bool TEST = false; using namespace std; #include #include #define rep(i,n) for(int (i)=0;(i)<(ll)(n);i++) #define rrep(i,n) for(int (i)=(ll)(n)-1;(i)>=0;i--) #define range(i,start,end,step) for(int (i)=start;(i)<(ll)(end);(i)+=(step)) #define rrange(i,start,end,step) for(int (i)=start;(i)>(ll)(end);(i)+=(step)) #define dump(x) cerr << "Line " << __LINE__ << ": " << #x << " = " << (x) << "\n"; #define spa << " " << #define fi first #define se second #define all(a) (a).begin(),(a).end() #define allr(a) (a).rbegin(),(a).rend() using ld = long double; using ll = long long; using ull = unsigned long long; using pii = pair; using pll = pair; using pdd = pair; template using V = vector; template using VV = V>; template using P = pair; template using M = map; template using S = set; template using UM = unordered_map; template using PQ = priority_queue, greater>; template using rPQ = priority_queue, less>; template vector make_vec(size_t n, T a) { return vector(n, a); } template auto make_vec(size_t n, Ts... ts) { return vector(n, make_vec(ts...)); } template ostream& operator << (ostream& os, const pair v){os << "(" << v.first << ", " << v.second << ")"; return os;} template ostream& operator<<(ostream &os, const vector &v) { for (auto &e : v) os << e << ' '; return os; } template ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const vector> &v){ for(auto &e : v){os << e << "\n";} return os;} struct fast_ios { fast_ios(){ cin.tie(nullptr); ios::sync_with_stdio(false); cout << fixed << setprecision(20); }; } fast_ios_; template void UNIQUE(vector &x) {sort(all(x));x.erase(unique(all(x)), x.end());} template bool chmax(T &a, const T &b) { if (a bool chmin(T &a, const T &b) { if (a>b) { a=b; return 1; } return 0; } void fail() { cout << -1 << '\n'; exit(0); } inline int popcount(const int x) { return __builtin_popcount(x); } inline int popcount(const ll x) { return __builtin_popcountll(x); } template void debug(vector>&v){for(ll i=0;i void debug(vector&v){if(v.size()!=0)cerr< P divmod(T a, T b) {return make_pair(a/b, a%b);} const ll INF = (1ll<<62); // const ld EPS = 1e-10; // const ld PI = acos(-1.0); template struct simple_queue { std::vector payload; int pos = 0; void reserve(int n) { payload.reserve(n); } int size() const { return int(payload.size()) - pos; } bool empty() const { return pos == int(payload.size()); } void push(const T& t) { payload.push_back(t); } T& front() { return payload[pos]; } void clear() { payload.clear(); pos = 0; } void pop() { pos++; } }; template struct mf_graph { public: mf_graph() : _n(0) {} explicit mf_graph(int n) : _n(n), g(n) {} int add_edge(int from, int to, Cap cap) { assert(0 <= from && from < _n); assert(0 <= to && to < _n); assert(0 <= cap); int m = int(pos.size()); pos.push_back({from, int(g[from].size())}); int from_id = int(g[from].size()); int to_id = int(g[to].size()); if (from == to) to_id++; g[from].push_back(_edge{to, to_id, cap}); g[to].push_back(_edge{from, from_id, 0}); return m; } struct edge { int from, to; Cap cap, flow; }; edge get_edge(int i) { int m = int(pos.size()); assert(0 <= i && i < m); auto _e = g[pos[i].first][pos[i].second]; auto _re = g[][_e.rev]; return edge{pos[i].first,, _e.cap + _re.cap, _re.cap}; } std::vector edges() { int m = int(pos.size()); std::vector result; for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) { result.push_back(get_edge(i)); } return result; } void change_edge(int i, Cap new_cap, Cap new_flow) { int m = int(pos.size()); assert(0 <= i && i < m); assert(0 <= new_flow && new_flow <= new_cap); auto& _e = g[pos[i].first][pos[i].second]; auto& _re = g[][_e.rev]; _e.cap = new_cap - new_flow; _re.cap = new_flow; } Cap flow(int s, int t) { return flow(s, t, std::numeric_limits::max()); } Cap flow(int s, int t, Cap flow_limit) { assert(0 <= s && s < _n); assert(0 <= t && t < _n); assert(s != t); std::vector level(_n), iter(_n); simple_queue que; auto bfs = [&]() { std::fill(level.begin(), level.end(), -1); level[s] = 0; que.clear(); que.push(s); while (!que.empty()) { int v = que.front(); que.pop(); for (auto e : g[v]) { if (e.cap == 0 || level[] >= 0) continue; level[] = level[v] + 1; if ( == t) return; que.push(; } } }; auto dfs = [&](auto self, int v, Cap up) { if (v == s) return up; Cap res = 0; int level_v = level[v]; for (int& i = iter[v]; i < int(g[v].size()); i++) { _edge& e = g[v][i]; if (level_v <= level[] || g[][e.rev].cap == 0) continue; Cap d = self(self,, std::min(up - res, g[][e.rev].cap)); if (d <= 0) continue; g[v][i].cap += d; g[][e.rev].cap -= d; res += d; if (res == up) return res; } level[v] = _n; return res; }; Cap flow = 0; while (flow < flow_limit) { bfs(); if (level[t] == -1) break; std::fill(iter.begin(), iter.end(), 0); Cap f = dfs(dfs, t, flow_limit - flow); if (!f) break; flow += f; } return flow; } std::vector min_cut(int s) { std::vector visited(_n); simple_queue que; que.push(s); while (!que.empty()) { int p = que.front(); que.pop(); visited[p] = true; for (auto e : g[p]) { if (e.cap && !visited[]) { visited[] = true; que.push(; } } } return visited; } private: int _n; struct _edge { int to, rev; Cap cap; }; std::vector> pos; std::vector> g; }; void Main(){ ll h,w; cin >> h >> w; VV gs(h, V(w)); rep(i,h) rep(j,w) cin >> gs[i][j]; V r(h); V c(w); ll rr = 0; ll cc = 0; rep(i,h) cin >> r[i]; rep(i,h) rr += r[i]; rep(j,w) cin >> c[j]; rep(j,w) cc += c[j]; // debug(gs); // debug(r); // debug(c); ll s = h+w; ll t = h+w+1; mf_graph g(h+w+2); rep(i,h) { ll ss = 0; rep(j,w) ss += gs[i][j]; g.add_edge(s, i, ss); g.add_edge(i, t, r[i]); } rep(j,w) { g.add_edge(s, j+h, 0); g.add_edge(j+h, t, c[j]); rep(i,h) g.add_edge(i, j+h, gs[i][j]); } auto ans = g.flow(s,t); cout << -(ans - rr - cc) << endl; } int main(void){ std::ifstream in("tmp_in"); if (TEST) { std::cin.rdbuf(in.rdbuf()); std::cout << std::fixed << std::setprecision(15); } else { std::cin.tie(nullptr); std::ios_base::sync_with_stdio(false); std::cout << std::fixed << std::setprecision(15); } Main(); }