import sys readline=sys.stdin.buffer.readline w, h, n=map(int, readline().split()) s1=[[0]*w for i in range(h)] s2=[[0]*h for i in range(w)] for i in range(n): m=int(readline()) b=list(map(int, readline().split())) for j in range(m): x1, y1=divmod(b[j], w) x2, y2=divmod(b[j+1], w) if x1==x2: if y1>y2:y1, y2=y2, y1 s1[x1][y1]+=1 s1[x1][y2]-=1 else: if x1>x2:x1, x2=x2, x1 s2[y1][x1]+=1 s2[y1][x2]-=1 from itertools import accumulate for i in range(h):s1[i]=list(accumulate(s1[i])) for i in range(w):s2[i]=list(accumulate(s2[i])) INF=10**9 d=[INF]*(h*w) d[0]=0 que=[0] for p in que: x, y=divmod(p, w) d0=d[p] p1, p2, p3, p4=(x-1)*w+y, (x+1)*w+y, x*w+y-1, x*w+y+1 if x-1>=0 and s2[y][x-1]>0 and d[p1]>d0+1: d[p1]=d0+1 que.append(p1) if x+1<h and s2[y][x]>0 and d[p2]>d0+1: d[p2]=d0+1 que.append(p2) if y-1>=0 and s1[x][y-1]>0 and d[p3]>d0+1: d[p3]=d0+1 que.append(p3) if y+1<w and s1[x][y]>0 and d[p4]>d0+1: d[p4]=d0+1 que.append(p4) print(d[-1] if d[-1]<INF else "Odekakedekinai..")