(in-package :cl-user) (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (defparameter *opt* #+swank '(optimize (speed 3) (safety 2)) #-swank '(optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (debug 0))) #+swank (ql:quickload '(:cl-debug-print :fiveam :cp/util) :silent t) #+swank (use-package :cp/util :cl-user) #-swank (set-dispatch-macro-character #\# #\> (lambda (s c p) (declare (ignore c p)) `(values ,(read s nil nil t)))) #+sbcl (setq *random-state* (seed-random-state (nth-value 1 (get-time-of-day))))) #-swank (eval-when (:compile-toplevel) (setq *break-on-signals* '(and warning (not style-warning)))) #+swank (set-dispatch-macro-character #\# #\> #'cl-debug-print:debug-print-reader) (macrolet ((def (b) `(progn (deftype ,(intern (format nil "UINT~A" b)) () '(unsigned-byte ,b)) (deftype ,(intern (format nil "INT~A" b)) () '(signed-byte ,b)))) (define-int-types (&rest bits) `(progn ,@(mapcar (lambda (b) `(def ,b)) bits)))) (define-int-types 2 4 7 8 15 16 31 32 62 63 64)) (defconstant +mod+ 1000000007) (defmacro dbg (&rest forms) (declare (ignorable forms)) #+swank (if (= (length forms) 1) `(format *error-output* "~A => ~A~%" ',(car forms) ,(car forms)) `(format *error-output* "~A => ~A~%" ',forms `(,,@forms)))) (declaim (inline println)) (defun println (obj &optional (stream *standard-output*)) (let ((*read-default-float-format* (if (typep obj 'double-float) 'double-float *read-default-float-format*))) (prog1 (princ obj stream) (terpri stream)))) ;; BEGIN_INSERTED_CONTENTS (defpackage :cp/ext-gcd (:use :cl) (:export #:ext-gcd)) (in-package :cp/ext-gcd) ;; Blankinship algorithm ;; Reference: https://topcoder-g-hatena-ne-jp.jag-icpc.org/spaghetti_source/20130126/ (Japanese) (declaim (ftype (function * (values fixnum fixnum &optional)) %ext-gcd)) (defun %ext-gcd (a b) (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0)) (fixnum a b)) (let ((y 1) (x 0) (u 1) (v 0)) (declare (fixnum y x u v)) (loop (when (zerop a) (return (values x y))) (let ((q (floor b a))) (decf x (the fixnum (* q u))) (rotatef x u) (decf y (the fixnum (* q v))) (rotatef y v) (decf b (the fixnum (* q a))) (rotatef b a))))) ;; TODO: deal with bignums (declaim (inline ext-gcd)) (defun ext-gcd (a b) "Returns two integers X and Y which satisfy AX + BY = gcd(A, B)." (declare ((integer #.(- most-positive-fixnum) #.most-positive-fixnum) a b)) (if (>= a 0) (if (>= b 0) (%ext-gcd a b) (multiple-value-bind (x y) (%ext-gcd a (- b)) (declare (fixnum x y)) (values x (- y)))) (if (>= b 0) (multiple-value-bind (x y) (%ext-gcd (- a) b) (declare (fixnum x y)) (values (- x) y)) (multiple-value-bind (x y) (%ext-gcd (- a) (- b)) (declare (fixnum x y)) (values (- x) (- y)))))) (defpackage :cp/bezout (:use :cl :cp/ext-gcd) (:export #:solve-bezout #:%calc-min-factor #:%calc-max-factor)) (in-package :cp/bezout) (declaim (inline %calc-min-factor)) (defun %calc-min-factor (x alpha) "Returns k, so that x+k*alpha is the smallest non-negative number." (if (plusp alpha) (ceiling (- x) alpha) (floor (- x) alpha))) (declaim (inline %calc-max-factor)) (defun %calc-max-factor (x alpha) "Returns k, so that x+k*alpha is the largest non-positive number." (if (plusp alpha) (floor (- x) alpha) (ceiling (- x) alpha))) (declaim (inline solve-bezout)) (defun solve-bezout (a b c gcd init-x init-y &optional min max) "Returns an integer solution of a*x+b*y = c if it exists, otherwise returns (VALUES NIL NIL). - If MIN is specified and MAX is null, the returned x is the smallest integer equal to or larger than MIN. - If MAX is specified and MIN is null, x is the largest integer equal to or smaller than MAX. - If both are specified, x is an integer in [MIN, MAX]. This function returns NIL when there is no x that satisfies the given condition." (declare (optimize (speed 3)) ((unsigned-byte 62) a b c gcd) ((or null (unsigned-byte 31)) min max) (fixnum init-x init-y)) (let ((gcd-ab gcd)) (if (zerop (mod c gcd-ab)) (let* ((factor (floor c gcd-ab)) ;; m*x0 + n*y0 = d (x0 (* init-x factor)) (y0 (* init-y factor))) (if (and (null min) (null max)) (values x0 y0) (let (;; general solution: x = x0 + kΔx, y = y0 - kΔy (deltax (floor b gcd-ab)) (deltay (floor a gcd-ab))) (if min (let* ((k-min (%calc-min-factor (- x0 min) deltax)) (x (+ x0 (* k-min deltax))) (y (- y0 (* k-min deltay)))) (if (and max (> x max)) (values nil nil) (values x y))) (let* ((k-max (%calc-max-factor (- x0 max) deltax)) (x (+ x0 (* k-max deltax))) (y (- y0 (* k-max deltay)))) (if (<= x max) (values x y) (values nil nil))))))) (values nil nil)))) ;;; ;;; Arithmetic operations with static modulus ;;; (defpackage :cp/mod-operations (:use :cl) (:export #:define-mod-operations)) (in-package :cp/mod-operations) (defmacro define-mod-operations (divisor &optional (package #+sbcl (sb-int:sane-package) #-sbcl *package*)) (let ((mod* (intern "MOD*" package)) (mod+ (intern "MOD+" package)) (mod- (intern "MOD-" package)) (incfmod (intern "INCFMOD" package)) (decfmod (intern "DECFMOD" package)) (mulfmod (intern "MULFMOD" package))) `(progn (defun ,mod* (&rest args) (cond ((cdr args) (reduce (lambda (x y) (mod (* x y) ,divisor)) args)) (args (mod (car args) ,divisor)) (t 1))) (defun ,mod+ (&rest args) (cond ((cdr args) (reduce (lambda (x y) (mod (+ x y) ,divisor)) args)) (args (mod (car args) ,divisor)) (t 0))) (defun ,mod- (&rest args) (if (cdr args) (reduce (lambda (x y) (mod (- x y) ,divisor)) args) (mod (- (car args)) ,divisor))) #+sbcl (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (locally (declare (sb-ext:muffle-conditions warning)) (sb-c:define-source-transform ,mod* (&rest args) (case (length args) (0 1) (1 `(mod ,(car args) ,',divisor)) (otherwise (reduce (lambda (x y) `(mod (* ,x ,y) ,',divisor)) args)))) (sb-c:define-source-transform ,mod+ (&rest args) (case (length args) (0 0) (1 `(mod ,(car args) ,',divisor)) (otherwise (reduce (lambda (x y) `(mod (+ ,x ,y) ,',divisor)) args)))) (sb-c:define-source-transform ,mod- (&rest args) (case (length args) (0 (values nil t)) (1 `(mod (- ,(car args)) ,',divisor)) (otherwise (reduce (lambda (x y) `(mod (- ,x ,y) ,',divisor)) args)))))) (define-modify-macro ,incfmod (delta) (lambda (x y) (mod (+ x y) ,divisor))) (define-modify-macro ,decfmod (delta) (lambda (x y) (mod (- x y) ,divisor))) (define-modify-macro ,mulfmod (multiplier) (lambda (x y) (mod (* x y) ,divisor)))))) ;; BEGIN_USE_PACKAGE (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (use-package :cp/mod-operations :cl-user)) (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (use-package :cp/ext-gcd :cl-user)) (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (use-package :cp/bezout :cl-user)) (in-package :cl-user) ;;; ;;; Body ;;; (define-mod-operations +mod+) (declaim (inline solve)) (defun solve (a b c) (declare (optimize (speed 3)) ((unsigned-byte 62) a b c)) (let ((gcd-ab (gcd a b))) (if (zerop (mod c gcd-ab)) (ext-gcd a b) (values nil nil)))) (defun main () (declare #.*opt*) (let* ((tt (read))) (dotimes (_ tt) (destructuring-bind (n k h) (sort (loop repeat 3 collect (read)) #'>) (declare (uint31 n k h)) (let ((y (read)) (res 0) (gcd (gcd k h))) (declare (uint62 y) (uint31 res)) (dbg n k h y) (multiple-value-bind (init-x init-y) (ext-gcd k h) (loop for base from 0 to y by n for rest = (- y base) do ;; (dbg base rest) (multiple-value-bind (i1 j1) (solve-bezout k h rest gcd init-x init-y 0 nil) (when i1 (multiple-value-bind (i2 j2) (solve-bezout h k rest gcd init-y init-x 0 nil) (when j2 (when (<= i1 j2) (let ((d (floor h gcd))) (declare (uint62 i1 j2)) (assert (zerop (mod (abs (- i1 j2)) d))) (incfmod res (+ 1 (floor (abs (- i1 j2)) d))))))))))) (println res)))))) #-swank (main) ;;; ;;; Test ;;; #+swank (progn (defparameter *lisp-file-pathname* (uiop:current-lisp-file-pathname)) (setq *default-pathname-defaults* (uiop:pathname-directory-pathname *lisp-file-pathname*)) (uiop:chdir *default-pathname-defaults*) (defparameter *dat-pathname* (uiop:merge-pathnames* "test.dat" *lisp-file-pathname*)) (defparameter *problem-url* "https://yukicoder.me/problems/no/1358")) #+swank (defun gen-dat () (uiop:with-output-file (out *dat-pathname* :if-exists :supersede) (format out ""))) #+swank (defun bench (&optional (out (make-broadcast-stream))) (time (run *dat-pathname* out))) #+(and sbcl (not swank)) (eval-when (:compile-toplevel) (when sb-c::*undefined-warnings* (error "undefined warnings: ~{~A~^ ~}" sb-c::*undefined-warnings*))) ;; To run: (5am:run! :sample) #+swank (5am:test :sample (5am:is (equal "3 1 0 30554 " (run "4 2 3 5 9 4 5 1 1 10 10 10 1 31415 92653 58979 3238462643 " nil))))