#include #define REP_(i, a_, b_, a, b, ...) \ for (int i = (a), END_##i = (b); i < END_##i; ++i) #define REP(i, ...) REP_(i, __VA_ARGS__, __VA_ARGS__, 0, __VA_ARGS__) #define ALL(x) std::begin(x), std::end(x) using i64 = long long; template inline bool chmax(T &a, U b) { return a < b and ((a = std::move(b)), true); } template inline bool chmin(T &a, U b) { return a > b and ((a = std::move(b)), true); } template inline int ssize(const T &a) { return (int) std::size(a); } template std::istream &operator>>(std::istream &is, std::vector &a) { for (auto &x: a) is >> x; return is; } template std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const std::pair &a) { return os << "(" << a.first << ", " << a.second << ")"; } template std::ostream &print_seq(const Container &a, std::string_view sep = " ", std::string_view ends = "\n", std::ostream &os = std::cout) { auto b = std::begin(a), e = std::end(a); for (auto it = std::begin(a); it != e; ++it) { if (it != b) os << sep; os << *it; } return os << ends; } template struct is_iterable : std::false_type {}; template struct is_iterable())), decltype(std::end(std::declval()))>> : std::true_type { }; template::value && !std::is_same::value && !std::is_same::value>> std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const T &a) { return print_seq(a, ", ", "", (os << "{")) << "}"; } void print() { std::cout << "\n"; } template void print(const T &x) { std::cout << x << "\n"; } template void print(const Head &head, Tail... tail) { std::cout << head << " "; print(tail...); } struct Input { template operator T() const { T x; std::cin >> x; return x; } } in; #ifdef MY_DEBUG #include "debug_dump.hpp" #else #define DUMP(...) #endif using namespace std; // Disjoint half-open intervals [l, r) (mapping l to r). class HalfOpenIntervalSet : public std::map { public: // If true, automatically merges [l, c) and [c, r). bool merge_adjacent; i64 max_len; HalfOpenIntervalSet(bool merge_adjacent = true) : merge_adjacent(merge_adjacent), max_len(0) {} // Returns the interval [l, r) which contains p if available. // Otherwise returns this->end(). std::map::iterator find_interval(i64 p) { auto it = upper_bound(p); if (it != begin()) { --it; if (it->second > p) return it; } return end(); } // Inserts interval [l, r) void add_interval(i64 l, i64 r) { auto itl = upper_bound(l), itr = upper_bound(r - 1 + merge_adjacent); if (itl != begin()) { --itl; if (itl->second <= l - merge_adjacent) ++itl; } if (itl != itr) { l = std::min(l, itl->first); r = std::max(r, std::prev(itr)->second); erase(itl, itr); } (*this)[l] = r; chmax(max_len, r - l); } // Removes interval [l, r) void remove_interval(i64 l, i64 r) { auto itl = upper_bound(l), itr = upper_bound(r - 1); if (itl != begin()) { --itl; if (itl->second <= l) ++itl; } if (itl == itr) return; i64 tl = std::min(l, itl->first); i64 tr = std::max(r, std::prev(itr)->second); erase(itl, itr); if (tl < l) (*this)[tl] = l; if (r < tr) (*this)[r] = tr; } // Are p and q in the same interval? bool same(i64 p, i64 q) { const auto it = find_interval(p); return it != end() and it->first <= q and q < it->second; } // Minimum excluded value greater than or equal to X. i64 mex(int bottom = 0) { const auto it = find_interval(bottom); if (it == end()) return bottom; return it->second; } }; auto main() -> int { ios_base::sync_with_stdio(false), cin.tie(nullptr); i64 D = in, Q = in; HalfOpenIntervalSet ivs; REP(qi, Q) { i64 a = in, b = in; ivs.add_interval(a, b + 1); print(ivs.max_len); } }