import algorithm, complex, macros, math, sequtils, sets, strformat, strutils, sugar, tables

macro unpack*(rhs: seq, cnt: static[int]): auto =
  let v = genSym(); result = quote do:(let `v` = `rhs`;())
  for i in 0 ..< cnt: result[1].add(quote do:`v`[`i`])

template input*(T: typedesc, cnt: Natural = 1): untyped =
  let line = stdin.readLine.split(" ")
  when T is int:
  elif T is float:
  elif T is string:      line.unpack(cnt)
  elif T is char:        line.mapIt(it[0]).unpack(cnt)
  elif T is seq[int]:
  elif T is seq[float]:
  elif T is seq[string]: line
  elif T is seq[char]:   line.mapIt(it[0])

proc `|=`*(n: var int, m: int) = n = n or m
proc `|=`*(n: var bool, m: bool) = n = n or m
proc `&=`*(n: var int, m: int) = n = n and m
proc `&=`*(n: var bool, m: bool) = n = n and m
proc `^=`*(n: var int, m: int) = n = n xor m
proc `^=`*(n: var bool, m: bool) = n = n xor m
proc `%=`*(n: var int, m: int) = n = n mod m
proc `/=`*(n: var int, m: int) = n = n div m
proc `<<=`*(n: var int, m: int) = n = n shl m
proc `>>=`*(n: var int, m: int) = n = n shr m
proc `<?=`*(n: var SomeNumber, m: SomeNumber) = n = min(n, m)
proc `>?=`*(n: var SomeNumber, m: SomeNumber) = n = max(n, m)
proc newSeq2*[T](n1, n2: Natural): seq[seq[T]] = newSeqWith(n1, newSeq[T](n2))
proc newSeq3*[T](n1, n2, n3: Natural): seq[seq[seq[T]]] = newSeqWith(n1, newSeqWith(n2, newSeq[T](n3)))

# -------------------------------------------------- #

const modulus = 10 ^ 9 + 7

type ModInt* = object
  v: int

proc initModInt*(n: int): ModInt =
  result.v = (n mod modulus + modulus) mod modulus

proc `$`*(x: ModInt): string =

proc pow*(x: ModInt, n: int): ModInt =
  if n < 0:
    return pow(x, -n).pow(modulus - 2)
  var p = 1
  var x = x.v
  var n = n
  while n > 0:
    if (n and 1) != 0:
      p = p * x mod modulus
    x = x * x mod modulus
    n = n shr 1

  result.v = p

proc inverse*(x: ModInt): ModInt =
  pow(x, modulus - 2)

proc `+`*(x: ModInt): ModInt =
  result.v = x.v
proc `-`*(x: ModInt): ModInt =
  result.v = modulus - x.v
  if result.v == modulus: result.v = 0

proc `+`*(a: ModInt, b: ModInt): ModInt =
  result.v = a.v + b.v
  if result.v >= modulus: result.v -= modulus
proc `-`*(a: ModInt, b: ModInt): ModInt =
  result.v = a.v - b.v
  if result.v < 0: result.v += modulus
proc `*`*(a: ModInt, b: ModInt): ModInt =
  result.v = a.v * b.v
  if result.v >= modulus: result.v = result.v mod modulus
proc `/`*(a: ModInt, b: ModInt): ModInt =
  result.v = a.v * b.inverse().v
  if result.v >= modulus: result.v = result.v mod modulus

proc `+`*(a: ModInt, b: int): ModInt =
  a + initModInt(b)
proc `-`*(a: ModInt, b: int): ModInt =
  a - initModInt(b)
proc `*`*(a: ModInt, b: int): ModInt =
  a * initModInt(b)
proc `/`*(a: ModInt, b: int): ModInt =
  a / initModInt(b)

proc `+`*(a: int, b: ModInt): ModInt =
  initModInt(a) + b
proc `-`*(a: int, b: ModInt): ModInt =
  initModInt(a) - b
proc `*`*(a: int, b: ModInt): ModInt =
  initModInt(a) * b
proc `/`*(a: int, b: ModInt): ModInt =
  initModInt(a) / b

proc `+=`*(a: var ModInt; b: ModInt) =
  a = a + b
proc `-=`*(a: var ModInt; b: ModInt) =
  a = a - b
proc `*=`*(a: var ModInt; b: ModInt) =
  a = a * b
proc `/=`*(a: var ModInt; b: ModInt) =
  a = a / b

proc `+=`*(a: var ModInt; b: int) =
  a = a + b
proc `-=`*(a: var ModInt; b: int) =
  a = a - b
proc `*=`*(a: var ModInt; b: int) =
  a = a * b
proc `/=`*(a: var ModInt; b: int) =
  a = a / b

# -------------------------------------------------- #

let (N, p) = input(int, 2)
if N == 1:
  echo 0
var A = newSeq[ModInt](N + 1)
A[1] = initModInt(0)
A[2] = initModInt(1)
for i in 3 .. N:
  A[i] += p * A[i - 1]
  A[i] += A[i - 2]
var cum = newSeq[ModInt](N + 2)
for i in countdown(N, 1):
  cum[i] = cum[i + 1] + A[i]
var res = initModInt(0)
for i in 1 .. N:
  res += A[i] * cum[i]
echo res