class DisjointSet(object): def __init__(self, n): self.parent = list(range(n)) self.rank = [0] * n self.num = n # number of disjoint sets def union(self, x, y): self._link(self.find_set(x), self.find_set(y)) def _link(self, x, y): if x == y: return self.num -= 1 if self.rank[x] > self.rank[y]: self.parent[y] = x else: self.parent[x] = y if self.rank[x] == self.rank[y]: self.rank[y] += 1 def find_set(self, x): xp = self.parent[x] if xp != x: self.parent[x] = self.find_set(xp) return self.parent[x] class PaintSet(object): def __init__(self, color, H, W): self.color = color self.H = H self.W = W self.ds = DisjointSet(H * W) ds = self.ds pos = 0 for r in range(H): for c in range(W): col = color[pos] if r+1 < H and color[pos + W] == col: ds.union(pos, pos + W) if c+1 < W and color[pos + 1] == col: ds.union(pos, pos + 1) pos += 1 Es = [set() for i in range(W * H)] pos = 0 for r in range(H): for c in range(W): col = color[pos] p = ds.find_set(pos) if r+1 < H and color[pos + W] != col: p2 = ds.find_set(pos + W) Es[p].add(p2) Es[p2].add(p) if c+1 < W and color[pos + 1] != col: p2 = ds.find_set(pos + 1) Es[p].add(p2) Es[p2].add(p) pos += 1 self.Es = Es def paint(self, r, c, x): if self.ds.num == 1: return p = self.ds.find_set(r * self.W + c) if self.color[p] == x: return self.color[p] = x Es = self.Es ds = self.ds new_neighbour = set() for v in Es[p]: pv = ds.find_set(v) ds.union(p, pv) for u in Es[pv]: new_neighbour.add(ds.find_set(u)) Es[pv] = set() if p in new_neighbour: new_neighbour.remove(p) newp = ds.find_set(p) Es[newp] = new_neighbour def pprint(self): W = self.W H = self.H color = self.color ds = self.ds pos = 0 for r in range(H): row = [] for c in range(W): col = color[ds.find_set(pos)] row.append(col) pos += 1 print(*row) if __name__ == "__main__": H, W = map(int, input().split()) color = [] for r in range(H): color.extend(list(map(int, input().split()))) paintset = PaintSet(color, H, W) Q = int(input()) for q in range(Q): r, c, x = map(int, input().split()) paintset.paint(r-1, c-1, x) if paintset.ds.num == 1: for r in range(H): print(' '.join([str(x)] * W)) else: paintset.pprint()