#include using namespace std; using pint = pair; template pair operator+(const pair &l, const pair &r) { return make_pair(l.first + r.first, l.second + r.second); } template pair operator-(const pair &l, const pair &r) { return make_pair(l.first - r.first, l.second - r.second); } pint query(int i, int j) { cout << "? " << i + 1 << ' ' << j + 1 << endl; int x, y; cin >> x >> y; return make_pair(x, y); } pint simulate(pint pi, pint pj) { pint ret = pi - pj; if (ret.first > ret.second) swap(ret.first, ret.second); return ret; } int main() { int N; cin >> N; const int L = N * N - N; map freqcnt; freqcnt[0] += 2; map> p2i; for (int i = 1; i < L; i++) { auto [x, y] = query(i, 0); p2i[pint(x, y)].emplace_back(i); if (x == 0 or y == 0) freqcnt[x + y]++; } const int lo = freqcnt.begin()->first; const int hi = prev(freqcnt.end())->first; int lo2 = lo, hi2 = hi; while (freqcnt[lo2] == 1) lo2++; while (freqcnt[hi2] == 1) hi2--; vector ret(L, pint(-1, -1)); if (hi2 - lo == N - 1 and hi - lo2 == N - 2) { ret[0] = make_pair(-lo2 + 1, -lo); // (十, 一) } else if (hi2 - lo == N - 2 and hi - lo2 == N - 1) { ret[0] = make_pair(-lo + 1, -lo2); } auto is_valid = [&](pint p) -> bool { return p.first > 0 and p.first < N and p.second >= 0 and p.second < N; }; vector ics; for (const auto [p, is] : p2i) { pint pa = p; if (is.size() == 1) { int i = is[0]; pint pcand = ret[0] + pa; if (is_valid(pcand)) ret[i] = pcand; else { swap(pa.first, pa.second); ret[i] = ret[0] + pa; } ics.emplace_back(i); } } assert(ics.size() > 0); for (const auto [p, is] : p2i) { if (is.size() == 2) { pint pa = p; const int i = is[0], j = is[1]; const pint p1 = ret[0] + pa; swap(pa.first, pa.second); const pint p2 = ret[0] + pa; for (auto ic : ics) { pint psim1 = simulate(p1, ret[ic]); pint psim2 = simulate(p2, ret[ic]); if (psim1 != psim2) { pint ptmp = query(i, ic); if (psim1 == ptmp) ret[i] = p1, ret[j] = p2; else ret[i] = p2, ret[j] = p1; break; } } } } cout << "! "; for (auto x : ret) cout << x.first * N + x.second << ' '; cout << endl; }