import times, strutils, sequtils, math, algorithm, tables, sets, lists, intsets import critbits, future, strformat, deques,heapqueue template `max=`(x,y) = x = max(x,y) template `min=`(x,y) = x = min(x,y) template `mod=`(x,y) = x = x mod y template scan2 = (scan(), scan()) template scan3 = (scan(), scan()) let read* = iterator: string {.closure.} = while true: (for s in stdin.readLine.split: yield s) proc scan(): int = read().parseInt proc scanf(): float = read().parseFloat proc toInt(c:char): int = return int(c) - int('0') type Edge = ref object frm:int to:int rev:int cap:int icap:int cost:int var inf = int.high.div(4) proc minCostFlow(G:var seq[seq[Edge]],src,term:int,initFlow:int):int= var nodeNum = G.len dist = newseqwith(nodeNum,0) prevv = newseqwith(nodeNum,0) preve = newseqwith(nodeNum,0) flow = initFlow while flow>0: dist.fill(inf) dist[src] = 0 while true: var update = false for v in 0.. 0 and (dist[] > dist[v]+e.cost): dist[] = dist[v]+e.cost prevv[] = v preve[] = i update = true if not update:break if dist[term] == inf:return 0 var d = flow v = term while v != src: d.min=G[prevv[v]][preve[v]].cap v = prevv[v] flow-=d result+=dist[term]*d v = term while v!=src: var e:Edge = G[prevv[v]][preve[v]] re:Edge = G[][e.rev] e.cap-=d re.cap+=d v = prevv[v] return proc solve():int= var n = scan() c = scan() p = newseqwith(n,scan()) nodeNum = n+c+2 es = newseqwith(nodeNum,newseq[Edge]()) #cap = newseqwith(n+c+2,newseq[int]()) #cost = newseqwith(n+c+2,newseq[int]()) #es = newseqwith(n+c+2,newseq[int]()) src = 0 term = n+c+1 proc addEdge(s,t:int,cap:int,cost:int)= es[s].add(Edge(rev:es[t].len, frm:s,to:t,cap:cap,icap:cap,cost:cost)) es[t].add(Edge(rev:es[s].len-1,frm:t,to:s,cap:0,icap:0,cost: -cost)) for i in 1..c: addEdge(src,i,1,0) for i in 1..c: var (t,x)=(scan(),scan()) for v in c+1..c+n: if t==1: addEdge(i,v,1,-min(p[v-(c+1)],x)) else: addEdge(i,v,1,-(p[v-(c+1)]*x).div(100)) for v in c+1..c+n: addEdge(v,term,1,0) result = p.sum()+minCostFlow(es,src,term,n) var gain = 0 for i in 1..c: for e in es[i]: #echo fmt"{e.frm}, {}, {e.cap}, {e.icap}, ({e.cost})" if e.icap==1 and e.cap==0: #echo fmt"Coupon {i} : Goods {}" gain += e.cost return p.sum()+gain echo solve()