# import sys # #sys.setrecursionlimit(1000000) # input = sys.stdin.readline def mp():return map(int,input().split()) def lmp():return list(map(int,input().split())) import math import bisect from copy import deepcopy as dc from itertools import accumulate from collections import Counter, defaultdict, deque import itertools def ceil(U,V):return (U+V-1)//V def modf1(N,MOD):return (N-1)%MOD+1 inf = int(1e30) mod = 998244353 n = int(input()) s = input() alpha = [""]*720 for i in range(26): for j in range(26): alpha[(i+1)*26+j+1] = chr(ord("a")+i) + chr(ord(("a"))+j) if n == 1: if s == "?":print(26) else:print(1) exit() dp = [0]*720 tar = s[:2] if "?" not in tar: a = modf1(ord(tar[0]) - ord("a")+1,26) b = modf1(ord(tar[1]) - ord("a")+1,26) dp[a*26+b] += 1 elif tar[0] != "?" and tar[1] == "?": a = modf1(ord(tar[0]) - ord("a")+1,26) for j in range(26): if a-1 != j:dp[a*26+j+1] += 1 elif tar[0] == "?" and tar[1] != "?": b = modf1(ord(tar[0]) - ord("a")+1,26) for i in range(26): if b-1 != i:dp[(i+1)*26+b] += 1 else: for i in range(26): for j in range(26): if i != j:dp[(i+1)*26+j+1] += 1 #print(dp) for i in range(2,n): now = [0]*720 tar = s[i] if tar != "?": for j in range(27,703): if alpha[j][0] != tar and alpha[j][1] != tar: a = modf1(ord(alpha[j][1]) - ord("a")+1,26) b = modf1(ord(tar) - ord("a")+1,26) now[a*26+b] += dp[j] else: for j in range(27,703): for k in range(26): nxt = chr(ord("a")+k) if nxt not in alpha[j]: a = modf1(ord(alpha[j][1]) - ord("a") + 1, 26) b = modf1(ord(nxt) - ord("a") + 1, 26) now[a * 26 + b] += dp[j] #print(a * 26 + b) for i in range(27,703): now[i] %= mod dp = now print(sum(dp)%mod)