#================================================ def General_Binary_Decrease_Search(L,R,cond,Integer=True,ep=1/(1<<20),Times=50): """条件式が単調減少であるとき,一般的な二部探索を行う. L:解の下限 R:解の上限 cond:条件(1変数関数,広義単調減少 or 広義単調減少を満たす) Integer:解を整数に制限するか? ep:Integer=Falseのとき,解の許容する誤差 """ if not(cond(L)): return None if cond(R): return R if Integer: L-=1 while R-L>1: C=L+(R-L)//2 if cond(C): L=C else: R=C return L else: while (R-L)>=ep and Times: Times-=1 C=L+(R-L)/2 if cond(C): L=C else: R=C return L def Floor_Root(a,k): """floor(a^(1/k)) を求める. a:非負整数 k:正の整数 """ assert 0<=a and 0<k if a==0: return 0 if k==1: return a #大体の値を求める. x=int(pow(a,1/k)) #増やす while pow(x+1,k)<=a: x+=1 #減らす while pow(x,k)>a: x-=1 return x #================================================ def f(x): D=K*K+4*x R=Floor_Root(D,2) if R**2!=D: return None b=-K+R if b%2==1: return None else: return b//2 #================================================ from collections import defaultdict N,K,M=map(int,input().split()) #B=1の解の範囲を求める. alpha=General_Binary_Decrease_Search(0,N,lambda x:x*(x+K)<=N) #B>=2の解を求める. F=defaultdict(int) a=1 while a*(a+K)*(a+2*K)<=N: p=a*(a+K)*(a+2*K) F[p]+=1 q=a+3*K while p*q<=N: p*=q F[p]+=1 q+=K a+=1 if M>=2: Ans=0 for n in F: b=0 t=f(n) if t!=None and 1<=t<=alpha: b=1 if F[n]+b==M: Ans+=1 else: Ans=0 beta=alpha for n in F: if F[n]==1: t=f(n) if t==None or not(1<=t<=alpha): Ans+=1 else: beta-=1 else: t=f(n) if t!=None and 1<=t<=alpha: beta-=1 Ans+=beta print(Ans)