#include using namespace std; /******* All Required define Pre-Processors and typedef Constants *******/ #define rep(i,n) for(int i=0; i<(n); ++i) #define rep2(i,a,b) for(int i=a; i<=(b); ++i) #define rep3(i,a,b) for(int i=a; i>=(b); --i) #define all(cont) cont.begin(), cont.end() #define rall(cont) cont.rbegin(), cont.rend() #define Dcout(a) cout << setprecision(20) << a << endl #define ll long long #define ld long double #define pii pair #define pll pair #define pb push_back #define eb emplace_back #define vi vector #define vll vector #define vpi vector #define vpll vector #define fi first #define se second using Graph = vector>; const ll INF = (1LL << 60); const double pi=acos(-1.0); /******************* debug ********************/ #define debug(var) do{std::cout << #var << " : ";view(var);}while(0) #define deb cout << "line : " << __LINE__ << " debug" << endl template void view(T e){cout << e << endl;} template void view(const vector& v){ for(const auto& e : v) cout << e << " "; cout << endl;} template void view(const vector >& vv){ for(const auto& v : vv){ view(v); }} /****** Template of some basic operations *****/ struct IoSetup { IoSetup() { cin.tie(nullptr); ios::sync_with_stdio(false); cout << fixed << setprecision(10); cerr << fixed << setprecision(10); } } iosetup; template< typename T1, typename T2 > ostream &operator<<(ostream &os, const pair< T1, T2 >& p) { os << p.first << " " << p.second; return os; } template< typename T1, typename T2 > istream &operator>>(istream &is, pair< T1, T2 > &p) { is >> p.first >> p.second; return is; } template< typename T > ostream &operator<<(ostream &os, const vector< T > &v) { for(int i = 0; i < (int) v.size(); i++) { os << v[i] << (i + 1 != v.size() ? " " : ""); } return os; } template< typename T > istream &operator>>(istream &is, vector< T > &v) { for(T &in : v) is >> in; return is; } template< typename T1, typename T2 > inline bool chmax(T1 &a, T2 b) { return a < b && (a = b, true); } template< typename T1, typename T2 > inline bool chmin(T1 &a, T2 b) { return a > b && (a = b, true); } template< typename T = ll > vector< T > make_v(size_t a) { return vector< T >(a); } template< typename T, typename... Ts > auto make_v(size_t a, Ts... ts) { return vector< decltype(make_v< T >(ts...)) >(a, make_v< T >(ts...)); } template< typename T, typename V > typename enable_if< is_class< T >::value == 0 >::type fill_v(T &t, const V &v) { t = v; } template< typename T, typename V > typename enable_if< is_class< T >::value != 0 >::type fill_v(T &t, const V &v) { for(auto &e : t) fill_v(e, v); } template< typename F > struct FixPoint : F { FixPoint(F &&f) : F(forward< F >(f)) {} template< typename... Args > decltype(auto) operator()(Args &&... args) const { return F::operator()(*this, forward< Args >(args)...); } }; template< typename F > inline decltype(auto) MFP(F &&f) { return FixPoint< F >{forward< F >(f)}; } /*******************************************************/ /******************** Start coding ! *******************/ int main(){ int n; cin >> n; while(true){ int cnt = 0; while(n!=0){ int tmp = n % 10; n /= 10; cnt += tmp; } if(cnt/10==0){ cout << cnt << endl; return 0; } n = cnt; } }