;; -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
  (sb-int:defconstant-eqx OPT
    #+swank '(optimize (speed 3) (safety 2))
    #-swank '(optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (debug 0))
  #+swank (ql:quickload '(:cl-debug-print :fiveam) :silent t)
  #-swank (set-dispatch-macro-character
           ;; enclose the form with VALUES to avoid being captured by LOOP macro
           #\# #\> (lambda (s c p) (declare (ignore c p)) `(values ,(read s nil nil t)))))
#+swank (cl-syntax:use-syntax cl-debug-print:debug-print-syntax)
#-swank (disable-debugger) ; for CS Academy

;;; Memoization macro

;; Basic usage:
;; (with-cache (:hash-table :test #'equal :key #'cons)
;;   (defun add (a b)
;;     (+ a b)))
;; This function caches the returned values for already passed combinations of
;; arguments. In this case ADD stores the key (CONS A B) and the return value to
;; a hash-table when evaluating (ADD A B) for the first time. ADD returns the
;; stored value when it is called with the same arguments (w.r.t. EQUAL) again.
;; The storage for the cache is hash-table or array. Let's see an example for
;; array:
;; (with-cache (:array (10 20 30) :initial-element -1 :element-type 'fixnum)
;;   (defun foo (a b c) ... ))
;; This form stores the value of FOO in the array created by (make-array (list
;; 10 20 30) :initial-element -1 :element-type 'fixnum). Note that
;; INITIAL-ELEMENT must always be given here as it is used as the flag for `not
;; yet stored'. (Therefore INITIAL-ELEMENT should be a value FOO never takes.)
;; If you want to ignore some arguments, you can put `*' in dimensions:
;; (with-cache (:array (10 10 * 10) :initial-element -1)
;;   (defun foo (a b c d) ...)) ; then C is ignored when querying or storing cache
;; Available definition forms in WITH-CACHE are DEFUN, LABELS, FLET, and
;; You can trace the memoized function by :TRACE option:
;; (with-cache (:array (10 10) :initial-element -1 :trace t)
;;   (defun foo (x y) ...))
;; Then FOO is traced as with CL:TRACE.

;; TODO & NOTE: Currently a memoized function is not enclosed with a block of
;; the function name.

;; FIXME: *RECURSION-DEPTH* should be included within the macro.
(declaim (type (integer 0 #.most-positive-fixnum) *recursion-depth*))
(defparameter *recursion-depth* 0)

(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
  (defun %enclose-with-trace (fname args form)
    (let ((value (gensym)))
         (format t "~&~A~A: (~A ~{~A~^ ~}) =>"
                 (make-string *recursion-depth*
                              :element-type 'base-char
                              :initial-element #\ )
                 (list ,@args))
         (let ((,value (let ((*recursion-depth* (1+ *recursion-depth*)))
           (format t "~&~A~A: (~A ~{~A~^ ~}) => ~A"
                   (make-string *recursion-depth*
                                :element-type 'base-char
                                :initial-element #\ )
                   (list ,@args)

  (defun %extract-declarations (body)
    (remove-if-not (lambda (form) (and (consp form) (eql 'declare (car form))))

  (defun %parse-cache-form (cache-specifier)
    (let ((cache-type (car cache-specifier))
          (cache-attribs (cdr cache-specifier)))
      (assert (member cache-type '(:hash-table :array)))
      (let* ((dims-with-* (when (eql cache-type :array) (first cache-attribs)))
             (dims (remove '* dims-with-*))
             (rank (length dims))
             (rest-attribs (ecase cache-type
                             (:hash-table cache-attribs)
                             (:array (cdr cache-attribs))))
             (key (prog1 (getf rest-attribs :key) (remf rest-attribs :key)))
             (trace-p (prog1 (getf rest-attribs :trace) (remf rest-attribs :trace)))
             (cache-form (case cache-type
                           (:hash-table `(make-hash-table ,@rest-attribs))
                           (:array `(make-array (list ,@dims) ,@rest-attribs))))
             (initial-element (when (eql cache-type :array)
                                (assert (member :initial-element rest-attribs))
                                (getf rest-attribs :initial-element))))
        (let ((cache (gensym "CACHE"))
              (value (gensym))
	      (present-p (gensym))
              (name-alias (gensym))
	      (args-lst (gensym))
              (indices (loop repeat rank collect (gensym))))
              ((make-cache-querier (cache-type name args)
                 (let ((res (case cache-type
                               `(let ((,args-lst (funcall ,(or key '#'list) ,@args)))
                                  (multiple-value-bind (,value ,present-p)
                                      (gethash ,args-lst ,cache)
                                    (if ,present-p
                                        (setf (gethash ,args-lst ,cache)
                                              (,name-alias ,@args))))))
                               (assert (= (length args) (length dims-with-*)))
                               (let ((memoized-args (loop for dimension in dims-with-*
                                                          for arg in args
                                                          unless (eql dimension '*)
                                                          collect arg)))
                                 (if key
                                     `(multiple-value-bind ,indices
                                          (funcall ,key ,@memoized-args)
                                        (let ((,value (aref ,cache ,@indices)))
                                          (if (eql ,initial-element ,value)
                                              (setf (aref ,cache ,@indices)
                                                    (,name-alias ,@args))
                                     `(let ((,value (aref ,cache ,@memoized-args)))
                                        (if (eql ,initial-element ,value)
                                            (setf (aref ,cache ,@memoized-args)
                                                  (,name-alias ,@args))
                   (if trace-p
                       (%enclose-with-trace name args res)
               (make-reset-form (cache-type)
                 (case cache-type
                   (:hash-table `(setf ,cache (make-hash-table ,@rest-attribs)))
                   (:array `(prog1 nil
                              (fill (array-storage-vector ,cache) ,initial-element)))))
               (make-reset-name (name)
                 (intern (format nil "RESET-~A" (symbol-name name)))))
            (values cache cache-form cache-type name-alias

(defmacro with-cache ((cache-type &rest cache-attribs) def-form)
DEF-FORM := definition form with DEFUN, LABELS, FLET, or SB-INT:NAMED-LET."
  (multiple-value-bind (cache-symbol cache-form cache-type name-alias
                        make-reset-name make-reset-form
      (%parse-cache-form (cons cache-type cache-attribs))
    (ecase (car def-form)
       (destructuring-bind (_ name args &body body) def-form
         (declare (ignore _))
         `(let ((,cache-symbol ,cache-form))
            (defun ,(funcall make-reset-name name) ()
              ,(funcall make-reset-form cache-type))
            (defun ,name ,args
              ,@(%extract-declarations body)
              (labels ((,name-alias ,args ,@body))
                (declare (inline ,name-alias))
                ,(funcall make-cache-querier cache-type name args))))))
      ((labels flet)
       (destructuring-bind (_ definitions &body labels-body) def-form
         (declare (ignore _))
         (destructuring-bind (name args &body body) (car definitions)
           `(let ((,cache-symbol ,cache-form))
              (,(car def-form)
               ((,(funcall make-reset-name name) ()
                 ,(funcall make-reset-form cache-type))
                (,name ,args
                       ,@(%extract-declarations body)
                       (labels ((,name-alias ,args ,@body))
                         (declare (inline ,name-alias))
                         ,(funcall make-cache-querier cache-type name args)))
                ,@(cdr definitions))
               (declare (ignorable #',(funcall make-reset-name name)))
      ((nlet #+sbcl sb-int:named-let)
       (destructuring-bind (_ name bindings &body body) def-form
         (declare (ignore _))
         `(let ((,cache-symbol ,cache-form))
            (,(car def-form) ,name ,bindings
             ,@(%extract-declarations body)
             ,(let ((args (mapcar (lambda (x) (if (atom x) x (car x))) bindings)))
                `(labels ((,name-alias ,args ,@body))
                   (declare (inline ,name-alias))
                   ,(funcall make-cache-querier cache-type name args))))))))))

(defmacro with-caches (cache-specs def-form)
  "DEF-FORM := definition form by LABELS or FLET.

 (with-caches (cache-spec1 cache-spec2)
   (labels ((f (x) ...) (g (y) ...))))
is equivalent to the line up of
 (with-cache cache-spec1 (labels ((f (x) ...))))
 (with-cache cache-spec2 (labels ((g (y) ...))))

This macro will be useful to do mutual recursion between memoized local
  (assert (member (car def-form) '(labels flet)))
  (let (cache-symbol-list cache-form-list cache-type-list name-alias-list make-reset-name-list make-reset-form-list make-cache-querier-list)
    (dolist (cache-spec (reverse cache-specs))
      (multiple-value-bind (cache-symbol cache-form cache-type name-alias
                            make-reset-name make-reset-form make-cache-querier)
          (%parse-cache-form cache-spec)
        (push cache-symbol cache-symbol-list)
        (push cache-form cache-form-list)
        (push cache-type cache-type-list)
        (push name-alias name-alias-list)
        (push make-reset-name make-reset-name-list)
        (push make-reset-form make-reset-form-list)
        (push make-cache-querier make-cache-querier-list)))
    (labels ((def-name (def) (first def))
             (def-args (def) (second def))
             (def-body (def) (cddr def)))
      (destructuring-bind (_ definitions &body labels-body) def-form
        (declare (ignore _))
        `(let ,(loop for cache-symbol in cache-symbol-list
                     for cache-form in cache-form-list
                     collect `(,cache-symbol ,cache-form))
           (,(car def-form)
            (,@(loop for def in definitions
                     for cache-type in cache-type-list
                     for make-reset-name in make-reset-name-list
                     for make-reset-form in make-reset-form-list
                     collect `(,(funcall make-reset-name (def-name def)) ()
                               ,(funcall make-reset-form cache-type)))
             ,@(loop for def in definitions
                     for cache-type in cache-type-list
                     for name-alias in name-alias-list
                     for make-cache-querier in make-cache-querier-list
                     collect `(,(def-name def) ,(def-args def)
                               ,@(%extract-declarations (def-body def))
                               (labels ((,name-alias ,(def-args def) ,@(def-body def)))
                                 (declare (inline ,name-alias))
                                 ,(funcall make-cache-querier cache-type (def-name def) (def-args def))))))
            (declare (ignorable ,@(loop for def in definitions
                                        for make-reset-name in make-reset-name-list
                                        collect `#',(funcall make-reset-name
                                                             (def-name def)))))

(defmacro dbg (&rest forms)
  (if (= (length forms) 1)
      `(format *error-output* "~A => ~A~%" ',(car forms) ,(car forms))
      `(format *error-output* "~A => ~A~%" ',forms `(,,@forms)))
  #-swank (declare (ignore forms)))

(defmacro define-int-types (&rest bits)
     ,@(mapcar (lambda (b) `(deftype ,(intern (format nil "UINT~A" b)) () '(unsigned-byte ,b))) bits)
     ,@(mapcar (lambda (b) `(deftype ,(intern (format nil "INT~A" b)) () '(signed-byte ,b))) bits)))
(define-int-types 2 4 7 8 15 16 31 32 62 63 64)

(declaim (inline println))
(defun println (obj &optional (stream *standard-output*))
  (let ((*read-default-float-format* 'double-float))
    (prog1 (princ obj stream) (terpri stream))))

(defconstant +mod+ 1000000007)

;;; Body

(defun main ()
  (let* ((n (read))
         (x (read))
         (cumul (make-array (+ n 1) :element-type 'uint62 :initial-element 0))
         ;; 右をr, ..., n-1まで食べた時点での可能な最左のl
         (llimit (make-array (+ n 1) :element-type 'uint32))
         ;; 左を0, ..., lまで...
         (rlimit (make-array (+ n 1) :element-type 'uint32)))
    (dotimes (i n)
      (setf (aref cumul (+ i 1))
            (+ (aref cumul i) (read-fixnum))))
    (dotimes (r (+ n 1))
      (setf (aref llimit r)
            (sb-int:named-let bisect ((ng -1) (ok r))
              (if (<= (- ok ng) 1)
                  (let ((mid (ash (+ ok ng) -1)))
                    (if (<= (- (aref cumul r) (aref cumul mid)) x)
                        (bisect ng mid)
                        (bisect mid ok)))))))
    (dotimes (l (+ n 1))
      (setf (aref rlimit l)
            (sb-int:named-let bisect ((ok l) (ng (+ n 1)))
              (if (<= (- ng ok) 1)
                  (let ((mid (ash (+ ok ng) -1)))
                    (if (<= (- (aref cumul mid) (aref cumul l)) x)
                        (bisect mid ng)
                        (bisect ok mid)))))))
    (with-cache (:array (5001 5001) :element-type 'uint2 :initial-element 3)
      (labels ((recur (l r)
                 (if (= (+ l 1) r)
                     (if (or (zerop (recur l (- r 1)))
                             (zerop (recur (+ l 1) r))
                             (let ((next-r (aref llimit r)))
                               (and (> next-r l)
                                    (zerop (recur l next-r))))
                             (let ((next-l (aref rlimit l)))
                               (and (< next-l r)
                                    (zerop (recur next-l r)))))
         (if (= 1 (recur 0 n))

#-swank (main)

;;; Test and benchmark

(defun io-equal (in-string out-string &key (function #'main) (test #'equal))
  "Passes IN-STRING to *STANDARD-INPUT*, executes FUNCTION, and returns true if
the string output to *STANDARD-OUTPUT* is equal to OUT-STRING."
  (labels ((ensure-last-lf (s)
             (if (eql (uiop:last-char s) #\Linefeed)
                 (uiop:strcat s uiop:+lf+))))
    (funcall test
             (ensure-last-lf out-string)
             (with-output-to-string (out)
               (let ((*standard-output* out))
                 (with-input-from-string (*standard-input* (ensure-last-lf in-string))
                   (funcall function)))))))

(defun get-clipbrd ()
  (with-output-to-string (out)
    ;; (run-program "C:/Windows/System32/WindowsPowerShell/v1.0/powershell.exe" '("get-clipboard") :output out)
    (run-program "powershell.exe" '("-Command" "Get-Clipboard") :output out :search t)))

#+swank (defparameter *this-pathname* (uiop:current-lisp-file-pathname))
#+swank (defparameter *dat-pathname* (uiop:merge-pathnames* "test.dat" *this-pathname*))

(defun run (&optional thing (out *standard-output*))
  "THING := null | string | symbol | pathname

null: run #'MAIN using the text on clipboard as input.
string: run #'MAIN using the string as input.
symbol: alias of FIVEAM:RUN!.
pathname: run #'MAIN using the text file as input."
  (let ((*standard-output* out))
    (etypecase thing
       (with-input-from-string (*standard-input* (delete #\Return (get-clipbrd)))
       (with-input-from-string (*standard-input* (delete #\Return thing))
      (symbol (5am:run! thing))
       (with-open-file (*standard-input* thing)

(defun gen-dat ()
  (uiop:with-output-file (out *dat-pathname* :if-exists :supersede)
    (format out "")))

(defun bench (&optional (out (make-broadcast-stream)))
  (time (run *dat-pathname* out)))