/* confirm 0LL and 1LL confirm cornercases such as 0 confirm times of cin < 10^6 */ #include using namespace std; using ll = long long; using ld = long double; using P = pair; using Pld = pair; using Vec = vector; using VecP = vector

; using VecB = vector; using VecC = vector; using VecD = vector; using VecS = vector; using Graph = vector; template using Vec1 = vector; template using Vec2 = vector >; #define REP(i, m, n) for(ll (i) = (m); (i) < (n); ++(i)) #define REPN(i, m, n) for(ll (i) = (m); (i) <= (n); ++(i)) #define REPR(i, m, n) for(ll (i) = (m)-1; (i) >= (n); --(i)) #define REPNR(i, m, n) for(ll (i) = (m); (i) >= (n); --(i)) #define rep(i, n) REP(i, 0, n) #define repn(i, n) REPN(i, 1, n) #define repr(i, n) REPR(i, n, 0) #define repnr(i, n) REPNR(i, n, 1) #define all(s) (s).begin(), (s).end() #define pb push_back #define fs first #define sc second template bool chmax(T &a, const T b){if(a < b){a = b; return true;} return false;} template bool chmin(T &a, const T b){if(a > b){a = b; return true;} return false;} template ll pow2(const T n){return (1LL << n);} template void cosp(const T n){cout << n << ' ';} void co(void){cout << '\n';} template void co(const T n){cout << n << '\n';} template void co(pair p){cout << p.fs << ' ' << p.sc << '\n';} template void co(const Vec1 &v){for(T i : v) cosp(i); co();} template void co(initializer_list v){for(T i : v) cosp(i); co();} template void ce(const T n){cerr << n << endl;} void sonic(){ios::sync_with_stdio(false); cin.tie(0); cout.tie(0);} void setp(const ll n){cout << fixed << setprecision(n);} constexpr ll INF = 1e9+1; constexpr ll LINF = 1e18+1; constexpr ll MOD = 1e9+7; //constexpr ll MOD = 998244353; constexpr ld PI = acos(-1); constexpr ld EPS = 1e-11; ll memo[90005][305] = {}; ll f(ll n, ll d, ll k){ if(memo[k][n] != LINF) return memo[k][n]; if(n == 0){ if(k == 0) return 1; else return 0; } if(k < n) return 0; ll ans = 0; repn(i, d) ans += f(n - 1, d, k - i); return memo[k][n] = ans % MOD; } int main(void){ ll n, d, k; cin >> n >> d >> k; fill(memo[0], memo[90005], LINF); co(f(n, d, k)); return 0; }