#input of int(split by space) def get_i() return gets.chomp.split(" ").map(&:to_i) end #input of float(split by space) def get_f() return gets.chomp.split(" ").map(&:to_f) end #input of string(split by space) def get() return gets.chomp.split(" ") end #input of string(split per one character) def get_nsp() return gets.chomp.split("") end #yes or no decision def yn_judge(bool,y="Yes",n="No") return bool ? y : n end #create of array def array(size1,init=nil,size2=-1) if size2==-1 return Array.new(size1){init} else return Array.new(size2){Array.new(size1){init}} end end def max(a,b) return a>b ? a : b end def min(a,b) return a>b ? b : a end INF=Float::INFINITY N=gets.to_i xy=array(N) x=array(N) y=array(N) N.times do|i| xy[i]=get_f x[i]=xy[i][0] y[i]=xy[i][1] end xy.sort!{|a,b| a[0]<=>b[0]} x=x.tally y=y.tally xm=0 ym=0 x.each do|k,v| xm=v if xm