# coding: utf-8 # Your code here! import sys sys.setrecursionlimit(10**6) readline = sys.stdin.readline read = sys.stdin.read n,d,k = [int(i) for i in read().split()] MOD = 10**9+7 def mul(c,m,dp): #multiply (1-x^c) up to x^m for i in range(m,c-1,-1): dp[i] -= dp[i-c] dp[i] %= MOD def div(c,m,dp): #divide by (1-x^c) up to x^m for i in range(m-c+1): dp[i+c] += dp[i] dp[i+c] %= MOD L = n*d f = [1]+[0]*L for _ in range(n): mul(d,L,f) for _ in range(n): div(1,L,f) #print(dp) print(f[k-n]%MOD)