import sys,bisect,string,math,time,functools,random,fractions from heapq import heappush,heappop,heapify from collections import deque,defaultdict,Counter from itertools import permutations,combinations,groupby rep=range;R=range def Golf():n,*t=map(int,open(0).read().split()) def I():return int(input()) def S_():return input() def IS():return input().split() def LS():return [i for i in input().split()] def MI():return map(int,input().split()) def LI():return [int(i) for i in input().split()] def LI_():return [int(i)-1 for i in input().split()] def NI(n):return [int(input()) for i in range(n)] def NI_(n):return [int(input())-1 for i in range(n)] def StoLI():return [ord(i)-97 for i in input()] def ItoS(n):return chr(n+97) def LtoS(ls):return ''.join([chr(i+97) for i in ls]) def RA():return map(int,open(0).read().split()) def RLI(n=8,a=1,b=10):return [random.randint(a,b)for i in range(n)] def RI(a=1,b=10):return random.randint(a,b) def Rtest(T): case,err=0,0 for i in range(T): inp=INP() a1,ls=naive(*inp) a2=solve(*inp) if a1!=a2: print((a1,a2),inp) err+=1 case+=1 print('Tested',case,'case with',err,'errors') def GI(V,E,ls=None,Directed=False,index=1): org_inp=[];g=[[] for i in range(V)] FromStdin=True if ls==None else False for i in range(E): if FromStdin: inp=LI() org_inp.append(inp) else: inp=ls[i] if len(inp)==2: a,b=inp;c=1 else: a,b,c=inp if index==1:a-=1;b-=1 aa=(a,c);bb=(b,c);g[a].append(bb) if not Directed:g[b].append(aa) return g,org_inp def GGI(h,w,search=None,replacement_of_found='.',mp_def={'#':1,'.':0},boundary=1): #h,w,g,sg=GGI(h,w,search=['S','G'],replacement_of_found='.',mp_def={'#':1,'.':0},boundary=1) # sample usage mp=[boundary]*(w+2);found={} for i in R(h): s=input() for char in search: if char in s: found[char]=((i+1)*(w+2)+s.index(char)+1) mp_def[char]=mp_def[replacement_of_found] mp+=[boundary]+[mp_def[j] for j in s]+[boundary] mp+=[boundary]*(w+2) return h+2,w+2,mp,found def TI(n):return GI(n,n-1) def accum(ls): rt=[0] for i in ls:rt+=[rt[-1]+i] return rt def bit_combination(n,base=2): rt=[] for tb in R(base**n):s=[tb//(base**bt)%base for bt in R(n)];rt+=[s] return rt def gcd(x,y): if y==0:return x if x%y==0:return y while x%y!=0:x,y=y,x%y return y def YN(x):print(['NO','YES'][x]) def Yn(x):print(['No','Yes'][x]) def show(*inp,end='\n'): if show_flg:print(*inp,end=end) mo=10**9+7 inf=float('inf') FourNb=[(-1,0),(1,0),(0,1),(0,-1)];EightNb=[(-1,0),(1,0),(0,1),(0,-1),(1,1),(-1,-1),(1,-1),(-1,1)];compas=dict(zip('WENS',FourNb));cursol=dict(zip('LRUD',FourNb)) l_alp=string.ascii_lowercase #sys.setrecursionlimit(10**9);readline=sys.stdin.buffer.readline;input=lambda:sys.stdin.readline().rstrip() ######################################################################################################################################################################## # Verified by # # # # speed up TIPS: delete update of el. non-use of getitem, setitem. # # Binary Indexed Tree # Bit.add(i,x) : add x at i-th value # Bit.sum(i) : get sum up to i-th value # Bit.l_bound(w) : get bound of index where x1+x2+...+xi0: rt+=self.arr[i] i-=i&(-i) return rt def __getitem__(self,key): return self.el[key] return self.sum(key+1)-self.sum(key) def __setitem__(self,key,value): self.add(key,value-self.sum(key+1)+self.sum(key)) def l_bound(self,w): if w<=0: return 0 x=0 k=2**self.m while k>0: if x+k<=self.size and self.arr[x+k]>=1 return x+1 def u_bound(self,w): if w<=0: return 0 x=0 k=2**self.m while k>0: if x+k<=self.size and self.arr[x+k]<=w: w-=self.arr[x+k] x+=k k>>=1 return x+1 class Bit0(Bit): # 0-indexed def add(self,j,x): super().add(j+1,x) def l_bound(self,w): return max(super().l_bound(w)-1,0) def u_bound(self,w): return max(super().u_bound(w)-1,0) class Multiset(Bit0): def __init__(self,max_v): super().__init__(max_v) def insert(self,x): super().add(x,1) def find(self,x): return super().l_bound(super().sum(x)) def __str__(self): return str(self.arr) def compress(L): dc={v:i for i,v in enumerate(sorted(set(L)))} return [dc[i] for i in L] show_flg=False show_flg=True ans=0 n=I() a=compress(LI()) s=[-1] l=[0]*n r=[0]*n for i in range(n): idx=bisect.bisect(s,a[i]) if idx==len(s): s+=a[i], else: s[idx]=a[i] l[i]=idx a=a[::-1] s=[-1] for i in range(n): idx=bisect.bisect(s,a[i]) if idx==len(s): s+=a[i], else: s[idx]=a[i] r[i]=idx r=r[::-1] a=a[::-1] ans=0 for i in range(n): ans=max(min(l[i],r[i])-1,ans) a=[-i for i in a] s=[-1] l=[0]*n r=[0]*n for i in range(n): idx=bisect.bisect(s,a[i]) if idx==len(s): s+=a[i], else: s[idx]=a[i] l[i]=idx a=a[::-1] s=[-1] for i in range(n): idx=bisect.bisect(s,a[i]) if idx==len(s): s+=a[i], else: s[idx]=a[i] r[i]=idx r=r[::-1] a=a[::-1] for i in range(n): ans=max(min(l[i],r[i])-1,ans) print(ans)