using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using Bang.Graphs.Int.Spp; class C { static int[] Read() => Array.ConvertAll(Console.ReadLine().Split(), int.Parse); static (int, int, int, int) Read4() { var a = Read(); return (a[0], a[1], a[2], a[3]); } static void Main() { var (n, m, s, t) = Read4(); var p = Read(); var map = GraphConsole.ReadUnweightedMap(n + 1, m, false); int x = p[s - 1], y = 0; var u = new bool[n + 1]; var q = PriorityQueue.CreateWithKey(v => p[v - 1], true); u[s] = true; q.Push(s); while (q.Any) { var (v, pv) = q.Pop(); if (x > pv) { x = pv; y++; } foreach (var nv in map[v]) { if (u[nv]) continue; u[nv] = true; q.Push(nv); } } Console.WriteLine(y); } } namespace Bang.Graphs.Int.Spp { public struct Edge { public static Edge Invalid { get; } = new Edge(-1, -1, long.MinValue); public int From { get; } public int To { get; } public long Cost { get; } public Edge(int from, int to, long cost = 1) { From = from; To = to; Cost = cost; } public void Deconstruct(out int from, out int to) { from = From; to = To; } public void Deconstruct(out int from, out int to, out long cost) { from = From; to = To; cost = Cost; } public override string ToString() => $"{From} {To} {Cost}"; public static implicit operator Edge(int[] e) => new Edge(e[0], e[1], e.Length > 2 ? e[2] : 1); public static implicit operator Edge(long[] e) => new Edge((int)e[0], (int)e[1], e.Length > 2 ? e[2] : 1); public static implicit operator Edge((int from, int to) v) => new Edge(v.from,; public static implicit operator Edge((int from, int to, long cost) v) => new Edge(v.from,, v.cost); public Edge Reverse() => new Edge(To, From, Cost); } public static class GraphConsole { static int[] Read() => Array.ConvertAll(Console.ReadLine().Split(), int.Parse); public static Edge[] ReadEdges(int count) { return Array.ConvertAll(new bool[count], _ => (Edge)Read()); } public static UnweightedMap ReadUnweightedMap(int vertexesCount, int edgesCount, bool directed) { return new UnweightedMap(vertexesCount, ReadEdges(edgesCount), directed); } } public static class GraphConvert { public static void UnweightedEdgesToMap(List[] map, Edge[] edges, bool directed) { foreach (var e in edges) { map[e.From].Add(e.To); if (!directed) map[e.To].Add(e.From); } } public static void UnweightedEdgesToMap(List[] map, int[][] edges, bool directed) { foreach (var e in edges) { map[e[0]].Add(e[1]); if (!directed) map[e[1]].Add(e[0]); } } public static void WeightedEdgesToMap(List[] map, Edge[] edges, bool directed) { foreach (var e in edges) { map[e.From].Add(e); if (!directed) map[e.To].Add(e.Reverse()); } } public static void WeightedEdgesToMap(List[] map, int[][] edges, bool directed) { foreach (var e0 in edges) { Edge e = e0; map[e.From].Add(e); if (!directed) map[e.To].Add(e.Reverse()); } } public static List[] UnweightedEdgesToMap(int vertexesCount, Edge[] edges, bool directed) { var map = Array.ConvertAll(new bool[vertexesCount], _ => new List()); UnweightedEdgesToMap(map, edges, directed); return map; } public static List[] UnweightedEdgesToMap(int vertexesCount, int[][] edges, bool directed) { var map = Array.ConvertAll(new bool[vertexesCount], _ => new List()); UnweightedEdgesToMap(map, edges, directed); return map; } public static List[] WeightedEdgesToMap(int vertexesCount, Edge[] edges, bool directed) { var map = Array.ConvertAll(new bool[vertexesCount], _ => new List()); WeightedEdgesToMap(map, edges, directed); return map; } public static List[] WeightedEdgesToMap(int vertexesCount, int[][] edges, bool directed) { var map = Array.ConvertAll(new bool[vertexesCount], _ => new List()); WeightedEdgesToMap(map, edges, directed); return map; } } public class UnweightedMap { public int VertexesCount { get; } List[] map; public List[] RawMap => map; public int[] this[int vertex] => map[vertex].ToArray(); public UnweightedMap(int vertexesCount, List[] map) { VertexesCount = vertexesCount; = map; } public UnweightedMap(int vertexesCount) { VertexesCount = vertexesCount; map = Array.ConvertAll(new bool[vertexesCount], _ => new List()); } public UnweightedMap(int vertexesCount, Edge[] edges, bool directed) : this(vertexesCount) { AddEdges(edges, directed); } public UnweightedMap(int vertexesCount, int[][] edges, bool directed) : this(vertexesCount) { AddEdges(edges, directed); } public void AddEdges(Edge[] edges, bool directed) { GraphConvert.UnweightedEdgesToMap(map, edges, directed); } public void AddEdges(int[][] edges, bool directed) { GraphConvert.UnweightedEdgesToMap(map, edges, directed); } public void AddEdge(Edge edge, bool directed) { map[edge.From].Add(edge.To); if (!directed) map[edge.To].Add(edge.From); } public void AddEdge(int from, int to, bool directed) { map[from].Add(to); if (!directed) map[to].Add(from); } } /// /// 優先度付きキューを表します。 /// /// オブジェクトの型。 /// /// 二分ヒープによる実装です。
/// 内部では 1-indexed のため、raw array を直接ソートする用途では使われません。 ///
public class PriorityQueue { public static PriorityQueue Create(bool descending = false) { var c = Comparer.Default; return descending ? new PriorityQueue((x, y) => c.Compare(y, x)) : new PriorityQueue(c.Compare); } public static PriorityQueue Create(Func keySelector, bool descending = false) { if (keySelector == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(keySelector)); var c = Comparer.Default; return descending ? new PriorityQueue((x, y) => c.Compare(keySelector(y), keySelector(x))) : new PriorityQueue((x, y) => c.Compare(keySelector(x), keySelector(y))); } public static PriorityQueue CreateWithKey(Func keySelector, bool descending = false) { var c = Comparer.Default; return descending ? new PriorityQueue(keySelector, (x, y) => c.Compare(y.key, x.key)) : new PriorityQueue(keySelector, (x, y) => c.Compare(x.key, y.key)); } List l = new List { default }; Comparison c; public T First { get { if (l.Count <= 1) throw new InvalidOperationException("The heap is empty."); return l[1]; } } public int Count => l.Count - 1; public bool Any => l.Count > 1; internal PriorityQueue(Comparison comparison) { c = comparison ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(comparison)); } // x の親: x/2 // x の子: 2x, 2x+1 void UpHeap(int i) { for (int j; (j = i >> 1) > 0 && c(l[j], l[i]) > 0; i = j) (l[i], l[j]) = (l[j], l[i]); } void DownHeap(int i) { for (int j; (j = i << 1) < l.Count; i = j) { if (j + 1 < l.Count && c(l[j], l[j + 1]) > 0) j++; if (c(l[i], l[j]) > 0) (l[i], l[j]) = (l[j], l[i]); else break; } } public void Push(T value) { l.Add(value); UpHeap(l.Count - 1); } public void PushRange(IEnumerable values) { if (values != null) foreach (var v in values) Push(v); } public T Pop() { if (l.Count <= 1) throw new InvalidOperationException("The heap is empty."); var r = l[1]; l[1] = l[l.Count - 1]; l.RemoveAt(l.Count - 1); DownHeap(1); return r; } } // キーをキャッシュすることにより、キーが不変であることを保証します。 public class PriorityQueue : PriorityQueue<(T value, TKey key)> { Func KeySelector; internal PriorityQueue(Func keySelector, Comparison<(T value, TKey key)> comparison) : base(comparison) { KeySelector = keySelector ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(keySelector)); } public void Push(T value) { Push((value, KeySelector(value))); } public void PushRange(IEnumerable values) { if (values != null) foreach (var v in values) Push(v); } } }