H, W = map(int, input().split()) S = [[1 if i == '#' else 0 for i in input()] for _ in range(H)] from copy import deepcopy if sum([sum(s) for s in S]) < 2: print('NO') exit() for i in range(H): for j in range(-W + 1, W): if i == 0 and j <= 0: continue else: s = deepcopy(S) B = True for h in range(H): if B: for w in range(W): if s[h][w] == 1: s[h][w] = 0 if h + i < H and 0 <= w + j < W and s[h + i][w + j]: s[h + i][w + j] = 0 else: B = False break else: break if B: print('YES') exit() print('NO')