local mfl, mce = math.floor, math.ceil local mmi, mma = math.min, math.max local bls, brs = bit.lshift, bit.rshift local SegTree = {} SegTree.updateAll = function(self) for i = self.stagenum - 1, 1, -1 do local cnt = bls(1, i - 1) for j = 1, cnt do self.stage[i][j] = self.func(self.stage[i + 1][j * 2 - 1], self.stage[i + 1][j * 2]) end end end SegTree.create = function(self, n, func, emptyvalue) self.func, self.emptyvalue = func, emptyvalue local stagenum, mul = 1, 1 self.stage = {{}} while mul < n do mul, stagenum = mul * 2, stagenum + 1 self.stage[stagenum] = {} end self.stagenum = stagenum self.left_stage = {} for i = 1, n do local sp, sz = 1, bls(1, stagenum - 1) while(i - 1) % sz ~= 0 do sp, sz = sp + 1, brs(sz, 1) end self.left_stage[i] = sp end self.sz_stage = {} local tmp, sp = 1, stagenum for i = 1, n do if tmp * 2 == i then tmp, sp = tmp * 2, sp - 1 end self.sz_stage[i] = sp end for i = 1, mul do self.stage[stagenum][i] = emptyvalue end self:updateAll() end SegTree.getRange = function(self, left, right) if left == right then return self.stage[self.stagenum][left] end local stagenum = self.stagenum local ret = self.emptyvalue while left <= right do local stage = mma(self.left_stage[left], self.sz_stage[right - left + 1]) local sz = bls(1, stagenum - stage) ret = self.func(ret, self.stage[stage][1 + brs(left - 1, stagenum - stage)]) left = left + sz end return ret end SegTree.update = function(self, idx) for i = self.stagenum - 1, 1, -1 do local dst = brs(idx + 1, 1) local rem = dst * 4 - 1 - idx self.stage[i][dst] = self.func(self.stage[i + 1][idx], self.stage[i + 1][rem]) idx = dst end end SegTree.setValue = function(self, idx, value, silent) self.stage[self.stagenum][idx] = value if not silent then self:update(idx) end end SegTree.new = function(n, func, emptyvalue) local obj = {} setmetatable(obj, {__index = SegTree}) obj:create(n, func, emptyvalue) return obj end local Heapq = {} Heapq.create = function(self, lt) self.lt = lt self.cnt = 0 self.t = {} end Heapq.push = function(self, v) local hqlt = self.lt local hqt = self.t local c = self.cnt + 1 self.cnt = c hqt[c] = v while 1 < c do local p = brs(c, 1) if hqlt(hqt[c], hqt[p]) then hqt[c], hqt[p] = hqt[p], hqt[c] c = p else break end end end Heapq.empty = function(self) return self.cnt == 0 end Heapq.top = function(self) if self:empty() then return nil end return self.t[1] end Heapq.pop = function(self) local hqlt = self.lt local hqt = self.t local ret = hqt[1] local c = self.cnt hqt[1] = hqt[c] c = c - 1 self.cnt = c local p = 1 while true do local d1, d2 = p * 2, p * 2 + 1 if c < d1 then break elseif c < d2 then if hqlt(hqt[d1], hqt[p]) then hqt[d1], hqt[p] = hqt[p], hqt[d1] end break else if hqlt(hqt[d1], hqt[d2]) then if hqlt(hqt[d1], hqt[p]) then hqt[d1], hqt[p] = hqt[p], hqt[d1] p = d1 else break end else if hqlt(hqt[d2], hqt[p]) then hqt[d2], hqt[p] = hqt[p], hqt[d2] p = d2 else break end end end end return ret end Heapq.new = function(lt) local obj = {} setmetatable(obj, {__index = Heapq}) obj:create(lt) return obj end local n, q = io.read("*n", "*n") local add, rm = {}, {} for i = 1, n do add[i], rm[i] = {}, {} end local lq, rq, bq = {}, {}, {} for iq = 1, q do local l, r, b = io.read("*n", "*n", "*n") lq[iq], rq[iq], bq[iq] = l, r, b table.insert(add[l], b) if r < n then table.insert(rm[r + 1], b) end end local hqadd = Heapq.new(function(x, y) return x > y end) local hqrm = Heapq.new(function(x, y) return x > y end) local st = SegTree.new(n, mmi, 1000000007) hqadd:push(1) for i = 1, n do for j = 1, #add[i] do hqadd:push(add[i][j]) end for j = 1, #rm[i] do hqrm:push(rm[i][j]) end while not hqrm:empty() and hqrm:top() == hqadd:top() do hqrm:pop() hqadd:pop() end st:setValue(i, hqadd:top(), true) end st:updateAll() local valid = true for iq = 1, q do local l, r, b = lq[iq], rq[iq], bq[iq] if st:getRange(l, r) ~= b then valid = false break end end if valid then for i = 1, n do io.write(st:getRange(i, i)) io.write(i == n and "\n" or " ") end else print(-1) end