import sys input=lambda: sys.stdin.readline().rstrip() n,x,y,z=map(int,input().split()) A=[int(i) for i in input().split()] t=0 chk=True for i in range(n): t+=A[i]//10000 A[i]%=10000 if z>=t: z-=t else: t-=z z=0 if y>=2*t: y-=2*t else: t=t*10-(y//2)*10 y%=2 if x>=5 and y==1 and t>=10: x-=5 y-=1 t-=10 if t>x: chk=False else: x-=t if not chk: print("No") else: if z>=n: print("Yes") else: A.sort() A=A[:n-z] import heapq heapq.heapify(A) while A: a=heapq.heappop(A) if a==0: aa=1 else: aa=(a-1)//1000+1 if aa>x+5*y: print("No") break if x>=aa: x-=aa else: y-=1 if aa>5: heapq.heappush(A,a-5000) if not A: print("Yes") break