#include using namespace std; #define rep(i,n) for(int i=0;i<(int)(n);i++) #define pb push_back #define mt make_tuple #define ALL(a) (a).begin(),(a).end() #define FST first #define SEC second #define DEB cerr<<"!"< const int INF = (INT_MAX/2); const ll LLINF = (LLONG_MAX/2); const double eps = 1e-8; const ll DIV =1e9+7; //const double PI = M_PI; inline ll pow(ll x,ll n,ll m){ll r=1;while(n>0){if((n&1)==1)r=r*x%m;x=x*x%m;n>>=1;}return r%m;} inline ll lcm(ll d1, ll d2){return d1 / __gcd(d1, d2) * d2;} #define chmax(a,b) a=max(a,b) /*Coding Space*/ vector G[100005]; class UF{ public: vi value; vi over; // When over < 0, 'over' keep number of node(using negative number). -1 means this tree is a node. int root(int index){ int t = index; stack stack_i; while(over[t] >= 0){ stack_i.push(t); t = over[t]; } while(!stack_i.empty()){ int i = stack_i.top(); stack_i.pop(); over[i] = t; }// reconnect return t; } void merge(int a,int b){ if(this->root(a) == this->root(b)) return; over[root(a)] += over[root(b)]; // over[] have the number of nodes. over[root(b)] = root(a); } int NumNode(int a){ return -over[root(a)]; } UF(int Nodes){ value.resize(Nodes); over.resize(Nodes); rep(i,Nodes) over[i] = -1; } }; /* verify yukicoder 556 ARC032 B ARC037 B (It is difficult to keep status of cycle graph. Use 'value' to keep it.) */ UF uf(100005); int c[100005]; int main(){ int n; cin >> n; rep(i,n-1){ int u,v; cin >> u >> v; G[u].pb(v); G[v].pb(u); uf.merge(u,v); c[u]++; c[v]++; } int cnt = 0; rep(i,n)if(i == uf.root(i))cnt++; if(cnt == 1){ cout << "Bob" << endl; }else if(cnt > 2){ cout << "Alice" << endl; }else{ int cc = 0; rep(i,n) if(c[i] == 1) cc++; if(cc == 0) cout << "Bob" << endl; else cout << "Alice" << endl; } }