from heapq import heappush, heappop, heapify N, sen, gosen, man = map(int, input().split()) A = list(map(lambda a: -int(a), input().split())) heapify(A) while A and man > 0: a = -heappop(A) a -= 10000 man -= 1 if a >= 0: heappush(A, -a) while A and gosen > 0: a = -heappop(A) a -= 5000 gosen -= 1 if a >= 0: heappush(A, -a) A = [-a for a in A] cnt = 0 for a in A: c = -(-a // 1000) if c * 1000 == a: c += 1 cnt += c print('Yes' if cnt <= sen else 'No')