w, h, x = map(int, input().split()) if x > 36: print(-1) elif x <= 9: if h % 3 == 0: line1 = "0" + str(x) + "0" else: line1 = str(x) + "00" line1 *= w // 3 + 1 line1 = line1[:w] lines = [line1, "0" * w, "0" * w] for l in range(h): print(lines[(l - int(h % 3 == 0)) % 3]) elif w > 1 and h > 1: if w % 3 == 2 and h % 3 == 2: line1 = str(x % 9) + str(int(x > 9) * 9) + "0" line1 *= w // 3 + 1 line1 = line1[:w] line2 = str(int(x > 18) * 9) + str(int(x > 27) * 9) + "0" line2 *= w // 3 + 1 line2 = line2[:w] line3 = "0" * w lines = [line1, line2, line3] for l in range(h): print(lines[l % 3]) else: print(-1) elif w == h == 1: if x > 9: print(-1) else: print(x) elif w == 1: if x > 18: print(-1) else: if h % 3 == 2: lines = [str(x % 9), str(int(x > 9) * 9), 0] for l in range(h): print(lines[l % 3]) else: print(-1) elif h == 1: if x > 18: print(-1) else: if w % 3 == 2: line1 = str(x % 9) + str(int(x > 9) * 9) + "0" line1 *= w // 3 + 1 line1 = line1[:w] print(line1) else: print(-1)