module Cp : sig val string_1_list_of_string: string -> string list val split_on_char: char -> string -> string list val read_int_list: unit -> int list end = struct let string_1_list_of_string x = String.to_seq x |> List.of_seq |> (String.make 1);; let split_on_char sep s = (* from OCaml Standard Library 4.12 *) let r = ref [] in let j = ref (String.length s) in for i = String.length s - 1 downto 0 do if String.unsafe_get s i = sep then begin r := String.sub s (i + 1) (!j - i - 1) :: !r; j := i end done; String.sub s 0 !j :: !r;; let read_int_list () = read_line () |> split_on_char ' ' |> int_of_string;; end let rec puyopuyo lst abc = match abc with | [] -> true | hd::tl -> match lst with | [] -> false | lhd::_ when hd < String.length lhd -> false | lhd::ltl when hd = String.length lhd -> puyopuyo ltl tl | lhd::ltl when hd > String.length lhd -> puyopuyo ltl ((hd - (String.length lhd)) :: tl) | _ -> failwith "WTF !!!! ( o____o ) !!!!" let rec solve lst abc result = match lst with | [] -> failwith "WTF!!!" | _ when List.length lst < 3 -> result | _::tl -> if (puyopuyo lst abc) then solve tl abc (result + 1) else solve tl abc result;; let rec start lst abc = solve lst abc 0;; let () = read_line () |> ignore; let abc = Cp.read_int_list () in let lst = Cp.split_on_char ' ' (read_line ()) in solve lst abc 0 |> print_int; print_newline ();;