#include struct fast_io { fast_io() { std::ios::sync_with_stdio(false); std::cin.tie(nullptr); std::cout << std::fixed << std::setprecision(15); } } fast_io_; template struct implicit_treap { public: implicit_treap() : implicit_treap(0) {} implicit_treap(const int n) : implicit_treap(std::vector(n, e())) {} implicit_treap(const int n, S x) : implicit_treap(std::vector(n, x)) {} implicit_treap(const std::vector &v) { for(int i = v.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) insert(0, v[i]); } void insert(const int p, const S x) { assert(0 <= p and p <= size()); insert(root, p, std::make_shared(x, rnd())); } void erase(const int l, const int r) { assert(0 <= l and l <= r and r <= size()); erase(root, l, r); } void erase(const int p) { erase(root, p, p + 1); } void set(const int p, const S x) { assert(0 <= p and p < size()); set(root, p, x); } S get(const int p) { assert(0 <= p and p < size()); return prod(p, p + 1); } S prod(const int l, const int r) { assert(0 <= l and l <= r and r <= size()); return prod(root, l, r); } S all_prod() { return root != nullptr ? root->acc : e(); } S front() { return get(0); } S back() { return get(size() - 1); } void push_front(const S x) { insert(0, x); } void push_back(const S x) { insert(size(), x); } void pop_front() { assert(size()); erase(0); } void pop_back() { assert(size()); erase(size() - 1); } int size() const noexcept { return cnt(root); } bool empty() const noexcept { return cnt(root) == 0; } private: struct xorshift { uint32_t x = 123456789, y = 362436069, z = 521288629, w = 88675123; xorshift(uint32_t seed = 0) { z ^= seed; } uint32_t operator()() { uint32_t t = x ^ (x << 11); x = y; y = z; z = w; return w = (w ^ (w >> 19)) ^ (t ^ (t >> 8)); } }; xorshift rnd; struct node; using node_ptr = std::shared_ptr; struct node { S val, acc; uint32_t pri; int cnt; node_ptr l, r; node(S val, uint32_t pri) : val(val), acc(e()), pri(pri), cnt(1), l(nullptr), r(nullptr) {} }; node_ptr root = nullptr; int cnt(const node_ptr &t) const { return t != nullptr ? t->cnt : 0; } S acc(const node_ptr &t) const { return t != nullptr ? t->acc : e(); } void update(node_ptr &t) { if(t != nullptr) { t->cnt = cnt(t->l) + 1 + cnt(t->r); t->acc = op(acc(t->l), op(t->val, acc(t->r))); } } void split(node_ptr t, int key, node_ptr &l, node_ptr &r) { if(t == nullptr) { l = r = nullptr; return; } int implicit_key = cnt(t->l) + 1; if(key < implicit_key) split(t->l, key, l, t->l), r = t; else split(t->r, key - implicit_key, t->r, r), l = t; update(t); } void merge(node_ptr &t, node_ptr l, node_ptr r) { if(l == nullptr or r == nullptr) t = (l != nullptr ? l : r); else if(l->pri > r->pri) merge(l->r, l->r, r), t = l; else merge(r->l, l, r->l), t = r; update(t); } void insert(node_ptr &t, int key, node_ptr x) { node_ptr t1(nullptr), t2(nullptr); split(t, key, t1, t2); merge(t1, t1, x); merge(t, t1, t2); } void erase(node_ptr &t, int l, int r) { node_ptr t1(nullptr), t2(nullptr), t3(nullptr); split(t, r, t1, t2); split(t1, l, t1, t3); merge(t, t1, t2); } S prod(node_ptr &t, int l, int r) { node_ptr t1 = nullptr, t2 = nullptr, t3 = nullptr; split(t, l, t1, t2); split(t2, r - l, t2, t3); S ret = t2->acc; merge(t2, t2, t3); merge(t, t1, t2); return ret; } void set(node_ptr &t, const int p, const S x) { node_ptr t1 = nullptr, t2 = nullptr, t3 = nullptr; split(t, p, t1, t2); split(t2, 1, t2, t3); t2->val = x; merge(t2, t2, t3); merge(t, t1, t2); } }; using S = long long; S op(S x, S y) { return x + y; } S e() { return 0ll; } int main() { int n, q; std::cin >> n >> q; std::vector a(n, 0ll); for(auto &v : a) std::cin >> v; implicit_treap seg(a); while(q--) { int t, l, r; std::cin >> t >> l >> r; --l; if(t == 1) { long long sum = seg.prod(l, r); seg.erase(l, r); seg.insert(l, sum); } else std::cout << seg.prod(l, r) << '\n'; } return 0; }