import sys,collections,heapq sys.setrecursionlimit(10**7) def I(): return int(sys.stdin.readline().rstrip()) def MI(): return map(int,sys.stdin.readline().rstrip().split()) def LI(): return list(map(int,sys.stdin.readline().rstrip().split())) def LI2(): return list(map(int,sys.stdin.readline().rstrip())) def S(): return sys.stdin.readline().rstrip() def LS(): return list(sys.stdin.readline().rstrip().split()) def LS2(): return list(sys.stdin.readline().rstrip()) class Dijkstra: def __init__(self): self.e = collections.defaultdict(list) def add(self, u, v, d, directed=False): if directed is False: # 無向グラフの場合 self.e[u].append([v, d]) self.e[v].append([u, d]) else: # 有向グラフの場合 self.e[u].append([v, d]) def delete(self, u, v): self.e[u] = [_ for _ in self.e[u] if _[0] != v] self.e[v] = [_ for _ in self.e[v] if _[0] != u] def search(self, s): # sから各頂点までの最短距離 d = collections.defaultdict(lambda: float('inf')) d[s] = 0 q = [] heapq.heappush(q, (0, s)) v = collections.defaultdict(bool) while len(q): k, u = heapq.heappop(q) if v[u]: continue v[u] = True for uv, ud in self.e[u]: if v[uv]: continue vd = k + ud if d[uv] > vd: d[uv] = vd heapq.heappush(q, (vd, uv)) return d N,M,P = MI() S,G = MI() Di = Dijkstra() for _ in range(M): u,v = MI() Di.add((u,0),(v,1),1,directed=False) Di.add((u,1),(v,0),1,directed=False) dist_S =,0)) dist_G =,0)) ANS = [] for i in range(1,N+1): if P % 2 == 0: d0 = dist_S[(i,0)]+dist_G[(i,0)] d1 = dist_S[(i,1)]+dist_G[(i,1)] if (d0 != float('inf') and d0 <= P) or (d1 != float('inf') and d1 <= P): ANS.append(i) else: d0 = dist_S[(i,0)]+dist_G[(i,1)] d1 = dist_S[(i,1)]+dist_G[(i,0)] if (d0 != float('inf') and d0 <= P) or (d1 != float('inf') and d1 <= P): ANS.append(i) if ANS: print(len(ANS)) print(*ANS,sep='\n') else: print(-1) # bfsの方が速く解ける