#include using namespace std; //#define int long long typedef long long ll; typedef unsigned long long ul; typedef unsigned int ui; const ll mod = 1000000007; // const ll mod = 998244353; const ll INF = mod * mod; const int INF_N = 1e+9; typedef pair P; #define rep(i,n) for(int i=0;i=0;i--) #define Rep(i,sta,n) for(int i=sta;i=1;i--) #define Rep1(i,sta,n) for(int i=sta;i<=n;i++) #define all(v) (v).begin(),(v).end() typedef pair LP; typedef long double ld; typedef pair LDP; const ld eps = 1e-12; const ld pi = acos(-1.0); //typedef vector> mat; typedef vector vec; //繰り返し二乗法 ll mod_pow(ll a, ll n, ll m) { ll res = 1; while (n) { if (n & 1)res = res * a%m; a = a * a%m; n >>= 1; } return res; } struct modint { ll n; modint() :n(0) { ; } modint(ll m) :n(m) { if (n >= mod)n %= mod; else if (n < 0)n = (n%mod + mod) % mod; } operator int() { return n; } }; bool operator==(modint a, modint b) { return a.n == b.n; } modint operator+=(modint &a, modint b) { a.n += b.n; if (a.n >= mod)a.n -= mod; return a; } modint operator-=(modint &a, modint b) { a.n -= b.n; if (a.n < 0)a.n += mod; return a; } modint operator*=(modint &a, modint b) { a.n = ((ll)a.n*b.n) % mod; return a; } modint operator+(modint a, modint b) { return a += b; } modint operator-(modint a, modint b) { return a -= b; } modint operator*(modint a, modint b) { return a *= b; } modint operator^(modint a, int n) { if (n == 0)return modint(1); modint res = (a*a) ^ (n / 2); if (n % 2)res = res * a; return res; } //逆元(Eucledean algorithm) ll inv(ll a, ll p) { return (a == 1 ? 1 : (1 - p * inv(p%a, a)) / a + p); } modint operator/(modint a, modint b) { return a * modint(inv(b, mod)); } const int max_n = 1 << 18; modint fact[max_n], factinv[max_n]; void init_f() { fact[0] = modint(1); for (int i = 0; i < max_n - 1; i++) { fact[i + 1] = fact[i] * modint(i + 1); } factinv[max_n - 1] = modint(1) / fact[max_n - 1]; for (int i = max_n - 2; i >= 0; i--) { factinv[i] = factinv[i + 1] * modint(i + 1); } } modint comb(int a, int b) { if (a < 0 || b < 0 || a < b)return 0; return fact[a] * factinv[b] * factinv[a - b]; } using mP = pair; int dx[4] = { 0,1,0,-1 }; int dy[4] = { 1,0,-1,0 }; int n; vector a, b, c; struct Bottom { ll a, b, h; Bottom(ll _a, ll _b, ll _h) :a(_a), b(_b), h(_h) {}; }; struct RectangularSolid { ll a, b, c; vector s; RectangularSolid(ll _a, ll _b, ll _c) :a(_a), b(_b), c(_c) { s.emplace_back(min(a, b), max(a, b), c); s.emplace_back(min(b, c), max(b, c), a); s.emplace_back(min(c, a), max(c, a), b); } }; bool check(Bottom bt, Bottom tp) { return bt.a >= tp.a and bt.b >= tp.b; } vector vr; ll dp[(1<<16)+5][18][3]; ll dfs(ll S, ll pre, ll bt) { if (pre != -1 and dp[S][pre][bt] != -1) return dp[S][pre][bt]; if (S == (1 << n) - 1) return 0; ll res = 0; for (int bit = 0; bit < n; bit++) { if (!(S >> bit & 1)) { for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (pre == -1 or check(vr[pre].s[bt], vr[bit].s[i])) { res = max(res, dfs(S | (1 << bit), bit, i) + vr[bit].s[i].h); } } } } if(pre != -1) dp[S][pre][bt] = res; return res; } void solve() { cin >> n; memset(dp, -1, sizeof(dp)); rep(i, n){ ll a, b, c; cin >> a >> b >> c; vr.emplace_back(a, b, c); } cout << dfs(0, -1, 0) << endl; } signed main() { ios::sync_with_stdio(false); cin.tie(0); //cout << fixed << setprecision(10); //init_f(); //init(); //int t; cin >> t; rep(i, t)solve(); solve(); // stop return 0; }