import sys read = readline = sys.stdin.buffer.readline readlines = sys.stdin.buffer.readlines N, M = map(int, readline().split()) LOG = read().decode() LOG = LOG.replace('number', 'n') LOG = LOG.replace('skip', 's') LOG = LOG.replace('drawtwo', '2') LOG = LOG.replace('drawfour', '4') LOG = LOG.replace('reverse', 'r') LOG = LOG.split() num = [0] * N player = -1 dx = 1 draw_2 = 0 draw_4 = 0 skip_flag = False for L in LOG: if skip_flag: player += dx skip_flag = False player += dx player %= N if draw_2 and L != '2': num[player] += 2 * draw_2 draw_2 = 0 player += dx if draw_4 and L != '4': num[player] += 4 * draw_4 draw_4 = 0 player += dx player %= N num[player] -= 1 if L == 's': skip_flag = True elif L == 'n': pass elif L == 'r': dx *= -1 elif L == '2': draw_2 += 1 elif L == '4': draw_4 += 1 player %= N x = -num[player] print(player + 1, x)