#include using namespace std; #pragma region atcoder #include #include using namespace atcoder; //using mint = modint998244353; //using mint = modint1000000007; #pragma endregion #pragma region debug for var, v, vv #define debug(var) do{std::cerr << #var << " : ";view(var);}while(0) template void view(T e){std::cerr << e << std::endl;} template void view(const std::vector& v){for(const auto& e : v){ std::cerr << e << " "; } std::cerr << std::endl;} template void view(const std::vector >& vv){cerr << endl;int cnt = 0;for(const auto& v : vv){cerr << cnt << "th : "; view(v); cnt++;} cerr << endl;} #pragma endregion using ll = long long; const ll mod = 1000000007; const int inf = 1001001001; const ll INF = 1001001001001001001ll; int dx[]={1,0,-1,0}; int dy[]={0,1,0,-1}; templatebool chmax(T &a, const K b) { if (abool chmin(T &a, const K b) { if (b0&&a%b); } // 20 / 3 == 7 ll rddiv(ll a, ll b) { return a/b-((a^b)<0&&a%b); } // -20 / 3 == -7 ll power(ll a, ll p){ll ret = 1; while(p){if(p & 1){ret = ret * a;} a = a * a; p >>= 1;} return ret;} ll modpow(ll a, ll p, ll m){ll ret = 1; while(p){if(p & 1){ret = ret * a % m;} a = a * a % m; p >>= 1;} return ret;} /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ template struct FormalPowerSeries : vector{ using vector::vector; using vector::operator=; using F = FormalPowerSeries; // operations in O(N) F operator-()const{ F res(*this); for (auto &e : res) e = -e; return res; } F &operator*=(const T &g) { for (auto &e : *this) e *= g; return *this; } F &operator/=(const T &g) { assert(g != T(0)); *this *= g.inv(); return *this; } F &operator+=(const F &g) { int n = (*this).size(), m = g.size(); for(int i = 0; i < min(n, m); i++) (*this)[i] += g[i]; return *this; } F &operator-=(const F &g) { int n = (*this).size(), m = g.size(); for(int i = 0; i < min(n, m); i++) (*this)[i] -= g[i]; return *this; } // f -> f*z^d F &operator<<=(const int d) { int n = (*this).size(); (*this).insert((*this).begin(), d, 0); (*this).resize(n); return *this; } // f -> f*z^(-d) F &operator>>=(const int d) { int n = (*this).size(); (*this).erase((*this).begin(), (*this).begin() + min(n, d)); (*this).resize(n); return *this; } // return 1/f, deg(1/f) = d - 1 // using atcoder::convolution F inv(int d = -1) const { int n = (*this).size(); assert(n != 0 && (*this)[0] != 0); if (d == -1) d = n; assert(d > 0); F res{(*this)[0].inv()}; while (res.size() < d){ int m = size(res); F f(begin(*this), begin(*this) + min(n, 2*m)); F r(res); f.resize(2*m), internal::butterfly(f); r.resize(2*m), internal::butterfly(r); for(int i = 0; i < 2*m; i++) f[i] *= r[i]; internal::butterfly_inv(f); f.erase(f.begin(), f.begin() + m); f.resize(2*m), internal::butterfly(f); for(int i = 0; i < 2*m; i++) f[i] *= r[i]; internal::butterfly_inv(f); T iz = T(2*m).inv(); iz *= -iz; for(int i = 0; i < m; i++) f[i] *= iz; res.insert(res.end(), f.begin(), f.begin() + m); } return {res.begin(), res.begin() + d}; } // computation for f*g & f/g, use either one of them //// fast: FMT-friendly modulus only -> O((N + M)log(N + M)) /* F &operator*=(const F &g) { int n = (*this).size(); *this = convolution(*this, g); (*this).resize(n); return *this; } F &operator/=(const F &g) { int n = (*this).size(); *this = convolution(*this, g.inv(n)); (*this).resize(n); return *this; } */ //// naive -> O(NM) /* F &operator*=(const F &g) { int n = (*this).size(), m = g.size(); for(int i = n - 1; i >= 0; i--) { (*this)[i] *= g[0]; for(int j = 1; j < min(i+1, m); j++) (*this)[i] += (*this)[i-j] * g[j]; } return *this; } F &operator/=(const F &g) { assert(g[0] != T(0)); T ig0 = g[0].inv(); int n = (*this).size(), m = g.size(); for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) { for(int j = 1; j < min(i+1, m); j++) (*this)[i] -= (*this)[i-j] * g[j]; (*this)[i] *= ig0; } return *this; } */ // sparse(the coefficiets in g have K non-0s) O(NK) // give the pair of (degree, coefficient) in this function // f -> f*g F &operator*=(vector> g) { int n = (*this).size(); auto [d, c] = g.front(); if (d == 0) g.erase(g.begin()); else c = 0; for(int i = n - 1; i >= 0; i--){ (*this)[i] *= c; for (auto &[j, b] : g) { if (j > i) break; (*this)[i] += (*this)[i-j] * b; } } return *this; } // f -> f/g F &operator/=(vector> g) { int n = (*this).size(); auto [d, c] = g.front(); assert(d == 0 && c != T(0)); T ic = c.inv(); g.erase(g.begin()); for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) { for (auto &[j, b] : g) { if (j > i) break; (*this)[i] -= (*this)[i-j] * b; } (*this)[i] *= ic; } return *this; } // f -> f*(1 + c*z^d) in O(N) void multiply(const int d, const T c) { int n = (*this).size(); if (c == T(1)) for(int i = n-d-1; i >= 0; i--) (*this)[i+d] += (*this)[i]; else if (c == T(-1)) for(int i = n-d-1; i >= 0; i--) (*this)[i+d] -= (*this)[i]; else for(int i = n-d-1; i >= 0; i--) (*this)[i+d] += (*this)[i] * c; } // f -> f/(1 + c*z^d) in O(N) void divide(const int d, const T c) { int n = (*this).size(); if (c == T(1)) for(int i = 0; i < n-d; i++) (*this)[i+d] -= (*this)[i]; else if (c == T(-1)) for(int i = 0; i < n-d; i++) (*this)[i+d] += (*this)[i]; else for(int i = 0; i < n-d; i++) (*this)[i+d] -= (*this)[i] * c; } // return f(a) T eval(const T &a) const { T x(1), res(0); for (auto e : *this) res += e * x, x *= a; return res; } F operator*(const T &g)const{return F(*this) *= g;} F operator/(const T &g)const{return F(*this) /= g;} F operator+(const F &g)const{return F(*this) += g;} F operator-(const F &g)const{return F(*this) -= g;} F operator<<(const int d)const{return F(*this) <<= d;} F operator>>(const int d)const{return F(*this) >>= d;} F operator*(const F &g)const{return F(*this) *= g;} F operator/(const F &g)const{return F(*this) /= g;} F operator*(vector> g)const{ return F(*this) *= g;} F operator/(vector> g)const{ return F(*this) /= g;} }; using mint = modint998244353; using fps = FormalPowerSeries; using sfps = vector>; mint a[110]; typedef long long ll; ll MOD = 998244353; mint pw(mint a,ll x){ mint ret = 1; while(x){ if(x&1) (ret *= a); (a *= a); x /= 2; } return ret; } vector d; mint A[110]; ll cnt[1000010] = {}; int main(){ cin.tie(nullptr); ios::sync_with_stdio(false); //cout << fixed << setprecision(20); int i,j,n; mint pr = -1,u = -1; cin >> n; MOD--; for(i=1;i*i> x; A[i] = x; cnt[x]++; } mint ans = 0; for(i=1;i<=1000000;i++){ if(!cnt[i]) continue; fps f(201); f[0] = 1; int num = 0; for(j=0;j