#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; typedef long long ll; typedef pair P; typedef pair Pid; typedef pair Pdi; typedef pair Pl; typedef pair> PP; const double PI = 3.1415926535897932; // acos(-1) const double EPS = 1e-15; const int INF = 1001001001; const int mod = 1e+9 + 7; #define chmax(x, y) x = max(x, y) #define chmin(x, y) x = min(x, y) #define chadd(x, y) x = (x + y) % mod int n, k; vector

graph[200005]; // (to, color) bool used[200005]; // 分割点として使われたかどうか int subtree_size[200005]; // 部分木のサイズ // 部分木サイズの計算 void calc_subtreesize(int u, int parent = -1){ subtree_size[u] = 1; for(int i = 0; i < graph[u].size(); ++i){ int v = graph[u][i].first; if(v == parent || used[v]) continue; calc_subtreesize(v, u); subtree_size[u] += subtree_size[v]; } } // 重心を探索 (v が重心候補) // 返り値は (部分木の最大サイズ, 重心) のペア P search_centroid(int from, int sz, int parent = -1){ P res = P(INF, -1); int sum = 1, maxsz = 0; for(int i = 0; i < graph[from].size(); ++i){ int to = graph[from][i].first, color = graph[from][i].second; if(to == parent || used[to]) continue; chmin(res, search_centroid(to, sz, from)); chmax(maxsz, subtree_size[to]); sum += subtree_size[to]; } chmax(maxsz, sz - sum); chmin(res, P(maxsz, from)); return res; } ll ans = 0; void Count(int from, map, ll> &cnt, set table, int parent = -1){ ++cnt[table]; for(int i = 0; i < graph[from].size(); ++i){ int to = graph[from][i].first, color = graph[from][i].second; if(to == parent || used[to]) continue; set table2 = table; table2.insert(color); if(table2.size() >= 3) continue; Count(to, cnt, table2, from); } } void solve(int from){ calc_subtreesize(from); if(subtree_size[from] == 1) return; P info = search_centroid(from, subtree_size[from]); int center = info.second; vector, ll>> cnt; map, ll> total; for(int i = 0; i < graph[center].size(); ++i){ int to = graph[center][i].first, color = graph[center][i].second; if(used[to]) continue; cnt.push_back({}); Count(to, cnt.back(), {color}, center); for(auto it : cnt.back()){ total[it.first] += it.second; } } ll onenum = 0, oneans = 0; map, ll> twosum; for(auto it : total){ if(it.first.size() == 1){ onenum += it.second; oneans -= it.second * it.second; } else{ // it.first.size() == 2 twosum[it.first] += it.second * it.second; ans += it.second; ans += it.second * it.second; } } for(auto it : cnt){ for(auto it2 : it){ if(it2.first.size() == 1) ; else{ twosum[it2.first] -= it2.second * it2.second; ans -= it2.second * it2.second; } } } oneans += onenum * onenum; ans += oneans / 2; for(auto it : twosum){ ans += it.second / 2; } used[center] = true; for(int i = 0; i < graph[center].size(); ++i){ int to = graph[center][i].first; if(used[to]) continue; solve(to); } } int main(){ ios::sync_with_stdio(false); cin.tie(nullptr); cin >> n >> k; for(int i = 0; i < n - 1; ++i){ int u, v, c; cin >> u >> v >> c; graph[--u].push_back(P(--v, c)); graph[v].push_back(P(u, c)); } solve(0); cout << ans << endl; }