require "big" def solve(io) n = io.get uf = (n * (n - 1) // 2).times do ai, bi, ci = io.get(Int32, Int32, String); ai -= 1; bi -= 1 uf.unite(ai, bi) io.put_e ci if uf.count_forests == 1 end end class ProconIO def initialize(@ins : IO = STDIN, @outs : IO = STDOUT) @buf ="") end def get(k : T.class = Int32) forall T get_v(k) end macro define_get {% for i in (2..9) %} def get({{ *(1..i).map { |j| "k#{j}".id } }}) { {{ *(1..i).map { |j| "get(k#{j})".id } }} } end {% end %} end define_get macro define_getn {% for i in (2..9) %} def get{{i}}(k : T.class = Int32) forall T get({{ *(1..i).map { "k".id } }}) end {% end %} end define_getn def get_a(n : Int, k : T.class = Int32) forall T { get_v(k) } end def get_c(n : Int, k : T.class = Int32) forall T get_a(n, k) end macro define_get_c {% for i in (2..9) %} def get_c(n : Int, {{ *(1..i).map { |j| "k#{j}".id } }}) a = { get({{ *(1..i).map { |j| "k#{j}".id } }}) } { {{ *(1..i).map { |j| " { |e| e[#{j-1}] }".id } }} } end {% end %} end define_get_c macro define_getn_c {% for i in (2..9) %} def get{{i}}_c(n : Int, k : T.class = Int32) forall T get_c(n, {{ *(1..i).map { "k".id } }}) end {% end %} end define_getn_c def get_m(r : Int, c : Int, k : T.class = Int32) forall T { get_a(c, k) } end macro define_put {% for i in (1..9) %} def put({{ *(1..i).map { |j| "v#{j}".id } }}, *, delimiter = " ") {% for j in (1..i) %} print_v(v{{j}}, delimiter) {% if j < i %}@outs << delimiter{% end %} {% end %} @outs.puts end {% end %} end define_put def put_e(*vs) put(*vs) exit end def put_f(*vs) put(*vs) @outs.flush end private def get_v(k : Int32.class); get_token.to_i32; end private def get_v(k : Int64.class); get_token.to_i64; end private def get_v(k : UInt32.class); get_token.to_u32; end private def get_v(k : UInt64.class); get_token.to_u64; end private def get_v(k : Float64.class); get_token.to_f64; end private def get_v(k : String.class); get_token; end private def get_token loop do token = @buf.gets(' ', chomp: true) break token unless token.nil? @buf = end end private def print_v(v, dlimiter) @outs << v end private def print_v(v : Enumerable, delimiter) v.each_with_index do |e, i| @outs << e @outs << delimiter if i < v.size - 1 end end end struct Int def cdiv(b : Int) (self + b - 1) // b end def bit?(i : Int) bit(i) == 1 end def set_bit(i : Int) self | ( << i) end def reset_bit(i : Int) self & ~( << i) end {% if compare_versions(env("CRYSTAL_VERSION") || "0.0.0", "0.35.0") < 0 %} def digits(base = 10) raise"Invalid base #{base}") if base < 2 raise"Can't request digits of negative number") if self < 0 return [0] if self == 0 num = self digits_count = (Math.log(self.to_f + 1) / Math.log(base)).ceil.to_i ary = Array(Int32).new(digits_count) while num != 0 ary << num.remainder(base).to_i num = num.tdiv(base) end ary end {% end %} {% if compare_versions(env("CRYSTAL_VERSION") || "0.0.0", "0.34.0") < 0 %} def bit_length : Int32 x = self < 0 ? ~self : self if x.is_a?(Int::Primitive) * 8 - x.leading_zeros_count) else to_s(2).size end end {% end %} end struct Float64 def near?(x) (self - x).abs <= (self.abs < x.abs ? x.abs : self.abs) * EPSILON end end struct Number {% if compare_versions(env("CRYSTAL_VERSION") || "0.0.0", "1.1.0") < 0 %} def zero? self == 0 end def positive? self > 0 end def negative? self < 0 end {% end %} {% if compare_versions(env("CRYSTAL_VERSION") || "0.0.0", "0.36.0") < 0 %} def self.additive_identity zero end def self.multiplicative_identity new(1) end {% end %} end class Array macro new_md(*args, &block) {% if !block %} {% for arg, i in args[0...-2] %}{{arg}}) { {% end %}{{args[-2]}}, {{args[-1]}}) {% for arg in args[0...-2] %} } {% end %} {% else %} {% for arg, i in args %}{{arg}}) { |_i{{i}}| {% end %} {% for block_arg, i in block.args %} {{block_arg}} = _i{{i}} {% end %} {{block.body}} {% for arg in args %} } {% end %} {% end %} end end module Math {% if compare_versions(env("CRYSTAL_VERSION") || "0.0.0", "1.2.0") < 0 %} def isqrt(value : Int::Primitive) raise "Input must be non-negative integer" if value < 0 return value if value < 2 res = bit = res.succ << (res.leading_zeros_count - 2) bit >>= value.leading_zeros_count & ~0x3 while (bit != 0) if value >= res + bit value -= res + bit res = (res >> 1) + bit else res >>= 1 end bit >>= 2 end res end {% end %} end macro min_u(a, b) {{a}} = Math.min({{a}}, {{b}}) end macro max_u(a, b) {{a}} = Math.max({{a}}, {{b}}) end macro zip(a, *b, &block) {{a}}.zip({{*b}}) {{block}} end class UnionFind def initialize(@n : Int32) @s = @n @p =, @s) @cf = @n @cn =, 1) end def unite(u : Int, v : Int) pu, pv = subst(u), subst(v) if pu != pv @p[pv] = pu @cf -= 1 @cn[pu] += @cn[pv] end pu != pv end def subst(u : Int) : Int32 @p[u] == @s ? u.to_i32 : (@p[u] = subst(@p[u])) end def same?(u : Int, v : Int) subst(u) == subst(v) end def count_forests @cf end def count_nodes_of(u : Int) @cn[subst(u)] end @p : Array(Int32) @cn : Array(Int32) end solve(