#include "bits/stdc++.h" using namespace std; using ll=long long; using vll=vector< ll>; using vvll=vector< vll>; using vvvll=vector< vvll>; using vvvvll=vector; using dd=double; using vdd=vector< dd>; using vvdd=vector< vdd>; using pll=pair; using tll=tuple; using qll=tuple; using vpll=vector< pll>; constexpr ll INF = 1LL << 60; struct Fast{ Fast(){ cin.tie(0); ios::sync_with_stdio(false); cout<::max_digits10); } } fast; #define REPS(i, S, E) for (ll i = (S); i <= (E); i++) #define REP(i, N) REPS(i, 0, (N)-1) #define DEPS(i, S, E) for (ll i = (E); i >= (S); i--) #define DEP(i, N) DEPS(i, 0, (N)-1) #define rep(i, S, E) for (ll i = (S); i <= (E); i++) #define dep(i, E, S) for (ll i = (E); i >= (S); i--) #define each(e, v) for (auto&& e : v) #define ALL(v) (v).begin(), (v).end() #define RALL(v) (v).rbegin(), (v).rend() template inline bool chmax(T &a, T b) { if (a < b) { a = b; return true; }return false; } template inline bool chmin(T &a, T b) { if (a > b) { a = b; return true; }return false; } template inline T MaxE(vector&v,ll S,ll E){ T m=v[S]; rep(i,S,E)chmax(m,v[i]); return m; } template inline T MinE(vector&v,ll S,ll E){ T m=v[S]; rep(i,S,E)chmin(m,v[i]); return m; } template inline T MaxE(vector &v) { return MaxE(v,0,(ll)v.size()-1); } template inline T MinE(vector &v) { return MinE(v,0,(ll)v.size()-1); } template inline T Sum(vector &v,ll S,ll E){ T s=T(); rep(i,S,E)s+=v[i]; return s; } template inline T Sum(vector &v) { return Sum(v,0,v.size()-1); } template inline ll sz(T &v){ return (ll)v.size(); } inline ll CEIL(ll a,ll b){ return (a<0) ? -(-a/b) : (a+b-1)/b; } inline ll FLOOR(ll a,ll b){ return -CEIL(-a,b); } #if 0 #include using namespace atcoder; #endif template inline T POW(T a,ll n){ T r=1; for (; n>0; n>>=1,a*=a){ if (n&1)r*=a; } return r; } inline ll POW(int a,ll n){ return POW((ll)a,n); } const ll n=100; //void calc(ll B){ // ll x=1; // ll g=B; // dd ans=0.; // rep(y,1,n-1){ // ll yy=abs(y-1); // if (yy%g!=0)continue; // // ans+=1/POW((dd)(x+y),x+y); // } // cout << ans << '\n'; //} void solve() { ll A,B; cin >> A >> B; A=abs(A); B=abs(B); if (A>B){ swap(A,B); } if (A==0 and B==0){ cout << 1./4. << '\n'; return; } //if (A==0){ // calc(B);return; //} ll g; bool isn=false; if (A==0){ g=B; } else{ g=gcd(A,B); ll a=A/g; ll b=B/g; if (a%2==1 and b%2==1){ isn=true; } } dd ans=0.; rep(x,1,n-1){ rep(y,1,n-1){ ll xx=abs(x-1); ll yy=abs(y-1); if (xx%g!=0)continue; if (yy%g!=0)continue; ll xxx=xx/g; ll yyy=yy/g; if (isn==true and (xxx+yyy)%2==1){ continue; } ans+=1/POW((dd)(x+y),x+y); } } cout << ans << '\n'; } int main(){ #if 1 solve(); #else ll t; cin >> t; rep(i, 0, t-1){ solve(); } #endif return 0; }