#include using namespace std; using lint = long long int; #define FOR(i, begin, end) for(int i=(begin),i##_end_=(end);i=i##_begin_;i--) #define REP(i, n) FOR(i,0,n) #define IREP(i, n) IFOR(i,0,n) template void ndarray(vector &vec, int len) { vec.resize(len); } template void ndarray(vector &vec, int len, Args... args) { vec.resize(len); for (auto &v : vec) ndarray(v, args...); } template istream &operator>>(istream &is, vector &vec){ for (auto &v : vec) is >> v; return is; } template ostream &operator<<(ostream &os, const vector &vec){ os << "["; for (auto v : vec) os << v << ","; os << "]"; return os; } #define dbg(x) cerr << #x << " = " << (x) << " (L" << __LINE__ << ") " << __FILE__ << endl; constexpr lint MOD = 1000000007; template struct ModInt { using lint = long long; int val; constexpr ModInt() : val(0) {} constexpr void _setval(lint v) { v = (v % mod) + mod; val = v >= mod ? v - mod : v; } constexpr ModInt(lint v) { _setval(v); } constexpr ModInt operator+(const ModInt &x) const { return ModInt((lint)val + x.val); } constexpr ModInt operator-(const ModInt &x) const { return ModInt((lint)val - x.val); } constexpr ModInt operator*(const ModInt &x) const { return ModInt((lint)val * x.val); } constexpr ModInt operator/(const ModInt &x) const { return ModInt((lint)val * x.inv()); } constexpr ModInt operator-() const { return ModInt(-val); } constexpr ModInt &operator+=(const ModInt &x) { return *this = *this + x; } constexpr ModInt &operator-=(const ModInt &x) { return *this = *this - x; } constexpr ModInt &operator*=(const ModInt &x) { return *this = *this * x; } constexpr ModInt &operator/=(const ModInt &x) { return *this = *this / x; } friend constexpr ModInt operator+(lint a, const ModInt &x) { return ModInt(a % mod + x.val); } friend constexpr ModInt operator-(lint a, const ModInt &x) { return ModInt(a % mod - x.val); } friend constexpr ModInt operator*(lint a, const ModInt &x) { return ModInt(a % mod * x.val); } friend constexpr ModInt operator/(lint a, const ModInt &x) { return ModInt(a % mod * x.inv()); } constexpr bool operator==(const ModInt &x) { return val == x.val; } constexpr bool operator!=(const ModInt &x) { return val != x.val; } friend istream &operator>>(istream &is, ModInt &x) { lint t; is >> t; x = ModInt(t); return is; } friend ostream &operator<<(ostream &os, const ModInt &x) { os << x.val; return os; } }; using mint = ModInt; bool ch(int i, int j, int k, int l) { if (k + l == 0) return false; if (k * l == 0 and (i + k + l == 5 or j + k + l == 5)) return false; return true; } bool bunkatsu(int i, int j, int s, int t) { // (i, j) -> (s, t) が許されるかどうか if (s + t and i + j and (s + t == i + j or s + t == i + j - 5) and !(i == s and j == t) and !(i == t and j == s)) return true; else return false; } int main() { int N, K; cin >> N >> K; int L1, R1, L2, R2; cin >> L1 >> R1 >> L2 >> R2; vector>>> dp; ndarray(dp, 5, 5, 5, 5); dp[L1][R1][L2][R2] = 1; mint ret = 0; while (K--) { vector>>> dpnxt; ndarray(dpnxt, 5, 5, 5, 5); if (N == 0) { // Iotのターン REP(i, 5) REP(j, 5) REP(k, 5) REP(l, 5) if ((i + j) and (k + l)) { REP(s, 5) REP(t, 5) if (bunkatsu(i, j, s, t)) { dpnxt[s][t][k][l] += dp[i][j][k][l]; } if (k and i) dpnxt[i][j][(k + i) % 5][l] += dp[i][j][k][l]; if (k and j) dpnxt[i][j][(k + j) % 5][l] += dp[i][j][k][l]; if (l and i) dpnxt[i][j][k][(l + i) % 5] += dp[i][j][k][l]; if (l and j) dpnxt[i][j][k][(l + j) % 5] += dp[i][j][k][l]; } REP(i, 5) REP(j, 5) { ret += dpnxt[i][j][0][0]; dpnxt[i][j][0][0] = 0; } } else { // Takahashiのターン REP(i, 5) REP(j, 5) REP(k, 5) REP(l, 5) if ((i + j) and (k + l)) { if (i * j == 0 and (i + j + k == 5 or i + j + l == 5)) // Takahashiの勝ち { continue; } if (k + l == 1) // Takahashiの負けが確定している場合のみ例外処理 { if (i == 3 and j == 3) { dpnxt[3][4][k][l] += dp[i][j][k][l] * 2; continue; } if (i == 4 and j == 4) { dpnxt[0][4][k][l] += dp[i][j][k][l] * 2; continue; } if (i * j == 0 and i + j == 3) { dpnxt[0][4][k][l] += dp[i][j][k][l]; continue; } } REP(s, 5) REP(t, 5) if (bunkatsu(k, l, s, t)) { if (ch(i, j, s, t)) dpnxt[i][j][s][t] += dp[i][j][k][l]; } if (i and k and ch((i + k) % 5, j, k, l)) dpnxt[(i + k) % 5][j][k][l] += dp[i][j][k][l]; if (i and l and ch((i + l) % 5, j, k, l)) dpnxt[(i + l) % 5][j][k][l] += dp[i][j][k][l]; if (j and k and ch(i, (j + k) % 5, k, l)) dpnxt[i][(j + k) % 5][k][l] += dp[i][j][k][l]; if (j and l and ch(i, (j + l) % 5, k, l)) dpnxt[i][(j + l) % 5][k][l] += dp[i][j][k][l]; } REP(k, 5) REP(l, 5) dpnxt[0][0][k][l] = 0; } dp = dpnxt; N = !N; } cout << ret << endl; }