import sys sys.setrecursionlimit(10**6) int1 = lambda x: int(x)-1 p2D = lambda x: print(*x, sep="\n") def II(): return int(sys.stdin.buffer.readline()) def MI(): return map(int, sys.stdin.buffer.readline().split()) def MI1(): return map(int1, sys.stdin.buffer.readline().split()) def LI(): return list(map(int, sys.stdin.buffer.readline().split())) def LI1(): return list(map(int1, sys.stdin.buffer.readline().split())) def LLI(rows_number): return [LI() for _ in range(rows_number)] def BI(): return sys.stdin.buffer.readline().rstrip() def SI(): return sys.stdin.buffer.readline().rstrip().decode() # dij = [(0, 1), (-1, 0), (0, -1), (1, 0)] dij = [[(-1, 0), (1, 0)], [(0, -1), (0, 1)]] inf = 10**16 # md = 998244353 # md = 10**9+7 md = 10**8+7 def nCr(com_n, com_r): if com_n < com_r: return 0 return fac[com_n]*ifac[com_r]%md*ifac[com_n-com_r]%md # 準備 n_max = 200005 fac = [1] for i in range(1, n_max+1): fac.append(fac[-1]*i%md) ifac = [1]*(n_max+1) ifac[n_max] = pow(fac[n_max], md-2, md) for i in range(n_max-1, 1, -1): ifac[i] = ifac[i+1]*(i+1)%md s = BI() n = len(s) ans = -1 for i in range(n): l, r = i-1, i+1 d = 0 while l >= 0 and r < n: if s[l] != s[r]: d += 2 l, r = l-1, r+1 cur = r-l-1-d if cur > ans: ans = cur for i in range(1, n): l, r = i-1, i d = 0 while l >= 0 and r < n: if s[l] != s[r]: d += 2 l, r = l-1, r+1 cur = r-l-1-d if cur > ans: ans = cur print(ans)