using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Linq; namespace AtCoder.A { public class Program { public static void Main() { var r = GetResult(); Debug.WriteLine(r); Console.Write(r); } private static object GetResult() { var N = (int)ReadLong(); var A = ReadLongs(); var lowerMinLeftForAt = new long[N]; lowerMinLeftForAt[0] = long.MaxValue; var upperMinLeftForAt = new long[N]; var sortedFromLeft = new Set(); sortedFromLeft.Insert(A[0]); for (var i = 1; i < N; i++) { lowerMinLeftForAt[i] = Math.Min(lowerMinLeftForAt[i - 1], A[i - 1]); if (A[i] < sortedFromLeft.Max) { var index = sortedFromLeft.LowerBound(A[i]); upperMinLeftForAt[i] = sortedFromLeft[index]; } else { upperMinLeftForAt[i] = long.MaxValue; } // 次の判定用に追加 sortedFromLeft.Insert(A[i]); } var lowerMinRightForAt = new long[N]; lowerMinRightForAt[N - 1] = long.MaxValue; var upperMinRightForAt = new long[N]; var sortedFromRight = new Set(); sortedFromRight.Insert(A[N - 1]); for (var i = N - 2; i >= 0; i--) { lowerMinRightForAt[i] = Math.Min(lowerMinRightForAt[i + 1], A[i + 1]); if (A[i] < sortedFromRight.Max) { var index = sortedFromRight.LowerBound(A[i]); upperMinRightForAt[i] = sortedFromRight[index]; } else { upperMinRightForAt[i] = long.MaxValue; } sortedFromRight.Insert(A[i]); } var min = long.MaxValue; for (var i = 1; i < N - 1; i++) { var b = A[i]; if (lowerMinLeftForAt[i] != long.MaxValue && lowerMinRightForAt[i] != long.MaxValue && b > lowerMinLeftForAt[i] && b > lowerMinRightForAt[i]) { min = Math.Min(min, lowerMinLeftForAt[i] + b + lowerMinRightForAt[i]); } if (upperMinLeftForAt[i] != long.MaxValue && upperMinRightForAt[i] != long.MaxValue && b < upperMinLeftForAt[i] && b < upperMinRightForAt[i]) { min = Math.Min(min, upperMinLeftForAt[i] + b + upperMinRightForAt[i]); } } return min == long.MaxValue ? -1 : min; } #region Console public static string ReadText() { return Console.ReadLine(); } public static List ReadTexts() { return Console.ReadLine().Split(' ').ToList(); } public static long ReadLong() { return long.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); } public static List ReadLongs() { return Console.ReadLine().Split(' ').Select(x => long.Parse(x)).ToList(); } #endregion } /// /// C-like set /// public class Set where T : IComparable { protected SB_BinarySearchTree.Node _root; public T Max => this[Count() - 1]; public T this[int idx] => ElementAt(idx); public int Count() { return SB_BinarySearchTree.Count(_root); } public virtual void Insert(T v) { if (_root == null) _root = new SB_BinarySearchTree.Node(v); else { if (SB_BinarySearchTree.Find(_root, v) != null) return; _root = SB_BinarySearchTree.Insert(_root, v); } } public void Clear() { _root = null; } public void Remove(T v) { _root = SB_BinarySearchTree.Remove(_root, v); } public bool Contains(T v) { return SB_BinarySearchTree.Contains(_root, v); } public T ElementAt(int k) { var node = SB_BinarySearchTree.FindByIndex(_root, k); if (node == null) throw new IndexOutOfRangeException(); return node.Value; } public int Count(T v) { return SB_BinarySearchTree.UpperBound(_root, v) - SB_BinarySearchTree.LowerBound(_root, v); } public int LowerBound(T v) { return SB_BinarySearchTree.LowerBound(_root, v); } public int UpperBound(T v) { return SB_BinarySearchTree.UpperBound(_root, v); } public Tuple EqualRange(T v) { if (!Contains(v)) return new Tuple(-1, -1); return new Tuple(SB_BinarySearchTree.LowerBound(_root, v), SB_BinarySearchTree.UpperBound(_root, v) - 1); } public List ToList() { return new List(SB_BinarySearchTree.Enumerate(_root)); } } /// /// Self-Balancing Binary Search Tree /// (using Randamized BST) /// public class SB_BinarySearchTree where T : IComparable { public class Node { public T Value; public Node LChild; public Node RChild; public int Count; //size of the sub tree public Node(T v) { Value = v; Count = 1; } } private static readonly Random _rnd = new Random(); public static int Count(Node t) { return t == null ? 0 : t.Count; } private static Node Update(Node t) { t.Count = Count(t.LChild) + Count(t.RChild) + 1; return t; } public static Node Merge(Node l, Node r) { if (l == null || r == null) return l == null ? r : l; if (Count(l) / (double)(Count(l) + Count(r)) > _rnd.NextDouble()) { l.RChild = Merge(l.RChild, r); return Update(l); } else { r.LChild = Merge(l, r.LChild); return Update(r); } } /// /// split as [0, k), [k, n) /// public static Tuple Split(Node t, int k) { if (t == null) return new Tuple(null, null); if (k <= Count(t.LChild)) { var s = Split(t.LChild, k); t.LChild = s.Item2; return new Tuple(s.Item1, Update(t)); } else { var s = Split(t.RChild, k - Count(t.LChild) - 1); t.RChild = s.Item1; return new Tuple(Update(t), s.Item2); } } public static Node Remove(Node t, T v) { if (Find(t, v) == null) return t; return RemoveAt(t, LowerBound(t, v)); } public static Node RemoveAt(Node t, int k) { var s = Split(t, k); var s2 = Split(s.Item2, 1); return Merge(s.Item1, s2.Item2); } public static bool Contains(Node t, T v) { return Find(t, v) != null; } public static Node Find(Node t, T v) { while (t != null) { var cmp = t.Value.CompareTo(v); if (cmp > 0) t = t.LChild; else if (cmp < 0) t = t.RChild; else break; } return t; } public static Node FindByIndex(Node t, int idx) { if (t == null) return null; var currentIdx = Count(t) - Count(t.RChild) - 1; while (t != null) { if (currentIdx == idx) return t; if (currentIdx > idx) { t = t.LChild; currentIdx -= (Count(t == null ? null : t.RChild) + 1); } else { t = t.RChild; currentIdx += (Count(t == null ? null : t.LChild) + 1); } } return null; } public static int UpperBound(Node t, T v) { var torg = t; if (t == null) return -1; var ret = int.MaxValue; var idx = Count(t) - Count(t.RChild) - 1; while (t != null) { var cmp = t.Value.CompareTo(v); if (cmp > 0) { ret = Math.Min(ret, idx); t = t.LChild; idx -= (Count(t == null ? null : t.RChild) + 1); } else if (cmp <= 0) { t = t.RChild; idx += (Count(t == null ? null : t.LChild) + 1); } } return ret == int.MaxValue ? Count(torg) : ret; } public static int LowerBound(Node t, T v) { var torg = t; if (t == null) return -1; var idx = Count(t) - Count(t.RChild) - 1; var ret = int.MaxValue; while (t != null) { var cmp = t.Value.CompareTo(v); if (cmp >= 0) { if (cmp == 0) ret = Math.Min(ret, idx); t = t.LChild; if (t == null) ret = Math.Min(ret, idx); idx -= t == null ? 0 : (Count(t.RChild) + 1); } else if (cmp < 0) { t = t.RChild; idx += (Count(t == null ? null : t.LChild) + 1); if (t == null) return idx; } } return ret == int.MaxValue ? Count(torg) : ret; } public static Node Insert(Node t, T v) { var ub = LowerBound(t, v); return InsertByIdx(t, ub, v); } private static Node InsertByIdx(Node t, int k, T v) { var s = Split(t, k); return Merge(Merge(s.Item1, new Node(v)), s.Item2); } public static IEnumerable Enumerate(Node t) { var ret = new List(); Enumerate(t, ret); return ret; } private static void Enumerate(Node t, List ret) { if (t == null) return; Enumerate(t.LChild, ret); ret.Add(t.Value); Enumerate(t.RChild, ret); } } }