import; import; import; import; import java.util.Scanner; import java.util.ArrayList; /** * Built using CHelper plug-in * Actual solution is at the top * * @author silviase */ public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { InputStream inputStream =; OutputStream outputStream = System.out; Scanner in = new Scanner(inputStream); PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(outputStream); aliceMatenro solver = new aliceMatenro(); solver.solve(1, in, out); out.close(); } static class aliceMatenro { public void solve(int testNumber, Scanner in, PrintWriter out) { int n = in.nextInt(); UnionFindTree uf = new UnionFindTree(n); Graph g = new Graph(n); for (int i = 0; i < n - 1; i++) { int a = in.nextInt(); int b = in.nextInt(); uf.union(a, b); g.addUnDirectedEdge(new Edge(a, b, 1)); } int cnt = 0; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (!uf.same(0, i)) { cnt++; if (cnt > 1) { out.println("Alice"); return; } else { for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) { if (j != i && g.getAdj()[j].size() < 2) { out.println("Alice"); return; } } } } } out.println("Bob"); } } static class Edge { int from; int to; long cost; public Edge(int to) { = to; } public Edge(int to, long cost) { = to; this.cost = cost; } public Edge(int from, int to, long cost) { this.from = from; = to; this.cost = cost; } public Edge inv() { return new Edge(to, from, cost); } public String toString() { return "Edge{" + "from=" + from + ", to=" + to + ", cost=" + cost + '}'; } } static class UnionFindTree { private int[] parent; private int[] height; private int[] size; public UnionFindTree(int size) { this.parent = new int[size]; this.height = new int[size]; this.size = new int[size]; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { makeSet(i); } } private void makeSet(int i) { parent[i] = i; height[i] = 0; size[i] = 1; } public int find(int x) { if (x != parent[x]) { parent[x] = find(parent[x]); } return parent[x]; } public void union(int x, int y) { int rootX = find(x); int rootY = find(y); if (rootX == rootY) { //既に結合済み return; } if (height[rootX] > height[rootY]) { parent[rootY] = rootX; size[rootX] += size[rootY]; } else if (height[rootX] < height[rootY]) { parent[rootX] = rootY; size[rootY] += size[rootX]; } else { parent[rootY] = rootX; size[rootX] += size[rootY]; height[rootX]++; } } public boolean same(int x, int y) { return find(x) == find(y); } } static class Graph { int n; ArrayList[] adj; long[] vertexCost; public Graph(int size) { n = size; adj = new ArrayList[n]; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { adj[i] = new ArrayList<>(); } vertexCost = new long[n]; } public void addEdge(Edge e) { adj[e.from].add(e); } public void addUnDirectedEdge(Edge e) { addEdge(e); addEdge(e.inv()); } public ArrayList[] getAdj() { return adj; } } }