import sys input = sys.stdin.readline import heapq N,S,T,K=map(int,input().split()) X=[0]+list(map(int,input().split())) M=int(input()) E=[[] for i in range(N+1)] for i in range(M): a,b,y=map(int,input().split()) E[a].append((b,y)) DP=[1<<60]*(N+1) FR=[-1]*(N+1) DP[S]=X[S] Q=[(X[S],S)] while Q: time,ind=heapq.heappop(Q) if time>DP[ind]: continue for to,cost in E[ind]: if DP[to]>DP[ind]+X[to]+cost: DP[to]=DP[ind]+X[to]+cost FR[to]=ind heapq.heappush(Q,(DP[to],to)) if DP[T]==1<<60: print("Impossible") exit() ANS=[] now=T while now!=-1: ANS.append(now) now=FR[now] if len(ANS)>=K: print("Possible") print(DP[T]) print(len(ANS)) print(*ANS[::-1]) exit() DP=[[1<<60]*(N+1) for i in range(10**6+1)] FR=[[-1]*(N+1) for i in range(10**6+1)] DP[0][S]=X[S] ANSX=1<<60 Q=[S] ANSC=-1 for i in range(10**6): NQ=[] while Q: x=Q.pop() for to,cost in E[x]: if DP[i+1][to]>DP[i][x]+cost+X[to] and DP[i][x]+cost+X[to]DP[i][T] and i>=K-1: ANSX=DP[i][T] ANSC=i if ANSC==-1: print("Impossible") else: print("Possible") print(ANSX) ANS=[T] for j in range(ANSC,0,-1): ANS.append(FR[j][ANS[-1]]) print(len(ANS)) print(*ANS[::-1])