#include #include #include #include namespace atcoder { namespace internal { #ifndef _MSC_VER template using is_signed_int128 = typename std::conditional::value || std::is_same::value, std::true_type, std::false_type>::type; template using is_unsigned_int128 = typename std::conditional::value || std::is_same::value, std::true_type, std::false_type>::type; template using make_unsigned_int128 = typename std::conditional::value, __uint128_t, unsigned __int128>; template using is_integral = typename std::conditional::value || is_signed_int128::value || is_unsigned_int128::value, std::true_type, std::false_type>::type; template using is_signed_int = typename std::conditional<(is_integral::value && std::is_signed::value) || is_signed_int128::value, std::true_type, std::false_type>::type; template using is_unsigned_int = typename std::conditional<(is_integral::value && std::is_unsigned::value) || is_unsigned_int128::value, std::true_type, std::false_type>::type; template using to_unsigned = typename std::conditional< is_signed_int128::value, make_unsigned_int128, typename std::conditional::value, std::make_unsigned, std::common_type>::type>::type; #else template using is_integral = typename std::is_integral; template using is_signed_int = typename std::conditional::value && std::is_signed::value, std::true_type, std::false_type>::type; template using is_unsigned_int = typename std::conditional::value && std::is_unsigned::value, std::true_type, std::false_type>::type; template using to_unsigned = typename std::conditional::value, std::make_unsigned, std::common_type>::type; #endif template using is_signed_int_t = std::enable_if_t::value>; template using is_unsigned_int_t = std::enable_if_t::value>; template using to_unsigned_t = typename to_unsigned::type; } // namespace internal } // namespace atcoder #include #include namespace atcoder { // Reference: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fenwick_tree template struct fenwick_tree { using U = internal::to_unsigned_t; public: fenwick_tree() : _n(0) {} fenwick_tree(int n) : _n(n), data(n) {} void add(int p, T x) { assert(0 <= p && p < _n); p++; while (p <= _n) { data[p - 1] += U(x); p += p & -p; } } T sum(int l, int r) { assert(0 <= l && l <= r && r <= _n); return sum(r) - sum(l); } private: int _n; std::vector data; U sum(int r) { U s = 0; while (r > 0) { s += data[r - 1]; r -= r & -r; } return s; } }; } // namespace atcoder #define REP_(i, a_, b_, a, b, ...) \ for (int i = (a), _Z_##i = (b); i < _Z_##i; ++i) #define REP(i, ...) REP_(i, __VA_ARGS__, __VA_ARGS__, 0, __VA_ARGS__) #define ALL(x) std::begin(x), std::end(x) using i64 = long long; using u64 = unsigned long long; template inline bool chmax(T &a, U b) { return a < b and ((a = std::move(b)), true); } template inline bool chmin(T &a, U b) { return a > b and ((a = std::move(b)), true); } template inline int ssize(const T &a) { return (int)std::size(a); } template std::istream &operator>>(std::istream &is, std::vector &a) { for (auto &x : a) is >> x; return is; } template std::ostream &print_seq(const Container &a, std::string_view sep = " ", std::string_view ends = "\n", std::ostream *os = nullptr) { if (os == nullptr) os = &std::cout; auto b = std::begin(a), e = std::end(a); for (auto it = std::begin(a); it != e; ++it) { if (it != b) *os << sep; *os << *it; } return *os << ends; } template struct is_iterable : std::false_type {}; template struct is_iterable())), decltype(std::end(std::declval()))>> : std::true_type {}; template ::value && !std::is_same::value && !std::is_same::value>> std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const T &a) { return print_seq(a, ", ", "", &(os << "{")) << "}"; } template std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const std::pair &a) { return os << "(" << a.first << ", " << a.second << ")"; } #ifdef ENABLE_DEBUG template void pdebug(const T &value) { std::cerr << value; } template void pdebug(const T &value, const Ts &...args) { pdebug(value); std::cerr << ", "; pdebug(args...); } #define DEBUG(...) \ do { \ std::cerr << " \033[33m (L" << __LINE__ << ") "; \ std::cerr << #__VA_ARGS__ << ":\033[0m "; \ pdebug(__VA_ARGS__); \ std::cerr << std::endl; \ } while (0) #else #define pdebug(...) #define DEBUG(...) #endif using namespace std; const int INF = 1e9 + 100; template struct Compress { std::vector vec; explicit Compress(std::vector v) : vec(v) { std::sort(vec.begin(), vec.end()); vec.erase(std::unique(vec.begin(), vec.end()), vec.end()); } int size() const { return vec.size(); } int index(T x) const { return lower_bound(vec.begin(), vec.end(), x) - vec.begin(); } const T &value(int i) const { return vec[i]; } }; int main() { std::ios::sync_with_stdio(false), cin.tie(nullptr); int n, q; cin >> n >> q; int bsize = 3000; // sqrt(n) + 1; int bcount = n / bsize + 1; vector a(n); cin >> a; Compress comp(a); vector> bits; vector> bits2; REP(bi, bcount) { bits.emplace_back(comp.size()); bits2.emplace_back(comp.size()); REP(j, bsize) { int p = bi * bsize + j; if (p < n) { int ai = comp.index(a[p]); bits[bi].add(ai, 1); bits2[bi].add(ai, a[p]); } } } auto check = [&](int mi, int l, int r) -> bool { int lb = l / bsize, rb = r / bsize; assert(lb < rb); i64 count = 0; for (int i = l; i < (lb + 1) * bsize; ++i) { if (comp.index(a[i]) < mi) ++count; } for (int i = rb * bsize; i < r; ++i) { if (comp.index(a[i]) < mi) ++count; } for (int bi = lb + 1; bi < rb; ++bi) { count += bits[bi].sum(0, mi); } return count <= (r - l) / 2; }; REP(qi, q) { int l, r; cin >> l >> r; --l; int lb = l / bsize, rb = r / bsize; if (lb == rb) { vector xs; xs.reserve(r - l); for (int i = l; i < r; ++i) { xs.push_back(a[i]); } int m = (r - l) / 2; nth_element(xs.begin(), xs.begin() + m, xs.end()); int medval = xs.at(m); i64 dsum = 0; for (auto x : xs) { dsum += abs(x - medval); } cout << dsum << "\n"; } else { int tv = 0, fv = comp.size(); while (fv - tv > 1) { int mid = (tv + fv) / 2; if (check(mid, l, r)) { tv = mid; } else { fv = mid; } } assert(0 <= tv and tv < comp.size()); int medi = tv; int medval = comp.value(medi); DEBUG(medi, medval); i64 dsum = 0; for (int i = l; i < (lb + 1) * bsize; ++i) { dsum += abs(a[i] - medval); } for (int i = rb * bsize; i < r; ++i) { dsum += abs(a[i] - medval); } for (int bi = lb + 1; bi < rb; ++bi) { i64 lower_cnt = bits[bi].sum(0, medi); i64 lower_sum = bits2[bi].sum(0, medi); dsum += medval * lower_cnt - lower_sum; i64 upper_cnt = bits[bi].sum(medi, comp.size()); i64 upper_sum = bits2[bi].sum(medi, comp.size()); dsum += upper_sum - medval * upper_cnt; } cout << dsum << '\n'; } } }