import sys sys.setrecursionlimit(10**6) # 再帰関数使う時有効 H, W = map(int, input().split()) U, D, R, L, K, P = map(int, input().split()) x, y, xt, yt = map(int, input().split()) start = [x-1, y-1] goal = [xt-1, yt-1] allow = [[1, 0], [0, 1], [-1, 0], [0, -1]] allow_cost = [D, R, U, L] C = [input() for i in range(H)] # def fps(now, cost): # if now == goal: # return cost # ans = 10**13+8 # for i in range(4): # nextx = now[0]+allow[i][0] # nexty = now[1]+allow[i][1] # if not (0 <= nextx < H and 0 <= nexty < W): # continue # if C[nextx][nexty] == '.': # new_cost = cost+allow_cost[i] # elif C[nextx][nexty] == '@': # new_cost = cost+allow_cost[i]+P # else: # continue # ans = min(ans, fps([nextx, nexty], new_cost)) # return ans dp = [[-1]*W for i in range(H)] dp[start[0]][start[1]] = 0 q = [start] while q: now = q.pop() for i in range(4): nextx = now[0]+allow[i][0] nexty = now[1]+allow[i][1] if not (0 <= nextx < H and 0 <= nexty < W): continue if C[nextx][nexty] == '.': new_cost = dp[now[0]][now[1]]+allow_cost[i] elif C[nextx][nexty] == '@': new_cost = dp[now[0]][now[1]]+allow_cost[i]+P else: continue if dp[nextx][nexty] == -1 or dp[nextx][nexty] > new_cost: dp[nextx][nexty] = new_cost q.append([nextx, nexty]) if dp[goal[0]][goal[1]] <= K and dp[goal[0]][goal[1]] != -1: print('Yes') else: print('No')