(in-package :cl-user) (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (defparameter *opt* #+swank '(optimize (speed 3) (safety 2)) #-swank '(optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (debug 0))) #+swank (ql:quickload '(:cl-debug-print :fiveam :cp/util) :silent t) #+swank (use-package :cp/util :cl-user) #-swank (set-dispatch-macro-character #\# #\> (lambda (s c p) (declare (ignore c p)) `(values ,(read s nil nil t))))) #+swank (set-dispatch-macro-character #\# #\> #'cl-debug-print:debug-print-reader) (macrolet ((def (b) `(progn (deftype ,(intern (format nil "UINT~A" b)) () '(unsigned-byte ,b)) (deftype ,(intern (format nil "INT~A" b)) () '(signed-byte ,b)))) (define-int-types (&rest bits) `(progn ,@(mapcar (lambda (b) `(def ,b)) bits)))) (define-int-types 2 4 7 8 15 16 31 32 62 63 64)) (defconstant +mod+ 1000000007) (defmacro dbg (&rest forms) #+swank (if (= (length forms) 1) `(format *error-output* "~A => ~A~%" ',(car forms) ,(car forms)) `(format *error-output* "~A => ~A~%" ',forms `(,,@forms))) #-swank (declare (ignore forms))) (declaim (inline println)) (defun println (obj &optional (stream *standard-output*)) (let ((*read-default-float-format* 'double-float)) (prog1 (princ obj stream) (terpri stream)))) ;; BEGIN_INSERTED_CONTENTS (defpackage :cp/modify-macro (:use :cl) (:export #:minf #:maxf #:mulf #:divf #:iorf #:xorf #:andf)) (in-package :cp/modify-macro) (macrolet ((def (name fname) `(define-modify-macro ,name (new-value) ,fname))) (def minf min) (def maxf max) (def mulf *) (def divf /) (def iorf logior) (def xorf logxor) (def andf logand)) ;; BEGIN_USE_PACKAGE (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (use-package :cp/modify-macro :cl-user)) (in-package :cl-user) ;;; ;;; Body ;;; (defun main () (let* ((n (read)) (k (read)) (nums (coerce (loop repeat n collect (read)) '(simple-array uint31 (*)))) (state (make-array n :element-type 'uint8 :initial-element 0)) (sums (make-array k :element-type 'uint31 :initial-element 0)) (counts (make-array k :element-type 'uint31 :initial-element 0)) (res 0)) (labels ((update! () (fill sums 0) (fill counts 0) (dotimes (i n) (let ((num (aref nums i)) (group (aref state i))) (incf (aref sums group) num) (incf (aref counts group)))) (unless (find 0 counts) (loop for sum across sums for count across counts maximize (/ sum count) into max minimize (/ sum count) into min do (maxf res (round (- max min)))))) (dfs (pos) (if (= pos n) (update!) (dotimes (i k) (setf (aref state pos) i) (dfs (+ pos 1)))))) (dfs 1) (println res)))) #-swank (main) ;;; ;;; Test and benchmark ;;; #+swank (progn (defparameter *lisp-file-pathname* (uiop:current-lisp-file-pathname)) (setq *default-pathname-defaults* (uiop:pathname-directory-pathname *lisp-file-pathname*)) (defparameter *dat-pathname* (uiop:merge-pathnames* "test.dat" *lisp-file-pathname*)) (defparameter *problem-url* "https://yukicoder.me/problems/no/21")) #+swank (defun gen-dat () (uiop:with-output-file (out *dat-pathname* :if-exists :supersede) (format out ""))) #+swank (defun bench (&optional (out (make-broadcast-stream))) (time (run *dat-pathname* out))) #-swank (eval-when (:compile-toplevel) (when (or (> sb-c::*compiler-warning-count* 0) sb-c::*undefined-warnings*) (error "count: ~D, undefined warnings: ~A" sb-c::*compiler-warning-count* sb-c::*undefined-warnings*))) ;; To run: (5am:run! :sample) #+swank (5am:test :sample (5am:is (equal "535 " (run "5 3 555 20 432 301 21 " nil))) (5am:is (equal "651 " (run "8 4 329 980 656 738 739 542 873 501 " nil))))