import sys input = sys.stdin.buffer.readline sys.setrecursionlimit(10 ** 7) class SCC_graph(object): def __init__(self, n): """n:ノード数""" self.n = n self.edges = [] def add_edge(self, frm, to): """frm -> toへ有効辺を張る""" self.edges.append((frm, to)) def __csr(self): self.start = [0] * (self.n + 1) self.elist = [0] * len(self.edges) for frm, to in self.edges: self.start[frm + 1] += 1 for i in range(1, self.n + 1): self.start[i] += self.start[i - 1] cnt = self.start[:] for frm, to in self.edges: self.elist[cnt[frm]] = to cnt[frm] += 1 def __dfs(self, v): self.low[v] = self.now_ord self.order[v] = self.now_ord self.now_ord += 1 self.visited.append(v) for i in range(self.start[v], self.start[v + 1]): to = self.elist[i] if self.order[to] == -1: self.__dfs(to) self.low[v] = min(self.low[v], self.low[to]) else: self.low[v] = min(self.low[v], self.order[to]) if self.low[v] == self.order[v]: while self.visited: u = self.visited.pop() self.order[u] = self.n self.ids[u] = self.group_num if u == v: break self.group_num += 1 def _make_scc_ids(self): self.__csr() self.now_ord = 0 self.group_num = 0 self.visited = [] self.low = [0] * self.n self.ids = [0] * self.n self.order = [-1] * self.n for i in range(self.n): if self.order[i] == -1: self.__dfs(i) for i in range(self.n): self.ids[i] = self.group_num - 1 - self.ids[i] def scc(self): self._make_scc_ids() groups = [[] for _ in range(self.group_num)] for i in range(self.n): groups[self.ids[i]].append(i) return groups class TwoSAT(SCC_graph): def __init__(self, n): """ n: ノード数""" self._n = n super().__init__(2 * n) def add_clause(self, i, f, j, g): """ (xi == f)∨(xj == g)というクローズを追加 """ x = 2 * i + (0 if f else 1) y = 2 * j + (1 if g else 0) self.add_edge(x, y) x = 2 * j + (0 if g else 1) y = 2 * i + (1 if f else 0) self.add_edge(x, y) def satisfiable(self): """ 条件を満たす割り当てが存在するか判定する """ self._make_scc_ids() self._answer = [False] * self._n for i in range(self._n): if self.ids[2 * i] == self.ids[2 * i + 1]: return False self._answer[i] = (self.ids[2 * i] < self.ids[2 * i + 1]) return True def answer(self): """ 最後に読んだsatisfiableのクローズを満たす割り当てを返す """ return self._answer n = int(input()) S = list(map(int, input().split())) T = list(map(int, input().split())) U = list(map(int, input().split())) ts = TwoSAT(n * n) for s, t, u in zip(S, T, U): for j in range(n): x = (s - 1) * n + j y = j * n + t - 1 if u == 0: ts.add_clause(x, 0, y, 0) elif u == 1: ts.add_clause(x, 1, y, 0) elif u == 2: ts.add_clause(x, 0, y, 1) else: ts.add_clause(x, 1, y, 1) if not ts.satisfiable(): print(-1) exit() ans = [[-1] * n for _ in range(n)] for i, a in enumerate(ts.answer()): x, y = divmod(i, n) ans[x][y] = int(a) for a in ans: print(*a)