl ToArbWeight for ArbW where W: Zero + IsNum + std::ops::Add + std::cmp::Ord + Copy { type Output = Self; fn to_arbw(&self) -> Self::Output { self.clone() } } impl std::ops::Shl for ArbW where W: Zero + IsNum + Integer + std::ops::Add + std::cmp::Ord + Copy { type Output = Self; fn shl(self, rhs: usize) -> Self { match self { ArbW::Some(d) => ArbW::Some(d.shl(rhs)), inf => inf, } } } impl std::ops::Shr for ArbW where W: Zero + IsNum + Integer + std::ops::Add + std::cmp::Ord + Copy + std::ops::Shr { type Output = Self; fn shr(self, rhs: usize) -> Self { match self { ArbW::Some(d) => ArbW::Some(d.shr(rhs)), inf => inf, } } } impl ArbWeight for ArbW where W: Zero + IsNum + std::ops::Add + std::cmp::Ord + Copy { fn inf() -> Self { ArbW::Inf } fn zero() -> Self { ArbW::Some(W::zero()) } fn neg_inf() -> Self { ArbW::NegInf } } #[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)] pub enum NNegW where W: Zero + IsNum + IsNN + std::ops::Add + std::cmp::Ord + Copy { Inf, Some(W), } impl std::ops::Add for NNegW where W: Zero + IsNum + IsNN + std::ops::Add + std::cmp::Ord + Copy { type Output = Self; fn add(self, rhs: Self) -> Self { match self { NNegW::Inf => { NNegW::Inf } NNegW::Some(d) => { match rhs { NNegW::Inf => NNegW::Inf, NNegW::Some(d2) => NNegW::Some(d + d2), } } } } } impl std::ops::Sub for NNegW where W: Zero + IsNum + IsNN + std::ops::Add + std::ops::Sub + std::cmp::Ord + Copy { type Output = Self; fn sub(self, rhs: Self) -> Self { match self { NNegW::Inf => { match rhs { NNegW::Inf => unreachable!(), _ => NNegW::Inf, } } NNegW::Some(d) => { match rhs { NNegW::Inf => unreachable!(), NNegW::Some(d2) => NNegW::Some(d - d2), } } } } } impl std::cmp::PartialOrd for NNegW where W: Zero + IsNum + IsNN + std::ops::Add + std::cmp::Ord + Copy { fn partial_cmp(&self, rhs: &Self) -> Option { Some(self.cmp(rhs)) } } impl std::cmp::Ord for NNegW where W: Zero + IsNum + IsNN + std::ops::Add + std::cmp::Ord + Copy { fn cmp(&self, rhs: &Self) -> std::cmp::Ordering { match self { NNegW::Inf => { match rhs { NNegW::Inf => std::cmp::Ordering::Equal, _ => std::cmp::Ordering::Greater, } } NNegW::Some(d) => { match rhs { NNegW::Inf => std::cmp::Ordering::Less, NNegW::Some(d2) => d.cmp(d2), } } } } } impl IsNN for NNegW where W: Zero + IsNum + IsNN + std::ops::Add + std::cmp::Ord + Copy {} impl ToNNegWeight for NNegW where W: Zero + IsNum + IsNN + std::ops::Add + std::cmp::Ord + Copy { type Output = Self; fn to_nnegw(&self) -> Self::Output { self.clone() } } impl ToArbWeight for NNegW where W: Zero + IsNum + IsNN + std::ops::Add + std::cmp::Ord + Copy { type Output = ArbW<::Output>; fn to_arbw(&self) -> Self::Output { match self { NNegW::Inf => ArbW::Inf, NNegW::Some(ref num) => ArbW::Some(num.to_arb()) } } } impl std::ops::Shl for NNegW where W: Zero + IsNum + IsNN + Integer + std::ops::Add + std::cmp::Ord + Copy { type Output = Self; fn shl(self, rhs: usize) -> Self { match self { NNegW::Some(d) => NNegW::Some(d.shl(rhs)), other => other, } } } impl std::ops::Shr for NNegW where W: Zero + IsNum + IsNN + Integer + std::ops::Add + std::cmp::Ord + Copy { type Output = Self; fn shr(self, rhs: usize) -> Self { match self { NNegW::Some(d) => NNegW::Some(d.shr(rhs)), other => other, } } } impl ArbWeight for NNegW where W: Zero + IsNum + IsNN + std::ops::Add + std::cmp::Ord + Copy { fn inf() -> Self { NNegW::Inf } fn zero() -> Self { NNegW::Some(W::zero()) } } impl NNegWeight for NNegW where W: Zero + IsNum + IsNN + std::ops::Add + std::cmp::Ord + Copy {} #[derive(Clone,Copy,Eq,PartialEq,Debug)] pub struct Eite(pub usize); pub struct DiAdjEdge<'a, E: Edge + 'a>(&'a E, usize); impl<'a, E: Edge + 'a> ID for DiAdjEdge<'a, E> { fn id(&self) -> usize { self.1 } } impl<'a, E> Edge for DiAdjEdge<'a, E> where E: Edge + 'a { type VType = E::VType; fn from(&self) -> &E::VType { self.0.from() } fn to(&self) -> &E::VType { } } impl<'a, E> AdjEdge for DiAdjEdge<'a, E> where E: Edge + 'a { type EType = E; fn edge(&self) -> &E { self.0 } } pub struct AdjIter<'a, E: Edge + 'a> { iter: std::slice::Iter<'a, Eite>, edges: &'a Vec, } impl<'a, E: Edge + 'a> std::iter::Iterator for AdjIter<'a, E> { type Item = DiAdjEdge<'a, E>; fn next(&mut self) -> Option { match { Some(ei) => { Some( DiAdjEdge(&self.edges[ei.0], ei.0) ) } None => { None } } } } pub struct EIter<'a, E: Edge + 'a> { i: usize, iter: std::slice::Iter<'a, E>, } impl<'a, E: Edge + 'a> std::iter::Iterator for EIter<'a, E> { type Item = DiAdjEdge<'a, E>; fn next(&mut self) -> Option { match { Some(e) => { let i = self.i; self.i += 1; Some(DiAdjEdge(&e, i)) } None => None } } } pub struct VIter<'a, V: Vertex + 'a> { iter: std::slice:: Iter<'a, Option>, } impl<'a, V: Vertex + 'a> std::iter::Iterator for VIter<'a, V> { type Item = &'a V; fn next(&mut self) -> Option { while let Some(v) = { if v.is_none() { continue; } else { return v.as_ref() } } None } } pub struct DirectedGraph> { n: usize, m: usize, g: Vec>, es: Vec, vs: Vec>, } impl<'a, V, E> Graph<'a> for DirectedGraph where V: Vertex + 'a, E: Edge + 'a { type VType = V; type EType = E; type AEType = DiAdjEdge<'a, E>; type AdjIter = AdjIter<'a, E>; type EIter = EIter<'a, E>; type VIter = VIter<'a, V>; fn delta(&'a self, v: &V) -> Self::AdjIter { AdjIter { iter: self.g[].iter(), edges: & } } fn edges(&'a self) -> Self::EIter { EIter { i: 0, iter: } } fn vertices(&'a self) -> Self::VIter { VIter { iter: self.vs.iter() } } fn v_size(&self) -> usize { self.n } fn e_size(&self) -> usize { self.m } } impl> DirectedGraph { pub fn new(n: usize) -> Self { DirectedGraph { n: n, m: 0, g: vec![Vec::::new(); n], es: Vec::new(), vs: vec![None; n], } } fn vertex_regist(&mut self, v: V) { let i =; self.vs[i] = match self.vs[].take() { Some(vv) => { assert!( ==; Some(vv) } None => { Some(v) } } } pub fn add_edge(&mut self, e: E) { let ei = Eite(self.m); self.m += 1; self.g[e.from().id()].push(ei); self.vertex_regist(e.from().clone()); self.vertex_regist(;; } } impl<'a, V, E> Directed<'a> for DirectedGraph where V: Vertex + 'a, E: Edge + 'a {} pub fn bsr32(x: u32) -> usize { if x == 0 { 0 } else { let mut t = 16usize; for i in (0..=3).rev() { if x & !((1u32 << t) - 1) != 0 { t += 1usize << i; } else { t -= 1usize << i; } } if x & !((1u32 << t) - 1) != 0 { t += 1; } t } } pub struct RadixHeap32 { v: Vec>, last: u32, size: usize, } impl RadixHeap32 { pub fn new() -> Self { let mut temp = Vec::new(); for _ in 0..33 { temp.push(Vec::new()); } RadixHeap32 { v: temp, last: 0, size: 0 } } pub fn pop(&mut self) -> Option<(u32, T)> { if self.is_empty() { None } else { self.size -= 1; if self.v[0].is_empty() { let mut i = 1; while self.v[i].is_empty() { i += 1; } self.last = u32::max_value(); for d in self.v[i].iter() { self.last = std::cmp::min(self.last, d.0.clone()); } for d in std::mem::replace(&mut self.v[i], Vec::new()) { self.v[bsr32(self.last ^ d.0)].push(d); } } self.v[0].pop() } } pub fn push(&mut self, x: (u32, T)) { assert!(self.last <= x.0); self.size += 1; self.v[bsr32(self.last ^ x.0)].push(x); } pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool { self.size == 0 } pub fn size(&self) -> usize { self.size } } pub fn dijkstra_with_radix32<'a, G, F>(g: &'a G, s: &G::VType, cost: F) -> Properties> where G: Graph<'a>, F: Fn(&G::AEType) -> NNegW { type W = NNegW; let n = g.v_size(); let mut dist = Properties::new(n, &W::inf()); dist[s] = W::zero(); let mut heap = RadixHeap32::new(); heap.push((match dist[s] { NNegW::Some(raw) => raw, _ => unreachable!()}, s.clone())); while let Some((raw, ref v)) = heap.pop() { if dist[v] < NNegW::Some(raw) { continue } for ref e in { if dist[e.from()] + cost(e) < dist[] { dist[] = dist[e.from()] + cost(e); heap.push((match dist[] { NNegW::Some(raw) => raw, _ => unreachable!()},; } } } dist } #[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Copy)] enum VIP { Yet, Used, } #[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Copy)] struct Ver(usize, VIP); impl ID for Ver { fn id(&self) -> usize { self.0 + match self.1 { VIP::Yet => 0, VIP::Used => 100000, } } } fn main() { let mut s = String::new(); std::io::stdin().read_line(&mut s).unwrap(); let v:Vec = s.trim().split_whitespace() .map(|e|e.parse().unwrap()).collect(); let (n, m) = (v[0] , v[1]); let mut g = DirectedGraph::new(200000); for _ in 0..m{ let mut t = String::new(); std::io::stdin().read_line(&mut t).unwrap(); let x:Vec = t.trim().split_whitespace() .map(|e|e.parse().unwrap()).collect(); let (v, u, d) = (x[0] - 1, x[1] - 1, x[2] as u32); g.add_edge((Ver(v, VIP::Yet), Ver(u, VIP::Yet), d)); g.add_edge((Ver(v, VIP::Used), Ver(u, VIP::Used), d)); g.add_edge((Ver(v, VIP::Yet), Ver(u, VIP::Used), 0)); g.add_edge((Ver(u, VIP::Yet), Ver(v, VIP::Yet), d)); g.add_edge((Ver(u, VIP::Used), Ver(v, VIP::Used), d)); g.add_edge((Ver(u, VIP::Yet), Ver(v, VIP::Used), 0)); } g.add_edge((Ver(0, VIP::Yet), Ver(0, VIP::Used), 0)); let res = dijkstra_with_radix32(&g, &Ver(0, VIP::Yet), |ep| NNegW::Some(ep.edge().2)); for i in 0..n { let ans = res[&Ver(i, VIP::Yet)] + res[&Ver(i, VIP::Used)]; if let NNegW::Some(d) = ans { println!("{}", d); } } }