#include #include #include using ull = unsigned long long; using usize = std::size_t; constexpr usize NMAX = 50000; constexpr usize LMAX = 2 * NMAX; ull h[NMAX + 1]; usize a[NMAX + 1], b[NMAX + 1], c[NMAX + 1], d[NMAX + 1], e[NMAX + 1]; int lr[LMAX + 1], du[LMAX + 1]; constexpr usize BS = 1000; constexpr usize BN = (LMAX + BS) / BS; ull hashs[BN][BN]; std::vector cs[BN][BN], cnt[BN][BN]; usize color_cnt[NMAX + 1]; ull hash; int main() { std::cin.tie(nullptr), std::ios::sync_with_stdio(false); usize N; std::cin >> N; for (usize i = 1; i <= N; i++) { std::cin >> h[i]; } const usize L = 2 * N; for (usize i = 1; i <= N; i++) { std::cin >> a[i] >> b[i] >> c[i] >> d[i] >> e[i]; lr[++a[i]] = du[++b[i]] = int(i), lr[++c[i]] = du[++d[i]] = -int(i); } for (usize x = 0; x < L; x++) { for (usize yn = 0; yn < BN; yn++) { const usize xind = (usize)std::abs(lr[x + 1]); if (xind != 0) { cs[x / BS][yn].push_back(e[xind]); } } } for (usize xn = 0; xn < BN; xn++) { for (usize y = 0; y < L; y++) { const usize yind = (usize)std::abs(du[y + 1]); if (yind != 0) { cs[xn][y / BS].push_back(e[yind]); } } } auto von = [&](const usize x, const usize y) { return b[(usize)std::abs(lr[x])] <= y and y < d[(usize)std::abs(lr[x])]; }; auto hon = [&](const usize x, const usize y) { return a[(usize)std::abs(du[y])] <= x and x < c[(usize)std::abs(du[y])]; }; auto add_film = [&](const usize i) { const usize c = e[i]; if (color_cnt[c]++ == 0) { hash ^= h[c]; } }; auto del_film = [&](const usize i) { const usize c = e[i]; if (--color_cnt[c] == 0) { hash ^= h[c]; } }; auto add_del_film = [&](const int i) { if (i > 0) { add_film(usize(i)); } if (i < 0) { del_film(usize(-i)); } }; for (usize i = 0; i < BN; i++) { hash = 0, std::fill(color_cnt, color_cnt + N + 1, 0); usize x = i * BS, y = 0; for (usize j = 0; j < BN; j++) { for (const usize ci : cs[i][j]) { cnt[i][j].push_back(color_cnt[ci]); } hashs[i][j] = hash; const usize ny = std::min((j + 1) * BS, L); for (; y < ny; y++) { if (hon(x, y + 1)) { add_del_film(du[y + 1]); } } } } usize Q; std::cin >> Q; for (usize i = 0, p, q; i < Q; i++) { std::cin >> p >> q, p++, q++; const usize xi = p / BS, yi = q / BS; usize x = xi * BS, y = yi * BS; hash = hashs[xi][yi]; for (usize i = 0; i < cs[xi][yi].size(); i++) { const usize ci = cs[xi][yi][i]; color_cnt[ci] = cnt[xi][yi][i]; } for (; x < p; x++) { if (von(x + 1, y)) { add_del_film(lr[x + 1]); } } for (; y < q; y++) { if (hon(x, y + 1)) { add_del_film(du[y + 1]); } } std::cout << hash << "\n"; } return 0; }