#!/usr/bin/python from collections import deque h,w = map(int, raw_input().split()) a,si,sj = map(int,raw_input().split()) b,gi,gj = map(int,raw_input().split()) if ((abs(si-gi) ^ abs(sj-gj) ^ a ^ b) & 1) == 1: print("No") quit() m = [raw_input() for i in range(h)] ma = max(a+h+w-1,b+2*(h+w)) used = [[[False] * (ma+1) for j in range(w)] for i in range(h)] d = [0,1,0,-1] q = deque([a << 16 | si << 8 | sj]); used[si][sj][a] = True while len(q) > 0: p = q.popleft() cs = p >> 16 ci = p >> 8 & 0xff cj = p & 0xff for i in range(4): ni = ci + d[i] nj = cj + d[i^1] if ni < 0 or ni >= h or nj < 0 or nj >= w : continue ns = cs + (1 if m[ni][nj] == '*' else -1) if ns > ma or ns <= 0 or used[ni][nj][ns]: continue used[ni][nj][ns] = True if (ni == gi and nj == gj and ns == b): q.clear() break else: q.append(ns << 16 | ni << 8 | nj) print("Yes" if used[gi][gj][b] else "No")