// #define _GLIBCXX_DEBUG // for STL debug (optional) #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; using ll = long long int; using int64 = long long int; template void chmax(T &a, T b) {a = max(a, b);} template void chmin(T &a, T b) {a = min(a, b);} template void chadd(T &a, T b) {a = a + b;} int dx[] = {0, 0, 1, -1}; int dy[] = {1, -1, 0, 0}; const int INF = 1LL << 29; const ll LONGINF = 1LL << 60; const ll MOD = 1000000007LL; // @category セグメント木 (Segment Tree) // @title セグメント木 (Segment Tree) // 抽象 SegmentTree (0-indexed・一点更新・区間取得) template struct SegmentTree { using Function = function< MonoidType(MonoidType, MonoidType) >; // node, identity element int n, orig_n; vector node; MonoidType E0; // update / combine function Function upd_f, cmb_f; void build(int m, vector v = vector()) { if(v != vector()) m = v.size(); n = 1; while(n < m) n *= 2; node = vector(2*n-1, E0); if(v != vector()) { for(int i=0; i=0; i--) { node[i] = cmb_f(node[2*i+1], node[2*i+2]); } } } // initialize SegmentTree() {} SegmentTree(int n_, MonoidType E0_, Function upd_f_, Function cmb_f_, vector v = vector()) : E0(E0_), upd_f(upd_f_), cmb_f(cmb_f_) { build(n_, v); orig_n = n_; } // update k-th element (applied value: x) void update(int k, MonoidType x) { k += n - 1; node[k] = upd_f(node[k], x); while(k > 0) { k = (k - 1) / 2; node[k] = cmb_f(node[2*k+1], node[2*k+2]); } } // range query for [a, b) // 非再帰のアイデア: http://d.hatena.ne.jp/komiyam/20131202/1385992406 MonoidType query(int a, int b) { assert(a >= 0 and a < b and b <= orig_n); MonoidType vl = node[n-1+a], vr = node[n-1+b-1]; for(int l=a+n, r=b+n; l>=1, r>>=1) { if(l & 1) vl = cmb_f(vl, node[(l++)-1]); if(r & 1) vr = cmb_f(node[(--r)-1], vr); } return cmb_f(vl, vr); } }; // 移動元と行先と辺のコストを記録する構造体 template struct Edge { int from, to; T cost; Edge(int s, T d = 1) : to(s), cost(d) {} Edge(int f, int s, T d) : from(f), to(s), cost(d) {} bool operator<(const Edge &e) const { return cost < e.cost; } bool operator>(const Edge &e) const { return cost > e.cost; } }; template using Graph = vector< vector< Edge > >; // 最小共通先祖 (Lowest Common Ancestor, LCA) を求める // Verified: AOJ GRL_5_C (Lowest Common Ancestor) template struct TreeLCA { public: int const MAX_LOG_V; vector< vector< Edge > > G; int root, vn; vector< vector > parent; vector depth; // constructor (Graph, root) TreeLCA(vector< vector< Edge > > &_G, int _r) : MAX_LOG_V(20), G(_G), root(_r), vn(G.size()), parent(MAX_LOG_V, vector(vn, 0)), depth(vn, -1) { depth[root] = 0; init(vn); } void dfs(int v, int p, int d) { parent[0][v] = p; depth[v] = d; for(int i=0; i= 0) continue; if(G[v][i].to != p) dfs(G[v][i].to, v, d+1); } } void init(int V) { dfs(root, -1, 0); for(int k=0; k+1 < MAX_LOG_V; k++) { for(int v=0; v < V; v++) { if(parent[k][v] < 0) parent[k+1][v] = -1; else parent[k+1][v] = parent[k][parent[k][v]]; } } } // u と v の最小共通祖先 int lca(int u, int v) { if(depth[u] > depth[v]) swap(u, v); for(int k=0; k < MAX_LOG_V; k++) { if((depth[v] - depth[u]) >> k & 1) { v = parent[k][v]; } } if(u == v) return u; for(int k=MAX_LOG_V - 1; k>=0; k--) { if(parent[k][u] != parent[k][v]) { u = parent[k][u]; v = parent[k][v]; } } return parent[0][u]; } // u と v のパスの長さ (LCA を使って計算) int dist(int u, int v) { int anc = lca(u, v); return depth[u] + depth[v] - 2 * depth[anc]; } }; int main() { int N, K, Q; scanf("%d%d%d", &N, &K, &Q); vector C(N), M(N); for(int i=0; i A(K); for(int i=0; i > > G(N); for(int i=0; i+1 void { chmax(M[cur], C[cur]); for(auto e : G[cur]) { int to = e.to; if(to == par) continue; chmax(M[to], M[cur]); self(self, to, cur); } }; dfs(dfs, 0, -1); TreeLCA lc(G, 0); SegmentTree seg(K, -1, [](int a, int b) { return b; }, [&lc](int a, int b) { return lc.lca(a, b); }, A); while(Q--) { int t; scanf("%d", &t); if(t == 1) { int x, y; scanf("%d%d", &x, &y); x--; y--; seg.update(x, y); } if(t == 2) { int l, r; scanf("%d%d", &l, &r); l--; printf("%d\n", M[seg.query(l, r)]); } } return 0; }