//#define NDEBUG #include #include #include namespace n91 { using i8 = std::int_fast8_t; using i32 = std::int_fast32_t; using i64 = std::int_fast64_t; using u8 = std::uint_fast8_t; using u32 = std::uint_fast32_t; using u64 = std::uint_fast64_t; using isize = std::ptrdiff_t; using usize = std::size_t; constexpr usize operator"" _z(unsigned long long x) noexcept { return static_cast(x); } class rep { const usize f, l; public: class itr { friend rep; usize i; constexpr itr(const usize x) noexcept : i(x) {} public: void operator++() noexcept { ++i; } constexpr usize operator*() const noexcept { return i; } constexpr bool operator!=(const itr x) const noexcept { return i != x.i; } }; constexpr rep(const usize first, const usize last) noexcept : f(first), l(last) {} constexpr itr begin() const noexcept { return itr(f); } constexpr itr end() const noexcept { return itr(l); } }; class revrep { const usize f, l; public: class itr { friend revrep; usize i; constexpr itr(usize x) noexcept : i(x) {} public: void operator++() noexcept { --i; } constexpr usize operator*() const noexcept { return i; } constexpr bool operator!=(const itr x) const noexcept { return i != x.i; } }; constexpr revrep(usize first, usize last) noexcept : f(--first), l(--last) {} constexpr itr begin() const noexcept { return itr(l); } constexpr itr end() const noexcept { return itr(f); } }; template using vec_alias = std::vector; template auto md_vec(const usize n, const T &value) { return std::vector(n, value); } template auto md_vec(const usize n, Args... args) { return std::vector(n, md_vec(args...)); } template constexpr T difference(const T &a, const T &b) { return a < b ? b - a : a - b; } } // namespace n91 #include #include #include namespace n91 { void main_() { usize n, m; std::cin >> n >> m; auto d = md_vec(n, n, static_cast(0)); for (const auto i : rep(0_z, m)) { usize a, b; u64 c; std::cin >> a >> b >> c; --a; --b; d[a][b] = std::max(d[a][b], c); d[b][a] = std::max(d[b][a], c); } auto dp = md_vec(1_z << n, n, static_cast(0)); for (const auto u : rep(0_z, n)) { for (const auto v : rep(0_z, n)) { dp[1_z << u][v] = d[u][v]; } } u64 ans = static_cast(0); for (const auto s : rep(0_z, 1_z << n)) { for (const auto from : rep(0_z, n)) { if ((s >> from & 1_z) == 1_z) { continue; } if (dp[s][from] == static_cast(0)) { continue; } ans = std::max(ans, dp[s][from]); const usize t = s | 1_z << from; for (const auto to : rep(0_z, n)) { if ((t >> to & 1_z) == 1_z) { continue; } if (d[from][to] == static_cast(0)) { continue; } dp[t][to] = std::max(dp[t][to], dp[s][from] + d[from][to]); } } } std::cout << ans << std::endl; } } // namespace n91 int main() { n91::main_(); return 0; }