#include using namespace std; using ll=long long; #define int ll #define rng(i,a,b) for(int i=int(a);i=int(a);i--) #define per(i,b) gnr(i,0,b) #define pb push_back #define eb emplace_back #define a first #define b second #define bg begin() #define ed end() #define all(x) x.bg,x.ed #define si(x) int(x.size()) #ifdef LOCAL #define dmp(x) cerr<<__LINE__<<" "<<#x<<" "< void chmax(t&a,u b){if(a void chmin(t&a,u b){if(b using vc=vector; template using vvc=vc>; using pi=pair; using vi=vc; template ostream& operator<<(ostream& os,const pair& p){ return os<<"{"< ostream& operator<<(ostream& os,const vc& v){ os<<"{"; for(auto e:v)os< void dmpr(ostream&os,const T&t,const Args&... args){ os< ostream& operator<<(ostream&os,const array&a){ return os<(all(a)); } template void print_tuple(ostream&,const T&){ } template void print_tuple(ostream&os,const T&t){ if(i)os<<","; os<(t); print_tuple(os,t); } template ostream& operator<<(ostream&os,const tuple&t){ os<<"{"; print_tuple<0,tuple,Args...>(os,t); return os<<"}"; } template void print(t x,int suc=1){ cout<>i; return i; } vi readvi(int n,int off=0){ vi v(n); rep(i,n)v[i]=read()+off; return v; } template void print(const vector&v,int suc=1){ rep(i,v.size()) print(v[i],i==int(v.size())-1?suc:2); } string readString(){ string s; cin>>s; return s; } template T sq(const T& t){ return t*t; } //#define CAPITAL void yes(bool ex=true){ #ifdef CAPITAL cout<<"YES"<<"\n"; #else cout<<"Yes"<<"\n"; #endif if(ex)exit(0); } void no(bool ex=true){ #ifdef CAPITAL cout<<"NO"<<"\n"; #else cout<<"No"<<"\n"; #endif if(ex)exit(0); } void possible(bool ex=true){ #ifdef CAPITAL cout<<"POSSIBLE"<<"\n"; #else cout<<"Possible"<<"\n"; #endif if(ex)exit(0); } void impossible(bool ex=true){ #ifdef CAPITAL cout<<"IMPOSSIBLE"<<"\n"; #else cout<<"Impossible"<<"\n"; #endif if(ex)exit(0); } constexpr ll ten(int n){ return n==0?1:ten(n-1)*10; } const ll infLL=LLONG_MAX/3; #ifdef int const int inf=infLL; #else const int inf=INT_MAX/2-100; #endif int topbit(signed t){ return t==0?-1:31-__builtin_clz(t); } int topbit(ll t){ return t==0?-1:63-__builtin_clzll(t); } int botbit(signed a){ return a==0?32:__builtin_ctz(a); } int botbit(ll a){ return a==0?64:__builtin_ctzll(a); } int popcount(signed t){ return __builtin_popcount(t); } int popcount(ll t){ return __builtin_popcountll(t); } bool ispow2(int i){ return i&&(i&-i)==i; } int mask(int i){ return (int(1)< void mkuni(vc&v){ sort(all(v)); v.erase(unique(all(v)),v.ed); } ll rand_int(ll l, ll r) { //[l, r] #ifdef LOCAL static mt19937_64 gen; #else static random_device rd; static mt19937_64 gen(rd()); #endif return uniform_int_distribution(l, r)(gen); } template int lwb(const vc&v,const t&a){ return lower_bound(all(v),a)-v.bg; } //VERIFY: yosupo //KUPC2017J //AOJDSL1A //without rank struct unionfind{ vi p,s; int c; unionfind(int n):p(n,-1),s(n,1),c(n){} int find(int a){ return p[a]==-1?a:(p[a]=find(p[a])); } //set b to a child of a bool unite(int a,int b){ a=find(a); b=find(b); if(a==b)return false; p[b]=a; s[a]+=s[b]; c--; return true; } bool same(int a,int b){ return find(a)==find(b); } int sz(int a){ return s[find(a)]; } }; signed main(){ cin.tie(0); ios::sync_with_stdio(0); cout<>n; unionfind uf(n); vi deg(n); rep(_,n-1){ int a=read(),b=read(); uf.unite(a,b); deg[a]++; deg[b]++; } bool alice=true; if(uf.c==1){ alice=false; }else if(uf.c==2){ mkuni(deg); if(deg==vi{0,2}) alice=false; } if(alice) cout<<"Alice"<