lib C fun strtoll(s : UInt8*, p : UInt8**, b : Int32) : Int64 end class String def to_i64 C.strtoll(self, nil, 10) end end struct Edge(T) property to : Int32 property cost : T def initialize(@to, @cost) end end class Graph(T) getter size : Int32 getter graph : Array(Array(Edge(T))) def initialize(@size) @graph = Array(Array(Edge(T))).new(size) { Array(Edge(T)).new } end def add_edge(i : Int32, j : Int32, cost : T) graph[i] << Edge(T).new(j, cost) graph[j] << Edge(T).new(i, cost) end end # by hakatashi # # Copyright 2021 Google LLC # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. module AtCoder # Implements standard priority queue like [std::priority_queue]( # # ``` # q = AtCoder::PriorityQueue(Int64).new # q << 1_i64 # q << 3_i64 # q << 2_i64 # q.pop # => 3 # q.pop # => 2 # q.pop # => 1 # ``` class PriorityQueue(T) getter heap : Array(T) def initialize initialize(&.itself) end # Initializes queue with the custom comperator. # # ``` # q = AtCoder::PriorityQueue(Int64).new { |n| -n } # q << 1_i64 # q << 3_i64 # q << 2_i64 # q.pop # => 1 # q.pop # => 2 # q.pop # => 3 # ``` def initialize(&block : T -> (Int8 | Int16 | Int32 | Int64 | UInt8 | UInt16 | UInt32 | UInt64)) @heap = Array(T).new @priority_proc = block end # Pushes value into the queue. def push(v : T) @heap << v index = @heap.size - 1 while index != 0 parent = (index - 1) // 2 if[parent]) >=[index]) break end @heap[parent], @heap[index] = @heap[index], @heap[parent] index = parent end end # Alias of `push` def <<(v : T) push(v) end # Pops value from the queue. def pop if @heap.size == 0 return nil end if @heap.size == 1 return @heap.pop end ret = @heap.first @heap[0] = @heap.pop index = 0 while index * 2 + 1 < @heap.size child = if index * 2 + 2 < @heap.size &&[index * 2 + 1]) <[index * 2 + 2]) index * 2 + 2 else index * 2 + 1 end if[index]) >=[child]) break end @heap[child], @heap[index] = @heap[index], @heap[child] index = child end ret end # Returns `true` if the queue is empty. delegate :empty?, to: @heap # Returns size of the queue. delegate :size, to: @heap end end class Graph(T) def dijkstra(start) que = AtCoder::PriorityQueue({Int32, T}).new { |(vertex, dist)| -dist } que << {start,} dist =, T::MAX) dist[start] = while vd = que.pop v, d = vd next if dist[v] < d graph[v].each do |edge| if dist[] > dist[v] + edge.cost dist[] = dist[v] + edge.cost que << {, dist[]} end end end dist end end n, m, l = l -= 1 t = g = Graph(Int64).new(n) m.times do a, b, c = g.add_edge(a - 1, b - 1, c.to_i64) end puts(0) + exit if t.count { |i| i > 0 } == 1 dist = (0...n).map { |i| g.dijkstra(i) } puts (0...n).min_of { |i| (0...n).sum { |j| t[j] * dist[i][j] } * 2 + dist[l][i] - ((0...n).select { |j| t[j] > 0 }.max_of? { |j| dist[l][i] + dist[i][j] - dist[l][j] } || 0i64) }